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Items tagged with: Psychology

This is disgusting. What the hell is wrong with you?

No, dehumanizing insults have not "become way more common in political discourse." ONE PARTY has reinvented itself in the image of Adolf Hitler and similar tyrants, employing dehumanizing insults with the conscious goal of inciting violent rage as a tool of revolutionary political power.

#News #USPolitics #Psychology

Dehumanizing insults have become way more common in political discourse. Psychology research has shown that they can prime us for violence – and even change our brains.

Story from 2018, with renewed relevance this #election2024:
#News #USPolitics #Psychology

Sydney Solis interviews Japan specialist Steve McCarty during her most recent sojourn in #Japan. He summarizes a #legend of a #woman #diver and explains its ancient #history, wholly based on original source research in #Japanese. Then both authors interpret its rich #symbolism in terms of depth #psychology. Among their conclusions is that #archetypes in the story, such as the #divine #feminine, activated by the natural #symbolism of #diving into the depths, could help #heal our modern alienation of the #mind from the #body and #nature.

Solis, S., & McCarty, S. (2024, May 30). Healing symbolism in the Japanese legend of the woman diver. Sydney in Osaka: Living the Mindful Life in Japan.
Academic content only:
Academic content plus photos and more commentary by Ms. Solis:

#healing #wholeness #folklore #mythology #women #divers #Jung

@mythology @psychology

#Depression isn’t something you have to accept and bear. It is a medical condition and help is available.

#mentalhealth #psychology #quote

Ok, Fediverse, now your support is needed:

As part of my psychology degree I'm involved in a small study about the emotional rating of images.

It's an online experiment that can be done from home or elsewhere and takes about 10 minutes. All you need is a device with a halfway modern web browser and a keyboard.

Here's the experiment:

Please also share it widely, boost, tell your friends, coworkers, relatives, etc. We're happy about every participation.

Thanks a lot. 💜

#science #psychology #study :boost_ok:

Beautiful people 🌈, wanna help us explore how we form first impressions about other in the context of online dating 💑?

Take part in our study:

#love #psychology #neuroscience #dating #personality

"I collected data on participants eye-movements, buttons clicked and time taken. I did 25 user tests and interpreted the data through statistical analysis, including a T-Test.

" The outcome revealed a link between a user's personality type and how they behave on a sign-up form website."

> View Madeleine Hoyte's latest work within the UX and psychology field.

#ux #psychology #design #web

From a human behavior analysis standpoint, this image is absolutely fascinating. There is so much information about human behavior that can be extracted from the data represented here


#security #anthropology #psychology

Some commonly recommended tactics for managing anger, including hitting a punching bag, jogging and cycling, aren’t effective at helping people cool off. ⁠

That’s the key takeaway of a new review of 154 studies that looked at how activities that increase or decrease physiological arousal affect anger and aggression.⁠
#health #emotion #anger #psychology

How much #stress is too much, and what can you do about it?

We’ll be discussing toxic stress with an expert in the field, Dr. Lawson Wulsin, at a free online webinar on Thursday, hosted by our health editor.

Dr. Wulsin has written about his work for us, too, in addition to his recent book:

Register for the #webinar here:
#Psychology #Health

Nice review of the evidence for banning phones in schools. This reviews huge studies across numerous countries. The big takeaway: there’s no effect on children’s outcomes. According to the latest evidence, cell phone bans don’t work.

#Psychology #SocialMedia #smartphones #phoneBans #childmentalhealth #mentalhealth

I can confidently diagnose #betterhelp as sociopaths.

Promised therapy customers privacy...then gave their mental health info to advertisers.

Victims get less than ten bucks each.

Company made billion+ in revenue last year alone.

In a just society with good privacy laws, they'd face existential civil & criminal consequences.

#therapy #psychology #privacy #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #telehealth #medicine #HIPAA #surveillancecapitalism #advertising #facebook #meta

Do probiotics and good gut health improve your mood, too?

Most likely!

Here’s the latest research:
#health #psychology

There’s an important gap between “hope” and “optimism.”

Hope is not just about looking on the bright side. It plays the long game: enduring suffering with integrity.

It’s something Martin Luther King understood when he said “I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land.” But hope makes us act, anyway.
#psychology @blackmastodon #BlackMastodon

What is a Master’s in Applied Educational Psychology and what can it do for you? Find out in this latest episode of the Emerging Research in Educational Psychology podcast, with David Timony and Jeanette King:

#Education #Psychology #EducationalPsychology #Learning #LearningSciences
@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter