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Items tagged with: opensource

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This Week in Self-Hosted (12 April 2024)

The latest news, updates, launches, events, a spotlight on #ReceiptWrangler - a self-hosted platform for managing receipts, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #homeserver #newsletter

We are looking for a new member for our #Mastodon core team to work with @Gargron, @renchap and @Claire on building the Mastodon #backend and web app!

This is a #remote #fulltime position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


- You are a #Ruby expert
- With prior experience in maintaining #opensource projects
- Prior knowledge of #ActivityPub is a big plus!

For more info and to apply:

#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring

When it comes to saving money, the first thing that is always cut is support for open source and community projects. Then you wonder why free software projects are maintained by a few frustrated developers who are on the verge of burnout. This affects companies, public institutions and even you as a private individual. Don't forget to support us as free software developers. You can do this for my project at

#linux #opensource

A German state has said no to Microsoft!

#opensource #microsoft

Adam Bien from made a great 3 minute intro video to our pure Java build tool: bld

Check it out!

#java #BuildTools #bld #opensource #airhacks

Proton and Standard Notes are joining forces! Weโ€™re excited that #StandardNotes will be joining the Proton family to bring end-to-end encrypted note-taking to Proton users.

Standard Notes will remain free, #opensource, and fully supported:

I have released SendMIDI v1.3.0 and ReceiveMIDI v1.4.0 with support for the new MPE Profile.

The intent of these versions of my tools is that people can focus on either the initiator or responder role for their product and leave the other part of the negotiation up to either SendMIDI or ReceiveMIDI. This should make it easier to bootstrap adding MPE Profile support.

#mpe #midi #midici #midi2 #mpeprofile #opensource

Check out who made this list of the top #Linux distros of 2024! ๐Ÿ‘€

(Spoiler alert: it's us! ๐Ÿ‘) #OpenSource

Zulip is absolutely underrated as a chat platform for teams. Its automatic threading makes it so much easier to catch up on previous conversations than with Slack, Teams or Discord. In my opinion, Zulip is ideal for distributed teams who prefer to work and communicate asynchronously -- like my team, for example.

And it's 100% #OpenSource!

Check it out at!

#Teamwork #Chat #Collaboration #AsynchronousCommunication #RemoteWork #RemoteCulture

Penpot 2.0 release is out now! CSS Grid Layout, Components and a new UI

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Minetest Mod Review: Legboat

This mod adds a boat for the land. The four dynamic legs let you cover a wide range of terrain with great ease, be careful though as the legboat is too heavy to float and will travel on the ground underwater.

Download Minetest:

Customizable open-source keyboard

HeliBoard is a privacy-conscious and customizable open-source keyboard, based on AOSP / OpenBoard. Does not use internet permission, and thus is 100% offline.


#FOSS #Android #OpenSource #Privacy #keyboard #heliboard #gboard #openboard #aosp #OSS
