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Items tagged with: CO2

Indem #Wale tief tauchen und dort fressen und dann an der nährstoffarmen Meeresoberfläche Kot und Urin ausstoßen, düngen sie dort, Mikroalgen wachsen, #CO2 wird gebunden.

Außerdem bewegen sie sich im #Ozean von nährstoffreichen Futterplätzen zu nährstoffarmen Gebieten. Auch das nährt die #Mikroalgen.

Der Mensch stört diese Vorgänge, wenn er Wale tötet. Daher bedarf es neben eines #fossilfreien Lebens auch des #Artenschutzes, um das #Klima zu schützen.…

Enthusiasmus, der elektrifiziert: In #Australien haben sich 500 Haushalte der #Electrify2515-Bewegung angeschlossen, um die #Energiewende anzupacken. Gemeinsam senken sie den #CO2-Ausstoß und ihre #Stromkosten. Ein Vorbild für den gesamten Kontinent?…

40% of #plants are threatened with #extinction…

A popular false argument used by climate deniers is that CO2 is good for plants. So why are they threatened with extinction?

#news #environment #future #earth #nature #plant #Problem #biodiversity #climate #emissions #warning #emissions #co2

Five years of no flying
✈️ ❌ ➡️ 🚅 ✅

5 years ago, I realised that my #academic travels were emitting way too much #greenhouse #gas #GHG (up to 20 t #CO2 / yr) and hence that my #professional activity was not #sustainable. I thus decided to completely ban air #travel (#plane) and travel mainly by #train within #Europe.

5 years later (i.e. now), my professional travels' #carbonfootprint dropped by **a factor 50**, without impacting my #publication records (compared to 2017 - 2019).

I wrote a post for the #blog of @a4e about my experience. Check it out:…

cc @labos1point5 @LAM_Marseille @CNRS_INSU @academicchatter @astrophysics @StayGrounded_net

#Research #Science #sustainability #ecology #Earth #NoPlanetB #Climate #academicchatter #academicmastodon #ClimateChange #ClimateAction

"Les mécanismes de compensation carbone expliqués à mon hamster"

Brilliant essay by @ploum written as a dialogue. Hilarious. And tragic.…

I would only have changed one word, in the last sentence: "sauvetage" (save) for "sabotage". But then it wouldn't be a fable.

#CarbonNeutrality #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #CO2 #CO2emissions…

This 10-year old #Newsroom clip has aged well — it’s the one that was uniquely pessimistic about (fighting) climate change, when we passed #CO2 400ppm.

We’re now around 440ppm and not slowing down — remember we started around 280.

Looking at the straight line, 500 is a certainty and 1,000ppm is a realistic bet.

Rather than extinction it’s “world wars” level of disruption. #Inflation? You ain’t seen nothing yet.


#Oil and #gas are a 'gift of #God', says #COP29 host


Imagine lobbyists from coal, gas and oil with the best financial resources holding a climate conference - that would be absurd.

#future #lobby #Problem #news #climate #emissions #co2 #warning #danger #politics