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Items tagged with: BirdWatching

it makes me so impossibly sad to think that i may only have a couple years of seeing wild birds left with the way #avianFlu is going. but hey, the people have spoken: eating tortured chickens is priority number one, even if it drives an apocalyptic wildlife pandemic (and a human one, too!). healthy, delicious, climate-friendly alternatives be damned.

genuinely, what the actual fuck are we doing???

#H5N1 #birds #birdwatching #birding #vegan

It's International Crow and Raven Appreciation Day, everybody. (h/t @neurovagrant and @Nonya_Bidniss )

Not kidding. No idea who gets to make these things up but I'm not complaining.

Anyway, to celebrate here's a caramel crow photo I've never posted before.

#birding #birdwatching #corvids #crows #birdphotography