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Items tagged with: generativeAI


With #LLM applications more abundant, have researchers been using them to assist their writing? We know they have when writing peer reviews [1], but how about doing so in writing their published papers?

Liang et al comes back to answer this question in [3]. They applied the same corpus-based methodology proposed in [2] on 950k papers published between 2020 to 2024, and the answer is a resounding YES, esp. in CS (up to 17.5%) (screenshot 1).

#NLP #NLProc #research #Papers #GenerativeAI

🎶I been living fast, fast, fast, fast
Feeling really bad, bad, bad, bad
Time really moves fast, fast, fast, fast
Better hurry up and get in your bag, bag, bag, bag🎶

#Music to #Art

#AIart #MidJourneyArt #MidjourneyAI #ArtificialIntelligence #MastoArt #FediArt #Art #Artist #GenerativeArt #GenerativeAI #Midjourney

Stuff posted on #Reddit is getting incorporated into #ChatGPT, Reddit and #OpenAI announced on Thursday. The new partnership grants OpenAI access to Reddit’s #DataAPI, giving the generative AI firm real-time access to Reddit posts. #AI #GenerativeAi

OpenAI will use Reddit posts to train ChatGPT under new deal

Fake studies have flooded publishers of top #scientific #journals leading to thousands of #retractions, M of $ in lost revenue. Biggest hit has come to #Wiley 217-year-old #publisher based in Hoboken NJ which announced it is closing 19 journals, some of which were infected by large-scale research #fraud. Wiley has reportedly had to retract more than 11,300 papers recently “that appeared compromised” as #generativeAI makes it easier for paper mills to peddle fake research.