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Items tagged with: Catsofmastodon

Happy #Caturday!

Today is your #LokiDay!

When we adopted Loki he was about a year old. One evening, I was playing with him when he suddenly stopped and charged at the big picture window, jumping up and flinging himself against it spread-eagle because he noticed a moth sleeping on the other side of the glass.

The brain cell is strong with this one.

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #LokiToots #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #OneOrangeBraincell #OrangeCats

“There’s obviously zero chicken chunks and less than zero kibble left. What is this, a Dickens novel?!”

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Happy #Caturday from Mama Cat!

May you enjoy the weekend as much as she enjoys shoes.

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Sometimes when we’re sitting at the kitchen table and Jasper is there hanging out in one of the chairs with us, as he often does, he’ll just reach out and sink his claws into the nearest leg. Which makes that person scream. Which then makes Jasper scream. Soon the entire household is screaming.🙀

#Caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography #BlackAndWhite

sorry GAFAM mojeekat has spoken, the year of #linux is upon us

#cats #caturday #catsofmastodon

She was the only one warning us about the wall. Soon it will be too late, and we will all say, "If we had only listed to Sheena...." #CatsOfMastodon #weirdocats #cats

They looked so cute, and juuust as my finger went down to tap "photo", he did this.


I might get this printed off and framed 😄

#catsofmastodon #funny #humor #catphotography #pets

It is a cold night. I cannot move my leg. So I used the camera flash to assess the situation. There are 7 cats around me. A record! And the elusive Louise is sleeping on my foot. I will never move again.
#CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #12cats4dogs

My supervisor is currently in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed.

#Cats #Cat #catsofmastodon #caturday

Yes, you love your pets and yes, they are good for you – but it's okay to acknowledge for your own mental health that pets can create stress and that some animals are more work than others.
PS: that doesn’t mean it’s ok to take that dog out and shoot it
#pets #health #mentalhealth #CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon

I'm working on my book but my assistant has gone unconscious. #catsofmastodon #today

Gör som Morris - säg nej till Chat Control!

Och så kan du passa på att komma på vår picknick-manifestation lördag den 8 juni!

#StoppaChatControl #ChatControl #StopScanningMe #CatsOfMastodon

This summer, watch out for the unassuming grass seed pod known as a foxtail. Its segment's stickiness can burrow into the skin, eyes, and ears of pets, be inhaled into the nose or even make its way into the lungs.

Symptoms to look out for:
🌱 Frequent shaking of your pet's head
🌱 Drainage or discharge from the eye
🌱 Sneezing or pawing at the nose
🌱 Coughing or hacking
Learn more from a vet:
#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Pets

Självklart pratar man med katten :)
