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Items tagged with: introduction

FediTip of the day:

If you're new, you might want to post an #introduction post littered with hashtags that are related to your interests.

A lot of people browse that hashtag to find new users and help them along.

A lot of instances don't allow full text search, therefore hashtags are their only way of seeing your posts.

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #ActivityPub #MastoTip #FediTips

Hello #fediverse 👋 I actually re-joined #mastodon after taking a social media break. I'm interested in horror movies, cyberpunk, mythology, melodic rock, Japanese Culture - especially hentai, anime & manga. I love making digital art & 3D modeling; doing all my work with a Coıre i3 + 16GB RAM + GT1030.

I'm hoping to share some of my humble artwork here - which is not for everyone. Also I'm not interested in pandemix, politics & conspiracy theories.

#introduction #cyberpunk
#artistsonmastodon #art
#digitalart #conceptart

Hello everyone! We're Ely and Enrique, and we make games!

In this account we'll share our progress, participation on game jams, announcements and things we do under a single team name!

We mostly use open-source tools, like #GodotEngine and #Blender. You can navigate through the different links on our profile to see our projects.

We speak #Catalan, #Spanish and #English. 😁

Thanks and nice to meet you!

#introduction #gamedev #IndieDev #Godot #MadeWithGodot #Blender #Brunyols #IndieGameDev

New instance, new #introduction:neocat:
I'm Naiara, a trans girl that happens to be a software dev, happens to live in Argentina, and happens to be taken by uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu

I'm a pegasister 🦄, anime lover ​:senkohappy:​, and casual gamer 🎮. I'll be updating my bio regularly with the animes I'm currently watching and the games I'm currently playing uwu

My posts here are going to be related to... whatever that comes to my mind at that moment, so expect random stuff ​:ElainaXD:
potatoes are life 🥔❤️

Greetings! I'm relocating from another instance after my account was hacked and I was kicked for spamming. Hopefully things are run more securely here. Helpless twitter addict, technology/science enthusiast, very tired activist, #opensource promoter, #bookwyrm enjoyer, #thorium booster, #BCH user, #ttrpg player, screwed #lyft driver, constant youtube/documentary viewer, run-on sentence writer. Coordinator for the #RGVZGM. Treasurer for the @TejasPirates. Hopefully you aren't overly annoyed by my constant opposition to the #fuckingcapitalists and the #goddamnedfascists. Hopefully this site can be my #fediverse forever home. Looking forward to meeting you and laboring together to make a better world for all people. #introduction

#introduction Ah crap, here we go.
Call me Vred, I'm a nearly-deaf, autistic human being with ADHD who's obsessed with nerdy stuff, including #linux#it#trainbubble#privacy and #security and much, much more.
Strangely obsessed with #base64 and the #ssh protocol.

If there's some extrovert on this platform, feel free to get in touch! =)

Hi, ich bin Alexia und lebe meine Kreativität darin aus, Geschichten zu schreiben, mein eigenes Rollenspiel zu erschaffen und natürlich auch indem ich Illustrationen/Bilder kreiere. Ich liebe es zu schreiben und zu malen und freu mich, mich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen! Ich werde zukünftig meine Projekte hier vorstellen. Vielleicht gefällt euch das, was ich erschaffe. 😊 LG Lexi
#introduction #MastoArt #DigitalArt #tradionalart #NeuHier

#introduction #english

Hello everyone, my name is Alex, I talk about everything.

Genderfluid (he/she), pansexual and polyamorous.

Nintendo Switch gamer.

There will often be pictures of the cat, Fluffy.

I am a Red Cross first aider in France.

See you soon and thank you for reading.

Hi, I’m Mike. 👋

I’m a husband, a father of two, an open web enthusiast, free speech advocate, and writer. I work as a Happiness Engineer at Automattic — supporting Day One, Pocket Casts, Simplenote, Texts, Gravatar, and more.

I discuss pop punk music, Apple products, the web, and other geek-related topics.



Hello, Internet. Here is a picture of a cat. The Internet digs cats. We can be friends meow? I have no idea what I'm doing. #hello #cats #introduction #audhd #TheAuDHDacity

#introduction (en version)

CN image: eye contact

hi, I'm void (they/them), admin of this instance
- adult, white, mostly able-bodied, #neurodivergent, #vegan, #ADHD, #depression, #trans, #NonBinary
- I support #intersectional, anti-racist, anti-ableistic, anti-capitalistic #feminism, #LGBTQIA+ rights, and left-progressive thinking. :progressprideheart:
- #Minecraft, #GenshinImpact, #Anime
- #streamer, #artist, #TechnicalWriter
- I'm hilariously unfunny

mookie's #introduction

it's me, hi. i'm the mookie, it's me.

i'm a serial #fediverse instance creator (and destroyer) and have been doing this since 2018. many will already be familiar with my name or my avatar.

i'm the father of two awesome kids. i love watching and talking about #movies. i'm a #gamer (#callofduty and #battlefield mostly). i'm a fan of #taylorswift. i eat to #run. i'm a giant #starwars and #startrek nerd. i'm a born and raised #engineer and have spent most of my career as a devops engineer and sre. i now lead an org of excellent devs and sres.

my permanent home is at where i should be spending more time writing blog posts and movie reviews.

#introduction #pngtube #writing

Greetings from the Runestone Grove! I'm the River Willow Druid, or RD if you prefer. I run storytelling circles on Twitch where I tell the best short stories and poetry I can find!

If you're a writer/poet then I invite you to submit your work for me to tell live on stream. If you're a musician or fellow storyteller then I may welcome you to the stream to perform! My hope is to foster a community of artists and entertainers, giving them a stage to shine!

mookie's #introduction

it's me, hi. i'm the mookie, it's me.

i'm writing a fresh introduction for this new instance. something i haven't done for a while.

i'm a serial #fediverse instance creator (and destroyer) and have been doing this since 2018. many will already be familiar with my name or my avatar.

i'm a father of two awesome kids. i'm a huge fan of movies. i'm a gamer (#callofduty and #battlefield mostly). i'm a fan of #taylorswift. i eat to #run. i'm a huge #starwars and #startrek nerd. i'm a born and raised #engineer and have spent most of my career as a devops engineer and sre, though now i lead a most excellent team of devs and sres.

my permanent home is at where i should be writing more blog posts and movie reviews.

Hello #MastoArt 💖
I'm Lorena, a freelance/indie artist who loves to draw and drink tea 🍵

I work mostly for book publishers, make my own prints and have a #DungeonsAndDragons T-Shirt collection 😊

Happy to be here!

#introduction #art #DigitalArt #illustration