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Items tagged with: DNC

The items people wear, buy and wave at political conventions are key pieces of American #history.

Here's what Smithsonian curators took home from the #DNC โ€“ from cheese-shaped hats and a couple of very interesting lapel pin-type buttons:

#USpolitics #Politics #Kamala

Maryland guitarist Represents.
#music #dnc #Guitar #ChunderRoad

"Former president #BillClinton, speaking during the third night of the #Democratic convention on Wednesday, presented a bit of data...

โ€œSince the end of the Cold War in 1989, #America has created about 51 million new #jobs... Whatโ€™s the score? Democrats 50, Republicans one.โ€

That is: 50 million jobs added under Democratic presidents and 1 million under #Republicans."

- @pbump

#DNC #DNC2024 #FactCheck #Business #US #USA #USNews #Politics #USPol #News

โ€œThere have been six presidents since 1989, three from each party. Under the three #Democrats โ€” #Clinton, Barack #Obama and Joe #Biden โ€” there was a cumulative increase of 50 million more people working between the starts of their terms and the ends. Under the three #Republicans โ€” George H.W. #Bush, George W. Bush and Donald #Trump โ€” the cumulative total was, in fact, only 1 million.โ€

#DNC #DNC2024 #FactCheck #Jobs #Business #US #USA #USNews #Politics #USPol #News

So it's the #GenocideEnabling business as usual for the US 'Democratic' Party.

"The call for a Palestinian speaker at the convention was the simplest of their demands, advocates explained. And it still got turned down."

โ€˜They want to erase us:โ€™ How #DNC rejected demand for Palestinian speaker | US Election 2024 News | Al Jazeera
#Palestine #Gaza

Great job DNC. You won't even give a minor speaking slot to a Palestinian-American?! Shame on you. You talk about inclusivity but you are telling Palestinian-Americans that they have no place in your coalition.

You granted anti-Trump Republicans more slots than you granted Palestinian-Americans. Disgusting.

#Harris24 #HarrisWalz #Democrat #DNC #Gaza #Palestine

from #CommonDreams
Major #Union Backing #Harris-#Walz Joins Call for #Palestinian American to Speak at #DNC

"If we want peace, if we want real democracy, and if we want to win this election," the #UAW said, "the #DemocraticParty must allow a Palestinian American speaker to be heard from the DNC stage tonight."

#Uncommitted #UnitedAutoWorkers
#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#IsraelWarCrimes #ArrestNetanyahuAndGallant
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics #USElection #KamalaHarris
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

"Rep. Romman and #Uncommitted organizers both confirmed that this was the speech she was planning to give if allowed for a potential 2-minute speaking slot. Uncommitted said they were open to the speech being edited and vetted. They said the #DNC did not ask to see the speech."

2 MINUTES! They could not give 2 minutes to a #Palestinian - American Democrat?

Shameful. Stupid. Counterproductive. And heartbreaking.

"To no oneโ€™s surprise, many on the right, who have lost the ability to recognize or feel this kind of love and devotion, took immediately to mocking this family, and Gus Walz in particular. โ€ฆ

The Blaze, a conservative rag, apparently deleted its tweet, as did Crispi and Coulter, after receiving widespread criticism and seeing the hate pile up in the comments. But they showed us who they are."

~ Jay Kuo

#DNC #TimWalz #GusWalz #FamilyValues #Republicans

"Tonight, when Kamala Harris steps to the podium, she will formally launch a new era when women are no longer just the rescue team/cleanup crew, nor will they remain content in roles as the supporting or opening act.

Women, especially Black women, are now the main event. โ€ฆ Truth be told, Black women have been the main event in the Democratic Party for quite some time. But now, that fact is being shoved front and centerโ€ฆ."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #MichelleObama #women #Black

"I get that Obama is the former president, whereas Michelle is merely (?) the wife of that former president. She didnโ€™t hold any office; she was just (??) the wife. But for those taking notes (and you really should be taking notes), this is a real-time paradigm shift we are witnessing.

It is the women, Black women in particular, who are now taking center stage."

~ Keith Owens

#DNC #KamalaHarris #MichelleObama #women #Black

I'd say this behavior doesn't so much give us a troubling glimpse into the state of political discourse, as into the who these folks are: they're truly bottom-of-the-barrel human beings.

And if we let them game the political system and impose their cruel minoritarian views on the rest of us, then God help us โ€” and shame on us.

#DNC #TimWalz #GusWalz #FamilyValues #Republicans #Trump #WhiteChristianNationalism

She writes,

"The contrast between Gus Walzโ€™s sincere emotion and the derision it provoked from the right offers a troubling glimpse into the state of political discourse and the depths to which partisan attacks have sunk. This not only highlights the lack of basic human decency in certain right-wing corners of our politics but also raises important questions about how conservatives view emotional expression, particularly from young men, in the public sphere."

#DNC #TimWalz #GusWalz

I don't want to publicize these cruel low-life human beings. But, at the same time, we need to know they're out there, and we need to expose the cynical hollowness of their claims that they stand for "God" and "family values" and "morality."

As Parker Molloy says, Trump supporters are now openly mocking Tim Walz's neurodivergent son Gus Walz and his touching display of pride and love at last night's DNC.

#DNC #TimWalz #GusWalz #FamilyValues #Republicans


For understandable reasons โ€” you cannot fake this kind of adolescent emotional response to a parent who is loved and admired โ€” this moment of Tim Walz's son Gus Walz saying "That's my dad!" as he points with pride to his father on stage at the DNC has taken social media by storm today.

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #GusWalz #FamilyValues

"Addicted to horse-race election coverage, the political press just canโ€™t stop looking for ways to give Trump every single benefit of the doubt, all in an effort to create some supposed level playing field.

Case in point โ€“ check out the so-called fact-checkers."

~ Justin Baragona

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #media

"Today we were able to get CNN to change a bogus headline in only 24 minutes, and tonight we trended #AmericaNeedsWalz to fight back against the mediaโ€™s constant attacks on Tim Walz, already garnering over 100 million impressions."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #media

"Our campaigns are dominating the trends on social media, garnering billions of impressions over the last two weeks. We are also pressing forward with our rapid response coverage to get ahead of the mainstream mediaโ€™s pro-Trump agenda."

~ Scott Dworkin

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #media

โ€œ'Hillary, Joe, Kamala. It doesnโ€™t matter. I just hate them.'

To another adviser, Trump was blunt about taking on Harris: 'Iโ€™m going to be mean.'โ€

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

โ€œ'This is just the way I am. I hate my opponent. I hate my opponents,' Trump told a confidant who advised the former president to consider backing away from calling the vice president 'stupid' or 'dumb' at their high-profile standoff in a few weeks, which he has done repeatedly.Trump explained to the confidant that heโ€™s treating Harris the same way he did Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton."

~ Marc A. Caputo

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

"But as an American, it was the right one. I saw how Donald Trump undermined our intelligence community, military leaders, and, ultimately, our democratic process. Now, he's doing it again, lying and laying the groundwork to undermine this election."

And former Lieut-Gov of Georgia, Geoff Duncan:

"If Republicans are being intellectually honest with ourselves, our party is not civil or conservative. It's chaotic and crazy. And the only thing left to do is dump Trump."

#DNC #Republicans

Joyce Vance features voices of two Republicans who spoke yesterday at the DNC about why they will not vote for Trump: Olivia Troye, former Homeland Security and Counterterrorism advisor to v-pPence, said,

"Four years ago, I resigned from the Trump administration. As a Republican who dreamed of working in the White House, it was a hard decision."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #Republicans

"The only way to beat him is by playing an entirely different game โ€” a game that draws on qualities that are the opposite of his, that appeals to those aspects of the American character diametrically opposed to his."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

"In every way, sheโ€™s his antithesis. She was a prosecutor; heโ€™s a convicted felon also indicted for seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Sheโ€™s kept her ideals; heโ€™s kept his cynicism. She wants an inclusive America; he wants an exclusive one. She uses the power of joy and hope in politics; he uses the power of fear and revenge."

~ Robert Reich

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

"For years, Republicans lived in public terror that Michelle Obama would run for president. They used her name as a talisman to quell the jelly in their bellies, and then as the wick on the gaslight they used to gin up the rubes. Tuesday nightโ€™s speech showed definitively that the GOP was lowballing the risk of her getting involved in politics at this level. They donโ€™t have anyone in her weight class, & now everybody knows it.

~ Charles Pierce

#DNC #MichelleObama

"Whatโ€™s more, the obstacles faced by Black women daily are embedded into the structures and systems that line the pockets of the powerful. Despite our struggles being woven into the lives of everyone else, despite fighting for democracy time and time again, we are continually left behind.

Perhaps the Black woman who understands this most is Michelle Obama, a Black girl from the South Side of Chicago whose ordinary life led to extraordinary circumstances."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #MichelleObama

"Black women know more than anyone what itโ€™s like to be dehumanized and reduced to parts of our whole. We have long been seen as mammies, mules, aesthetics, tokens, and superheroes, oftentimes simultaneously. If we are not in service to someone or something, our value is debated, our competence challenged."

~ Anna Gifty Opaku-Agyeman

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy #MichelleObama

"THE BEST ARGUMENTS made for Kamala Harrisโ€™s election at the Democratic convention so far have come from the two biggest speakers whoโ€™ve never held political office. ...

Both did something that the first nightโ€™s speakers failed to truly accomplish: they painted a human portrait of Harris for an electorate still learning about her, then laid out the game plan for the sprint ahead."

~ Sam Stein

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy #MichelleObama #DougEmhoff

"Well, Iโ€™ll take this over that Hulk Hogan freakshow.

Democrats have gathered in Chicago this week, a joyful, exuberant bear hug embrace of American political identity, patriotism, and above all, optimism. It has been a stark contrast with the American Carnage-style anger simmering at the Republican National Convention."

~ Brian Klaas

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy

"My overarching impression of the third night of the convention is that the future of the Democratic Party was on display, and it was beautiful sight! ...

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are speaking directly to the American people at a pivot point in American history. The press may not like that fact, but there is nothing they can do to stop it."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy #media

~ Robert B. Hubbell

โ€œHere is how we do it. Strategize on Sunday, meet the moment on Monday, take it to โ€˜em on Tuesday, work it out on Wednesday, thank the Lord on Thursday, fight the power on Friday, set it off on Saturday, get a few hours of sleep, wake up the next day and do it all over again until joy, joy, joy comes in the morning."

~ Hakeem Jeffries, quoted by Emine Yรผcel, Kate Riga and Nicole Lafond

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy

"The Democrats have made their points with the stories of individual Americans who have overcome dark hours in order to move forward. In that storytelling, individuals represent the nation itself."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy

"'Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning,' speakers have quoted the Biblical psalm, and they have referred to the vision of the American flag still flying after a night of bombardment during the War of 1812, captured by Francis Scott Key in the national anthem, promising that after our time of national darkness, there will be light."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy

"The many stories in which ordinary Americans rise from adversity through hard work, decency, and service to others implicitly conflates those individual struggles with the struggles of the United States itself. Running through the stories told at the convention is the theme of working hard through a time of darkness to come out into the light."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy
