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Items tagged with: HARRIS

“#Harris campaign launching its "Souls to the Polls" effort this weekend to turn out Black churchgoers in battleground states.. multi-pronged effort will see Harris herself visit Black churches in battleground states.

…also comes with the creation of a faith advisory board, made up of 10 prominent faith leaders -- including Harris' pastor, Dr. Amos C. Brown III, who leads Third Baptist Church in San Francisco -- who will engage Black churches across the country”

Harris’ approach: a winning strategy (for all, but the 1% & those who operate by corrupt means).

Her economic plans are “good for lower- & middle-income Americans & small bus', and tough on high-net-worth HHs & corps,” says M Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, who's predicted a #Harris victory. Her proposals are “not going to change the growth rates of the economy in a meaningful way -but it does change who benefits the most from that: low-& middle­-income HHs.”


Via @emptywheel:

We've been waiting to see whether #Harris' emphasis on GOP endorsements will pay off. This, plus Siena poll showing 4% gains among GOPers, suggest it is.

Sam Stein:

EXCLUSIVE: Poll Finds Large Chunk of Haley Voters Ready to Ditch #Trump

They call themselves “pro-life” but it’s a lie. Abortion bans - by design - exclude the life of the mother as a life to be valued and saved. Her life is not counted.

Even when there is no other life, only an unviable clump of cells, parasitic from the start, that is killing her, “pro-lifers” will not intervene to save the life of the mother.

Every single pregnancy is a risk to the mother’s life.

Every single one.

#Vote #Harris #Election2024 #Abortion

Steve Schmidt explains why Donald Trump will become the next Hitler if he wins

“When the next Hitler comes... maybe... it will present itself like this; on a stage in Butler Pennsylvania. Two fascists, one jumping for joy; joy for what? power, and money, and the thrill of taking from you everything and anything that should matter; starting with your freedom and your liberties as an American.”

#News #Politics #Democracy #Democrats #Harris #KamalaHarris #Trump

#KamalaHarris announced a plan today to expand Medicare's home health care coverage for older Americans in an effort to support the "sandwich generation" caring for both kids and aging parents.

Savings from negotiating drug prices will help fund it.

Here's a quick Q&A with 2 scholars of long-term care, to assess what’s known so far about the plan:

#health #USpolitics #medicare #harris

Via Anne Brøndum:

If you think that you have heard #Trump predict doom and gloom if the Dems win, it is because he said exactly the same thing 4 years ago. Exactly. The. Same. Thing.


Lmao you guys ran the exact same article four years ago and stocks hit a record high today

#ClusterFox #Bidenomics #Harris

Lately I've been thinking about how the #Republican party has evolved over the last decade or so as viewed through the lens of the games that major voices in the party play.

Previous generations of #GOP speakers were proudly golfers, but lately major voices are football fans. You can hear them make that shift from talking about golf to talking about football.

Well, over the years Republicans have made this marked shift from looking to work together and build consensus to just looking to fight their opponents. And it strikes me that that's also a difference between golf and football.

The new generation of conservative speakers don't understand the realities of political systems where they have to work with others, convince others, to get things done. It's as if they are projecting philosophies from football on to their politics in ways that didn't happen previously.

And that's a shame for us all. That's how you get #Trump... and #Harris.


The Great American Comeback with Biden-Harris:

• 16.2 million jobs added
• Stock market hitting record highs
• Strongest post-pandemic GDP growth in world
• Much lower unemployment & inflation than Reagan in 1984
• Employment for prime-working-age Americans at a 23-year high

#Economy #Election2024 #Harris #Trump

I am an #American who has given her whole life to our nation, I am calling out the Trump stooges in Congress as Putin-owned traitors.

Trump, Vance and republicans' open fealty to Putin, a hostile foreign intelligence agent, who is one of the most infamous cold-blooded killers in human history & wanted war criminal for genocide against Ukrainians.

The choice is #Kamala/Dems/USA -- or Putin.

#Harris #HarrisWalz2024 #election2024 #voteblue #USA

Raw Story:
'Anything they don't like they call fake!' Biden cracks up at GOP attacks on jobs report

President Joe Biden on Friday had a laugh at the expense of Sen. Marco Rubio...

"Look: If you've noticed, anything the MAGA Republicans don't like, they call fake — anything!" he said. "The job numbers are the job numbers. They are. They're real..."

#News #Politics #Democracy #Democrats #Harris #KamalaHarris #TimWalz

#Harris campaign’s new ad targeting Latino voters “Why Do We Fight”.

Via CBS’s NidiaCavazosTV:

This will run across battleground states during Hispanic Heritage Month and during next week’s Univision town halls with VP Harris and #Trump.

JOBS REPORT: Another blockbuster report with Biden-Harris

• +254K jobs; unemployment down to 4.1%
• The Biden-Harris economy has added 16.2 million jobs
• 36 straight months of unemployment rate at or below 4.5%
• Employment for prime-working-age Americans at a 23-year high

#Economy #Jobs #USPol #USPolitics #Election2024 #Harris

Inte så oväntat, men ändå: Att Springsteen stödjer Harris i presidentvalet där borta. #uspol #springsteen #harris

"Troye, who has endorsed #Harris for president, accused Trump of trying to divert attention from his own #political liabilities on #disaster responses.

She said if #Trump wins the White House again, he will view #disasters through a political lens that values personal loyalty over damage considerations.

“It’s not going to be about that #American voter out there ... their house is gone, and... [Trump] is judging them for how they voted""

#Hurricane #Helene #USA #News

LIVE stream here:

Liz Cheney, Kamala #Harris

A new #CookPoliticalReport #SwingState Project Survey conducted by BSG & GS Strategy Group (Sept 19-25; 2,941 voters), shows VP #KamalaHarris leading or tied w/ #Trump in ALL but 1 of the 7 battleground states. Overall, she holds a lead of 49% to 48%.

#Harris has a lead w/in the margin of error in #Arizona +2, #Michigan +3, #Nevada +1, #Pennsylvania +1, & #Wisconsin +2. Trump is ahead 49% to 47% in #Georgia, & the candidates are tied at 49% in #NorthCarolina.


For the 1st time ever, a plurality of swing state voters now think that a #Democrat will win the presidential #election. This month, 46% of voters think #Harris will win, compared to 39% who think it will be #Trump. That is an 11-point swing in Harris’ favor since Aug, & suggests that Harris has been successful in presenting herself as a serious candidate.

#USpol #Authoritarianism #Republicans #Autocracy #Tyranny
#democracy #ProsecutorVFelon #WeAreNotGoingBack #Freedom #HarrisWalz2024

#EnergyTransition: The $20B US green bank program just funded its first project

"A #Bide-#Harris IRA program meant to expand #climate investment in underserved markets has its 1st target — a $31 million #solar effort in #Arkansas... At 66 MW across 16 sites, the project will be the largest commercial solar deployment in Arkansas and the 4th largest university #RenewableEnergy deployment in the US"

#Renewables #CleanEnergy #SolarEnergy #USpol #Harris2024 #ClimateChange

“We’re going to show these greedy bastards you can’t survive without us!” Daggett shouted to cheers from the crowd in a speech filled w/profanities & warnings about the threats automation poses to workers.

[listen, if he actually were doing this for the #workers, fine. But he’s not. He just wants the country to blame #Biden & #Harris for a downturn in the economy so #Trump gets elected]

#Longshoremen #union #scam #economy #strongarm #MafiaState #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

From late summer’s VP pageant of Democratic middle-aged American white men, #TimWalz emerged as an avatar of football-coaching, social-studies-teaching, father-figure affability, & this appeal helped carry him past arguably more strategic choices to a spot on the #Harris ticket. His affect, along w/his record as #Minnesota governor, made progressive policies look like a matter of folksy #CommonSense.

#VPdebate #debate #USpol #sexism #GenderRoles #ToxicMasculinity #TonicMasculinity #masculinity

One photo that circulated during his rise to national attention was taken after he’d signed a bill to provide free school breakfasts & lunches; around the governor’s shoulders, smiling children were piled like puppies. #TimWalz embodies a model of #nontoxic #masculinity the #Harris campaign has hoped to represent w/…[groups like]“#WhiteDudesForHarris”…. “

#VPdebate #debate #USpol #GenderRoles

"“If you abstain or vote for somebody other than Kamala Harris, you effectively vote for Trump. Consider the consequences for our country. Don’t do something you’ll regret."

#HarrisWalz #Harris #KamalaHarris2024 #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024

Giuliani's daughter decries Trump and endorses Harris

Giuliani's daughter argued the "catastrophic downward spirals" experienced by those in Trump's inner circle should serve as a warning to American voters.

...this moment and this election are so much bigger than any of us."...

"Take it from me, Trump destroys everything he touches. I saw it happen to my family. Don’t let it happen to yours, or to our country."

#News #Politics #Democracy #Democrats #Harris #Trump

Hi Trump.

Via Ammar Moussa:

Thanks to President #Biden and VP #Harris border crossings are down for the third straight month.

Priscilla Alvarez:

New: In September, US Border Patrol recorded around 54,000 encounters along the US southern border, according to new federal data shared with CNN— marking the third month of decline since Biden's executive action went into effect.

The #NewYorkTimes editorial board has #endorsed #KamalaHarris for president. In an editorial published Monday, the editorial board called #Trump #unfit for office & declared the VP the “only patriotic choice for president.” While the editorial board was harshly critical of Trump, it also suggested #Harris should offer more policy details [🙄] in her campaign & take part in more media interviews [🙄🙄].

[she has done both, which the NYT has barely covered]

Via the hellsite, from economist Mark Zandi:

#Bidenomics #Harris

“There's "Swifties for Harris" and "Cat Ladies for Kamala" and "White Dudes for Harris." You can add one more to the list: "Athletes for Harris."

The #Harris campaign says it's launching "Athletes for Harris" and the effort is designed to mobilize athletes and coaches in the final weeks of the campaign, according to a statement obtained by USA TODAY Sports.”