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Items tagged with: macOs

Hackers Weaponizing Vortax Meeting Software To Attack macOS Users
#hacking #ransomware
#Hacked #stolencar #tracker #owasp #macOs

SF Symbols 6

- New animations
- Magic replace
- Enhanced annotation
- Over 800 new symbols
#ios18 #iosdev #swift #swiftui #apple #xcode #macos #sfsymbols

One of my students from a #FOR508 class I taught took some of my initial research on #macOS #timestamps and extended it further to find macOS updates timestamps differently for different file types as well 🤯

Here’s there research that Crystal Tan recently did. If you do macOS #DFIR work, this is definitely worth a read.



🍻 zfind 🍻

Search for files (even inside tar/zip/7z/rar) using a SQL-WHERE filter


#homebrew #newpkg #macos #linux

#AudioAssault #Deimos #Amp #Sim is #FREE Until #June 5 writes #bedroomproducerblog

Deimos is a module for Audio Assault’s free Amp Locker sim solution.

Amp Locker is a 64-bit only #Windows, #macOS, and #Linux release for #VST, #VST3, #AAX, & #AU.


Trying out Ebou. A cross-platform Mastodon client, written in Rust, that groups timelines by poster rather than post, somewhat like a chat client. Not sure if it'll become my daily driver, but still an interesting concept to investigate.

#Ebou #Rust #Windows #macOS #Linux #Mastodon