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Items tagged with: Freedom

#Georgien är ett avkoloniserat demokratiskt land som just nu kämpar mot yttre hot mot dess nationella integritet, frihet och oberoende. De behöver allt vårt stöd i kampen mot #putinism, #nystalinism och #fascism.

Georgien (och #Ukraina) måste snarast välkomnas in i den europeiska gemenskapen. Deras kamp för frihet och demokrati är även vår kamp.

გილოცავთ დამოუკიდებლობის დღეს!

#georgia #independenceday #freedom #democracy

Well done to Simon Harris for drawing strong analogies between the histories of the Irish people and the Palestinians and the longing on the part of smaller nations for freedom from oppression and self-determination.

and, yeah, f**k fascists and colonialists like Netanyahu.

#Ireland #Palestine #Freedom

If we really lived in a democratic state based on the rule of law, wouldn't #Assange have long since been pardoned due to the inability of the legal system to acquit him?

#question #democracy #humanRights #wikileaks #press #freedom #journalism #warCrime #politics #jail #fail #ethics #justice #system #UK #USA #news

2024 #World #Press #Freedom Index – #journalism under political pressure


#news #problem #politics #future #violence

When Big Tech says something is #free, it means that you're the product. 🤢

The internet should be a place of #freedom not a platform for data collection. 💃

Start taking your #privacy back by supporting open source alternatives to Big Tech! 💪


While mainstream distracts us from what's really going on, be like the lion; studious and patient.

We will rise when the time is right.

#freedom #resilience

It is always a bad sign when a #democracy bans the #press...


The Foreign Press Association (FPA) urged the Israeli government to reconsider its decision, saying the shut down of #AlJazeera in the country should be "a cause for concern for all supporters of a free press".

#censorship #war #gaza #problem #journalism #freedom #politics #military #humanrights #security #news

Glen Greenwald is on topic presenting the free speech constraints imposed by Bill HR6090.

#freedom #firstamendment #1a #censorship #lawfare #antiwar