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Items tagged with: President

Content warning: Trump

Donations are pouring in for Vice President #KamalaHarris' presidential campaign after #President #Biden dropped out of the 2024 race on Sunday.

The #Harris campaign said Monday morning that "everyday Americans have given $49.6 million in grassroots donations to her campaign" since Biden's endorsement.

#Election2024 #VoteBlue #HarrisForPresident

Current & former #DNC members are adding their names to an open letter endorsing Vice President #KamalaHarris to become the party’s presidential nominee.

The document cites the members’ belief that the “strongest candidate for #President, who can best offer a clear, unifying vision for the future of the #UnitedStates,” is #Harris.


The #CongressionalBlackCaucus is expected to endorse Vice President #KamalaHarris for #president, Chairman Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) said in an interview.

#Harris, a former #CBC member when serving in the Senate, called Horsford this afternoon after #Biden endorsed his running mate & confirmed to him that she would run for #POTUS.

#Election2024 #VoteBlue

Vice President #KamalaHarris released a statement through the #Biden campaign saying, “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement & my intention is to earn & win this nomination,” she said. “We have 107 days until #Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will #win.”

She added, “With this selfless & patriotic act, #President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of #service: putting the American #people & our #country above everything else.”


New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the most influential progressive voices in the democratic party took to Instagram Live to share her thoughts on the risks of forcing #Biden to step aside and the fact that many of her democratic colleagues who want Joe Biden to drop out of race also want to remove Vice #President Kamala Harris from the democratic ticket based on conversations she says she's observed behind closed doors. #AOC

"The #assassination attempt on former US #President #DonaldTrump during a campaign rally in Butler, PA, led to a surge in #antisemitic #conspiracy theories and calls for violent retaliation, according to the Anti-Defamation League (#ADL)"

Elon #Musk donates to Donald #Trump, tapping vast fortune to swing US presidential race


The move highlights the growing influence of a #technology mogul who tops the Bloomberg Billionaires Index with a net worth of US$263.6 billion and his shift from a self-described political independent – who said he preferred to stay out of politics – into a figure who regularly uses his X social-media platform to espouse right-leaning views and attack Democrats.

#news #politics #usa #election #president #finance

A lot of discussion about a #president and his age.

This is Urho Kekkonen, the longest-serving president of Finland. The first photo shows him as he loved to present himself: strong, determined, irreplaceable – despite his advanced age.

The second photo shows him shortly before leaving office, at the time on a sick leave due to the "flu". His health deteriorated within weeks, and PM Koivisto later wrote that he soon became "mentally unreachable".

#Kekkonen was 81 at the time.


Mitch McConnell Is Older Than Duct Tape: 9 Politicians Born Before the Invention of Everyday Tech


The U.S. currently has the oldest ruling political class in the #history of the country. Joe Biden is 79 years old, the oldest #president ever, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is 81, and #Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is 79. Sens. Diane Feinstein and Chuck Grassley are both 88.

#news #usa #politics