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Items tagged with: vpdebate

Kevin Roose: "The big takeaway from the #VPdebate was Vance’s refusal to acknowledge that Trump lost the 2020 election and now Jack Smith has made that big point a thousand times bigger."

There was a reason, he added, that #MikePence was not on the stage as #Trump’s running mate anymore.

And it was worth asking, he said, what that tells the viewers about #JDVance.

“America, I think you’ve got a really clear choice,” #TimWalz said, his eyes getting bigger, “of who’s going to honor that #democracy & who’s going to honor Donald Trump.”

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda

#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“#Jan6 was not Facebook ads,” #TimWalz shot back, as #JDVance smiled slightly.

#Walz had a question for his counterpart.

“He is still saying he didn’t lose the election,” Walz said of #Trump, turning grandly to #Vance. “Did he lose the 2020 election?”

“Tim,” Vance replied, “I’m focused on the future.” He swerved to a point about Covid & censorship.

“That,” Walz said, “is a damning non-answer.”

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #trumpaganda
#law #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

#JDVance had heard enough.

“It’s really rich,” he said, chopping the air w/his hands, “for Democratic leaders to say that Donald #Trump is a unique threat to #democracy when he peacefully gave over power on January the 20th.”

He moved to equate past Democratic complaints about #election outcomes, including invocations of Russian interference in 2016 through FB ads & other means, w/the response in 2020.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #trumpaganda
#democracy #HarrisWalz2024

He was a teacher, he noted, & a football coach.
“I worked wi/kids long enough to know,” he said, “sometimes you really want to win.”

But #Republicans like #Trump were already laying the groundwork to contest the current #election, he continued, & perhaps even to #imprison their political opponents.
“A president’s words matter,” #TimWalz said, punctuating his own. “A president’s words matter. People hear that.”

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation
#integrity #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“We need to tell the story,” #TimWalz said. “I mean, he lost this #election & he said he didn’t.”

Walz often speaks w/a how’d-I-even-get-here feint toward political humility….

At his most effective, he is a kind of Labrador retriever of a communicator: affable, game, just happy to be there….

On Tues, after some dissembling earlier in the #debate — …Walz made a bid for the high ground, summoning more compelling details from his biography.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #Vote #HarrisWalz2024

For all their occasional paeans to #civility on Tues, this was the moment that crystallized an unshakable truth about this #election: One side still refuses to acknowledge the #truth about the last one — the persistent falsehood that has come to define so much of the era’s fragile & rampaging #politics.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#JDVance pivoted jarringly to the subject of censorship. #TimWalz glanced up at the camera, silent, like a television character breaking the fourth wall.

“Well, I’ve enjoyed tonight’s debate,” #Walz began when it was his turn again, assessing an evening that was sometimes wobbly for him. He was about to enjoy it more.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“Remember,” #Vance said of #Trump, “he said that on January the 6th, the protesters ought to protest peacefully. And on January the 20th, what happened? Joe Biden became the president. Donald Trump left the White House.”

This accounting was short a few details—the #violence, the #deaths & #injuries, the alleged #criminal #conspiracy, the “Hang Mike Pence” of it all.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“What President #Trump has said is that there were problems,” #JDVance said when asked about his own past assertion that he would not have certified the 2020 election. “We should fight about those issues, debate those issues, peacefully in the public square. And that’s all I’ve said. And that’s all that Donald Trump has said.”

His debate opponent, #TimWalz, stared at him, unblinking….

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #trumpaganda
#honesty #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

But when the #debate turned, near its final frames, to the subject of the 2020 election, #Vance faced a choice: He could validate, once more, #Trump’s relentless #lies about his defeat 4 yrs ago. Or he could try something else in the spirit of moving forward.

It did not seem like a difficult decision for him.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#JDVance wanted to focus on the future, he said. His past, & his party’s, intervened.
For some 90 mins, #Vance, a proud #Republican ambassador to the online #right, had largely tailored his #debate-night message to a mass audience, avoiding most detours into #conservative fever swamps, as if determined to deliver a rolling rebuttal to Democrats’ longstanding suggestion that he was “#weird” & out of step.

By Matt Flegenheimer
#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate#HarrisWalz2024

Among the #lies #Trump running mate #JDVance told over the course of the #VPdebate w/ Governor #TimWalz, denying his support for a national #AbortionBan may haunt him the longest because it is so easily disproven. Rachel #Maddow shares #Vance's own words contradicting his claims at the #debate, & discusses w/MSNBC colleagues.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda

#honesty #integrity #democracy

Key takeaways from #CorporateMedia punditry about the #VPDebate:
- #Facts don't matter
- It's all about the feels
- Style over substance
- #Lying is just fine if you are confident and poised while doing it
- #Racism is just fine if you do it without screaming
- Scapegoating of #immigrants is just #normal American politics (again)

What did I miss?

#JDVance #TimWalz #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024 #USPol #USPolitics #Media #VoteBlue

A Fact is not a spin on the truth.
Back in the day, we called that a #palter.
US Republicans in full meltdown because their "fake news" game is terrible.
#Democrats vs #Republicans

Voters have come to trust #Democrats on #healthcare much more over the years since the #law #Republicans tagged as “#Obamacare” passed. More than 60% of Americans now say they like the #ACA.
In 2010, Obamacare was the culprit for the Democratic wipeout in #Congress, but its political fortunes have turned dramatically. In 2018, Democrats won the #House, largely by running on a message that w/o a Democratic check, #Trump’s myriad efforts to topple the #law would succeed.

#VPdebate #HarrisWalz2024

#Trump supported the #Republican #Congress’s effort to roll back most of Obamacare, including undoing some of the regulations for #PreexistingConditions & making major #cuts to #Medicaid. It failed because of #JohnMcCain.

Trump dramatically cut funding for #enrollment outreach. He tried to introduce Medicaid work requirements for people covered by the #ACA’s expansion (but was stopped by the courts).

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

One of #JDVance’s more remarkable #lies of the night was this: #Trump saved #Obamacare.

He said the #law “was crushing under the weight of its own regulatory burden in health care costs” before TFG took office in 2017 & started loosening some of its rules.

“I think he can make a good argument that it salvaged Obamacare, which was doing disastrously until Donald Trump came along,” #Vance said.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Vance didn’t engage in bomb-throwing; he wasn’t an attack dog or an edgelord. He assured viewers that he felt their pain and that their pain was all Kamala Harris’s fault. (He solved the problem of how to hold Harris responsible for Biden’s record by simply rebranding the Biden-Harris administration as the “Kamala Harris administration,” pretending she was in charge of everything all along.)

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

So, on points, #JDVance may have won by a nose. But he did so in a way that is unlikely to matter very much, if at all, for the presidential contest. In general, vice presidential debates very rarely impact the polls. And this particular debate lacked any breakout moment likely to dominate headlines for days in what’s become a very crowded October news environment (Middle East escalation, Hurricane Helene, the port strike).

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#TimWalz’s performance was rockier, & while he had his moments—he spoke effectively about #HealthCare, #abortion, & Trump’s threat to #democracy —his answers were less disciplined & more scattershot. He seemed flatfooted by a question re his past, reportedly untrue claims to have been in Hong Kong at the time of the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989–not exactly the most important & pressing issue of the day,but something he should have prepared a better answer for.
#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote

In doing so, though, #JDVance said many misleading or totally untrue things [#lies], such as that #Trump saved #Obamacare, that #immigrants caused the US #housing crisis, & that Trump was merely peacefully discussing “problems” w/the 2020 election rather than blatantly trying to steal that election from the rightful winner, Joe #Biden.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote

Scored purely on affect & debating technique — w/o regard to factual accuracy — #JDVance did a bit better. He stuck to his 2-pronged strategy: 1st, to blame #KamalaHarris for everything voters don’t like that has happened under the #Biden admin; & 2nd, to put a reasonable-seeming face on #Trumpism.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote

#Trump deregulated short-term #insurance plans that left people vulnerable to thousands of dollars in #bills if they had a serious #medical emergency.

In 2016, when Trump was elected, the #ACA marketplaces covered 12.7 million people. In 2020, when he lost the election to Joe #Biden, they covered 11.4M. After 4 years of Biden, 21.4M Americans are getting their insurance through or one of its state counterparts.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

There was a lot of smiling going on at the #vpdebate, but it wasn't about happiness.

A researcher of nonverbal communication took a close watch: #News #Psychology

"Although Vance and Walz have each presented themselves as typical 'Midwestern guys', they differ on what that means."

A political communications scholar looks at how the two men presented themselves and their positions at the #vpdebate #News #uspolitics

"How can we as a nation say your life & rights, as basic as controlling your own body, are determined by geography?"
- Tim Walz.

🌍✨ A reminder: Voting ensures your voice is heard.
#AmericansAbroad, you can #vote no matter where you are.


#VPDebate #TimWalz #WomensRights #VoteFromAbroad

Trump is a bullshitter who says whatever the fuck pops into his head at any given moment

Vance is a calculating, shameless, expert liar

I thought DeSantis was the candidate I was worried about. Vance terrifies me. I don't know that he's quite as tactical as Thiel, but he doesn't need to be

He's the perfect Thiel henchman


CBS snap poll found voters split almost evenly on who won the #VPDebate. That doesn't surprise me.

What it means to be a man has become a dominant theme this #Election2024.

Although Vance and Walz have each presented themselves as typical “Midwestern guys,” they differ on what that means – and have competing views of women’s and men’s autonomy.

Quick analysis:

#USPolitics #VPDebate #Vance #Walz

This fucking bullshut about forcing #CatholicHospitals to perform #abortions? THEY ARE PRIVATELY OWNED!!! #Catholic Hospitals — ANY #RELIGIOUS BUSINESS — is not publicly funded!!! Not subject to federally funded institution regulations!!!!

#Lies!!!! #TimWalz #JDVance #VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#TimWalz killed it on the #healthcare #debate!!!

I mean really.

Killed it.

#JDVance actually tried to sell us that “#Trump saved #Obamacare” 🤣😂😆

Are you kidding me?????

Do you know how many times that jackass tried to overturn the #ACA?? I can’t even count the number!

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Two moments are and should resonate from tonight - both of them Vance negative... Vance getting his mic shut off, lieing about Hatians, and secondly when asked "did Trump lose?" And giving a damning non-answer.

#vpdebate #winwithwalz