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Items tagged with: Illustration

Finally managed to publish my new website last night! ✨

Now that it’s online, I am extremely underwhelmed (of course). But also relieved that it won’t collect dust in the drawer like all the other attempts.

#11ty #designportfolio #illustration #personalwebsite

TMNT Donatello modeling progress…

Used MagicaCSG's new Looped Splines and Slices for the crenelated shield border.

Next up: arms and his fighting staff.

View other posts in this thread for more WIP impressions.

#turtles #TMNT #CharacterDesign #cartoon #design #artwork #sculpture #3DModeling #illustration #illustrator #art #arte #artist #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #GraphicDesign #3D #MagicaCSG #CreativeToots #FediArt #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon

Donatello from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 🐢

Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, slightly post-processed in PhotoScape X and Affinity Photo.

See other posts in this thread for work-in-progress impressions.

#turtles #TMNT #CharacterDesign #cartoon #design #artwork #sculpture #3DModeling #illustration #illustrator #art #arte #artist #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #GraphicDesign #3D #MagicaCSG #CreativeToots #FediArt #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon

Hans Fischer - untitled

Une sauterelle saute parmi les herbes en anglais (grasshopper) et saute par dessus les montagnes en espagnol (saltamontes)

#art #illustration #Fischer #sauterelle #grasshopper #saltamontes #insecte #insect

Interior illustrations from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PICTURE ATLAS OF OUR UNIVERSE by Roy A. Gallant. This particular section was a whimsical "what if" look at possible alien life in the solar system.



#sciencefiction #scifi #scifiart #sff #illustration #nationalgeographic #ouruniverse

Acrylic on Masonite - 30" x 20"

This is probably my most famous painting of Michael Moorcock's legendary anti-hero Elric of Melnibone. 1/4

#fantasy #fantasyart #sff #illustration #michaelmoorcock #elric