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Items tagged with: CatsOFMastodon

But… that’s my hat! The one I wear in my profile picture… how can it even be that comfortable?! You’re not listening to me are you?

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

urgent cat help request please 🔥:BlobCat_Flower:

we are looking for someone in #france who can give a loving home to a stray cat. he's a very gentle but very timid boy; as far as we know, he's a local feral.

we're moving internationally imminently and can't take him with us. we've got two cats of our own and are either moving in with family or going to a rental; we've already had complaints about our two. plus we have no idea how we could travel with him for several days given we can barely touch him. :blobcatverysad:

we're currently trying to trap him so as to get him vet treatment, which he very much needs, but after that, he would just be dropped back off here by the refuge who are helping us. and with us gone, who will look after him??

if anyone within reasonable distance of dépt 16 (charente) wants a sweet and lovely new friend who just needs time and attention, please let me know.

please boost, thank you 🙏

#cat #cats #chat #ChatsDeMastodon #CatsOfMastodon

If the pets ever form a band, they have an album cover
#CatsOfMastodon #dogsofmastodon

“Oh, hai- we were wondering if we could have a word with you about our feeding schedule…specifically about getting it changed…to NOW!”.
#caturday #catsofmastodon

You like cats?✅
You have a PhD?✅
You published at least 2 first author papers?✅
You agree with / support our values?✅

Join our team of voluntary, part-time feline scientists! Apply here:

#cats #catsofMastodon #science

No Mow May also gives other animals (like Stinky) somewhere to enjoy. I'm hoping to be doing No Mow June as well.
#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #NoMowMay #Nature

Happy #Caturday!

Today is your #LokiDay!

When we adopted Loki he was about a year old. One evening, I was playing with him when he suddenly stopped and charged at the big picture window, jumping up and flinging himself against it spread-eagle because he noticed a moth sleeping on the other side of the glass.

The brain cell is strong with this one.

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #LokiToots #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #OneOrangeBraincell #OrangeCats

“There’s obviously zero chicken chunks and less than zero kibble left. What is this, a Dickens novel?!”

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Happy #Caturday from Mama Cat!

May you enjoy the weekend as much as she enjoys shoes.

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Sometimes when we’re sitting at the kitchen table and Jasper is there hanging out in one of the chairs with us, as he often does, he’ll just reach out and sink his claws into the nearest leg. Which makes that person scream. Which then makes Jasper scream. Soon the entire household is screaming.🙀

#Caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography #BlackAndWhite

sorry GAFAM mojeekat has spoken, the year of #linux is upon us

#cats #caturday #catsofmastodon

She was the only one warning us about the wall. Soon it will be too late, and we will all say, "If we had only listed to Sheena...." #CatsOfMastodon #weirdocats #cats

They looked so cute, and juuust as my finger went down to tap "photo", he did this.


I might get this printed off and framed 😄

#catsofmastodon #funny #humor #catphotography #pets