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Items tagged with: GEOpol


Items tagged with: GEOpol


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...though international trade integration has proven to be a great success, it has not stopped the polarization of the globe. In contrast, it has given rise to another dimension in antagonism, that if multinational corporations .


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

[2/3] it was never seriously developed.

Lastly, in my view, even though the #DefenseUnion seems to have been the most difficult dimension for #EU to integrate, this mustn't be the case for the #EU and the non-US #NATO members.

In fact, #NATO proves that a Defense Union can be pursued independently from all other dimension.




#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..

#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

(11/11) now include the renegotiated #FTA with #Mexico:…

... and clarifications of some ideas.

Please note:
This key thread will be updated occasionally.

#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Once again, a horse from Asia Minor might be a Trojan one, even if it is reared in #Ankara.

Hopefully, #Türkiye "s president has seen the same glimpse of the future and remembers the conflicts with Czarist #Russia. Making #NATO independent from the #US has suddenly become a central #NationalSecurity 101.


#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...latest utterance must be viewed with suspicion:

"The Foundation for Defense of Democracies’s (#FDD) #Turkish expert #SinaCiddi writes that under President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan, 👈“#Ankara is not only distancing itself from the West, but consciously working to undermine its core security interests.” 👈...…

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

You are very welcome.

Do you think such a Euro-North-American #FreeTradeArea, omitting the #MAGAmerica, would get a majority in #Canada?

My idea is to start deepening it towards a #DefenseUnion and other areas, similar to precursors of the #EU.…

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... security wise deteriorating global environment.

👉How to integrate swiftly: #CEUN👈

A new #FreeTradeArea (#FTA) encompassing #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico could offset the #TrumpTradeWars induced #Recession going forward.

Time is of the essence.
It might be an idea to ratify #CETA and the newly renegotiated #GlobalAgreementWithMexico ASAP.
Then, a deepening of this FTA, similar to...

#GeoPol #UKpol


... certain, the #UK surely does not want to be left out alone in the cold when the remaining 27 #EU members (26?--#HUN) all regroup under #France's #NuclearUmbrella to
finally form a #EuropeanDefenseForce.

That must be equipped and financed. A "#DefenseUnion' is indispensable now.

Also, in economic terms, as I don't disagree with your current #UKpol assessment, and as I do believe that 👉ALL European countries...


#GeoPol #UKpol


I don't disagree with your assessment of the current situation.

However, in a world where the German chancellor elect says rearmament will be done "whatever it takes," where the #CAN #PM all but calls the #POTUS dumb on prime time TV, and the President of #Uraine gets thrown out of the #WhiteHouse, I forecast enough fluidity also in the #UK for things to change in many respects until years end.

One thing is...

@EUCommission @EUCouncil

#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...must be revived and pursued at full speed.

Interestingly, #Ankara declared that it would like to join such a structure. Good.2)

Now is the time for huge reforms, this is a #TippingPoint in world history (#Zeitenwende.) The momentum...
...might cary the world in either direction.

2) Given #Erdogan's previous behavoir, the...


#CETA #Turkey
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...precursors to the #EuropeanUnion, like the #EC, as well as (finally!) a #DefenseUnion, should be on the table. Non-EU neighbors, such as the #UK and #Turkey should be considered as further partners. Too many different treaties are red tape slowing down decision-making processes and thus resilience in a chaotic environment.

Concurrently, the project of a #EuropeanArmy...

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... security wise deteriorating global environment.

👉How to integrate swiftly: #CEUN👈

A new #FreeTradeArea (#FTA) encompassing #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico could offset the #TrumpTradeWars induced #Recession going forward.

Time is of the essence.
It might be an idea to ratify #CETA and the newly renegotiated #GlobalAgreementWithMexico ASAP.
Then, a deepening of this FTA, similar to...

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... #Rejoin the #European economic block.
#Brexit, a project by international rightwing organizations, was an utter failure. To withstand a sandwiched position by/a an imperialist, expansionist #Kremlin and a likeminded #Washington (#Panama, #Canada, #Greenland,) a renewal of the "ever closer union" is of the essence.

#EU processes take far too long in this rapidly changing,...

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... more than make up for the #Transatlantic trade with the #US.

#CETA, the #FreeTradeAgreament, a project started in 2014, should now be rapidly brought to completion:

"As of 2023, only 17 of 27 EU countries have ratified (as did the #UnitedKingdom before leaving the #EU), and #Cyprus has voted against ratification." 1)

Also, the #UK. Must...


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


The rift b/w the #US and its #NorthAmerican, neighbors, #Canada and Mexico, offers huge chances for a new world order.

As #MAGA #DonaldTrump singlehandedly keeps alienating the US stauchest, quite like erstwhile Allies, the remaining #NATO members can reshape the Alliance to their purposes

Furthermore, amalgamating the economies of the other 2 erstwhile #European colonies to the #EU might even...

#GeoPol #PanamaCanal #BlackRock #CKHutchinson #Panama #USpol #China



...erstwhile luster.

Today, petty #tRump has already singled out a culprit when things go south (pun intended:) the new #SecretaryOfState, #MarcoRubio.

Sorry, but...🤣


#GeoPol #PanamaCanal #BlackRock #CKHutchinson #Panama #USpol #China


...#Houthis in #Yemen and the resulting in a reduction in ships going through the much shorter Asia route via the #SuezCanal. 3)

Apart from such megalomaniac construction project which would, theoretically, sever the land bridge b/w northern and southern #Panama, it seems to me that there is no real fix that would give the Canal back its...


#GeoPol #PanamaCanal #BlackRock #CKHutchinson #Panama #USpol #China


...system has been reduced from 38 to 27, while each vessel is also now required to carry less cargo. " 2)

I would be laughting so hard if #BlackRock had not given these continously diminishing returns enough thought...

What is more, tTrump might also rue his publicly speaking speaking out for #US control of the old canal:

Especially in face of the security issues regarding...


#GeoPol #PanamaCanal #BlackRock #CKHutchinson #Panama #USpol #China

(2/n) able to sustain the capacity:

"But the canal’s upgrades can’t keep up with climate change’s cascading effects. Lake #Gatún and Lake #Alajuela are replenished with rainwater, and a lingering drought compounded by #ElNiño has resulted in the second-driest year in the Panama Canal’s existence. To compensate, the daily average number of ships allowed to pass through the lock...

#GeoPol #PanamaCanal #BlackRock #CKHutchinson #Panama #USpol #China


Would #BlackRock have invested in a sinking ship?--Probably not.

True, the Canal is no ship and, quite to the contrary, it is not shipping. However, the carrying capacity has been continuously eroding as #ClimateChange takes a grip of the region 1):

in 2024, #Panama experienced its second driest year on record.

A new "#MultimodalDryCanal project simply might not...


#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol

#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you 😉


...future security assurances that are offered in exchange for nonproliferation commitments.[53]

Regardless, 👉the United States publicly maintains that "the Memorandum is not legally binding", calling it a "political commitment".[23]👈..." 1)


#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol

#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you 😉


...has a requirement of consultation among the parties "in the event a situation arises that raises a question concerning the ... commitments" set out in the memorandum.[52]

Whether or not the memorandum sets out legal obligations, the difficulties that #Ukraine has encountered since early 2014 may cast doubt on the credibility of...

#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol

#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you 😉


...the #US, 👉neither the #GeorgeHWBush administration nor the #Clinton administration was prepared to give a military commitment to #Ukraine👈, and they did not believe the #US Senate would ratify an international treaty and so the memorandum was adopted in more limited terms.[51]

The memorandum...

#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal #USpol #GeoPol

#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you 😉


#ChuckHobbs used to be a trial lawyer, not an expert in international law.

I wish it were different, but the legal dimension regarding the #BudapestMemorandum is the subject of scholarly disagreement. 👉It is NOT unquestionably legally binding. 👈I wish it were different:

" is not entirely clear whether the instrument is...

#GeoPol #Ukrainekrieg


Angie hat auch viel Mist gebaut (billiges Öl/Gas aus RUS statt "Klimakanzlerin" zu bleiben, z.B.), aber eine gute Sache hat sie gemacht: sie hat viele Jahre das kommende #Merz-Desaster verhindert.

Kanzler zu werden für das wichtigste Land in Europa in diesen Krisenzeiten, die es seit dem 2. Weltkrieg wohl so nicht mehr gab, das ist wie einem Fahranfänger eine Ferrari fahren zu lassen...


#GeoPol #Ukrainekrieg

...m.E. NIE der ERFORDERLICHEN Grundgesetzänderung der Schuldenbremse zustimmen. Da sie auf die absehbare Zeit eine Sperrminorität im Bundestag haben und die erforderliche #Kriegswirtschaft nicht mit dem Orwellschen Doublespeak-Moloch "#Sondervermögen" beizukommen sein wird, kann diese jedoch nur noch mit dem alten #Bundestag beschlossen werden.
Die #Union unter #Merz und #Söder ist gerade aus Klientelpolitik dabei, die Zukunft des Kontinents zu verspielen.

#GeoPol #Ukrainekrieg


Scholz und Macron ist der Weg in den Untergang: dann wird sich die #SBZ (Sowjetische Besatzungszone) dieses mal nicht nur auf Ostdeutschland beschränken, sondern auf große Teile Westeuropas ausdehnen.--Vermutlich relativ deckungsgleich mit der größten Ausdehnung von Hitler-Deutschland.

In Deutschland läuft die Merz-Regierung jedoch in die gleiche Falle wie die vormalige #US-Regierung: die beiden Kremel-freundlichen Parteien, #NoAfD und #Die Linke werden..

#GEOpol #Ukrainekrieg


...Nur die UKR hat, abgesehen von RUS ausreichend Erfahrung in zeitgemäßer, neuer Kriegsführung mit Drohnen (-> The Drone Wars), etc.

👉RUS muss den Krieg verlieren und aus der UKR vertrieben werden👈. 👉ALLE #EU-Länder, ggf. bis auf Ungarn, müssen--wie #RUS--auf #Kriegswirtschaft umstellen und der UKR ALLES liefern, was sie anfragt und einsetzen kann.👈

Die EU wird im 24/7/365 #HybridKrieg schon seit langem von RUS angegriffen.

#Vogelstraußpolitik a la...

#GeoPol #Ukrainekrieg


Ok, dann spinnen wir den Faden noch etwas weiter.

Was tun? RUS/USA/CHINA teilen sich in althergebrachter Großmachtmanier die Welt auf. Was tun, damit wir nicht in der RUS Einflußsphäre verenden?

RUS produziert zwischenzeitlich mehr Waffen, als die NATO. Allerdings ist die Volkswirtschaft wohl binnen Jahresfrist am Ende. Zudem fehlen ihm viele Rekruten.

Es gibt nur eine erfolgversprechende Lösung: Europa braucht die Ukraine ebenso sehr wie umgekehrt!...

#GeoPol #Trump #Ukrainekrieg


Und was die #Bodenschätze (#MineralsDeal) angeht. Richtig, ein großteil derselben befindet sich in der RUS Besatzungszone.

Meine Vermutung ist, das Trump/Vance davon ausgingen, dass der Knebelvertrag, richtiger: Schutzgelderpressung, nicht von der #Ukraine akzeptiert werden würde. Somit blieb ihnen wohl nur der Ausweg, im WH für einen Eklat mit Selensky zu sorgen.--Es gibt im US-Kongreß derzeit noch zu viele Unterstützer der UKR.

#GeoPol #Trump #Ukrainekrieg


Alles wird viel klarer, wenn man sich endlich der bitteren Wahrheit stellt, die mehrere Kennner der Politszene schon seit längerem schrieben. Einer sogar mit 2 langjährig recherchierten Büchern, der Autor #CraigUnger, hier im Interview:

Donald Trump ist schon seit Jahrzehnten ein "asset" des Kremls!...

#GeoPol #Trump #Ukrainekrieg


T-Offline spricht das Offensichtliche aus, was jeder sehen konnte, der Englisch versteht. Gähn.

Ich habe den Vertragsentwurf gelesen1). In der von mir gelesen Version hätte Kyiv auch noch die gesamte Infrastruktur für die Förderung und Distribution von Öl und Gas an "die USA" überschrieben.

Der "Deal" war extrem vorteilhaft für die USA. Warum haben Vance/Trump den Deal dann selbst torpediert?...


#USpol #GeoPol #Ukraine #Poland

No, #DonaldTusk is absolutely right: Zelensky and Ukraine are definitely not alone...…

"Dear Ukrainian friends, you are not alone," Polish Prime Minister Tusk said after Zelensky's conversation with Donald Trump.