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Items tagged with: vance

Usha #Vance told friends #Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him.

The potential second lady found Trump’s actions on #Jan6 “deeply disturbing,” a friend said. But #ambition & devotion to her husband ultimately drove her to a place in the campaign.

#Republicans #liars #power #cynicism #VoteBlue #Harris #Harris2024

#USpol #JDVance #TempVeepCandidate

Good point.

As #Scaramucci said, how many Scaramuccis will he last?

#Vance seems to be in self-destruct mode, despite having written a bestselling book and being politically experienced.

JD #Vance is perfect: he says the same stupid shit #Trump says, but somehow breaks the spell.

If Trump talked about never fucking a couch or racist Diet Mountain Dew or childless cat ladies, no one would bat an eye.

Vance does it and suddenly people are like "wait, uh..."

Vance is actually too "on-brand." Trump needed a Pence -- someone who looked "normal" to the disengaged middle

Via Aaron Rupar:

It's fun to think about #Trump dropping #Vance, but I can't imagine it happens. Admitting an error like that is just not something Trump does. And it would look extra bad since Trump needed a new running mate in the first place bc he tried to have the old one killed. He's stuck.

Nine years ago, Hillary said around half of Trump's supporters were bigots of various stripes and despite that being a generous estimate, the right hasn't stopped whining about it since--and they convinced the press that it was a consequential slur.

This will be forgotten in 2 days...

#vance #fascism #media #election2024

For unspeakable reasons there is suddenly a lot of talk about couch fucking on my timeline.

I have (a photo of) the perfect couch for it:

#Couch #CouchFucking #Fucking #Sex #Furniture #FurniturePorn #Porn #Vance #JDVance #Hoax #AllegedHoax

The weasel the failed old felon picked to run at his side “wrote” an awful* book.
His book was gifted to victims to signal stupidity or bought to inflate numbers but - so it seems - not to be actually read.
You can “find” anything remotely plausible in it because nobody really knows.
#couch #NoKinkShaming #JDVance #Vance
* AFAIK noone admits to reading it. It may be full of very strange, yet plausible, invented stories about his life. We can only guess…

"Associated Press deletes fact-check debunking story about J.D. Vance and the couch"

"The Associated Press produced a fact-check with the headline, 'No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch.'

Hours later, the AP rewrote the headline.

'Posts spread baseless rumors about GOP vice presidential pick J.D. Vance having sex with a couch,' was the new headline Wednesday night."

#Vance #AP #couch #GOP #Trump #freak

"Vance VP" - Marsh Family parody adaptation of "Dancing Queen" by ABBA

#uspolitics #vance #song #parody

Via Andrew Weissmann:

JD #Vance didn't just write the forward for the Heritage President's new book, he wrote a promotional blurb about weoponizing the Heritage ideas.

Vance: “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets,” Vance raves in the blurb. “In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”

Via Ron Filipkowski:

The architect of #Project2025 has a new book coming out where he outlines his plans in greater detail, and it just so happens that JD #Vance is the author of the Forward, he wrote a glowing review, and urged people to buy it on Twitter last month.

🧵 Via Tim Wise: 1/...

When JD #Vance says Kamala #Harris isn't "grateful" enough for America, he is repeating same trope racist white folks have always offered: Black people aren't grateful enough for all they've been "given" in this country. I have thoughts.

1st, folks of color haven't been "given" anything by America. Had it been up to most of "America" & esp most white folks they wouldn't have gotten freedom or right to vote, etc. They fought for & earned those things. They weren't gifts

Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas.

Yes, Peter Thiel was the senator’s benefactor. But they’re both inspired by an obscure software developer who has some truly frightening thoughts about reordering society. His name is Curtis Yarvin who also goes by the pseudonym “Mencius Moldbug”.

#Vance #Thiel #Yarvin #USPol

Desperate stuff from #Vance and the #Republicans completely caught on the hop by #Biden not putting himself forward to be the #Democrat nominee.

If they knew their US history they would know Biden is not the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd president to do this…he’s the 6th! The first being erm, George Washington. The last LBJ.

Their legal bills are actually their advertising budget.

This statement from #Vance is false:

“There’s a constitutional process, the 25th amendment. If Joe Biden can’t run for president, he can’t serve as president and if they want to take him down because he’s mentally incapable of serving, invoke the 25th amendment.”

No one has declared that Biden is unfit to serve, Biden has just chosen not to put himself forward as the Democrat nominee. These are separate issues as Vance knows. And as I said, Biden is the 6th president to take this course.

Via Katie Phang:

JD Vance showing his true colors

Ron Filipkowski:

JD #Vance says women who haven’t given birth like Kamala #Harris are “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives,” and have “no direct stake” in America.

In Private Speech, #JDVance Said the “Devil Is Real” & Praised #AlexJones as a Truth-Teller

#Vance, whom #Trump named as his running mate Mon, told a group of influential young #conservatives in a closed-door speech in 2021 to the secretive #Teneo Network. The #GOP VP nom has been a member of the #LeonardLeo - backed group, which seeks to cultivate #conservative influence in #business & #culture.

#FarRight #Extremism #VoteBlue #democracy #BidenHarris2024

"#Vance’s oration is an important phase in the ongoing evolution of right-wing #Trumpism. With his nomination, the slapdash and xenophobic excesses of Trump’s prior two campaigns are becoming refined and sharpened into a potent, albeit bastardized, brand of pseudo-populist nationalism." - #ChrisLehmann
#JDVance #NewRight #USpol #USpolitics #RNC #GOP #2024election


#Russian FM expressed his positive attitude towards the new US VP candidate JD Vance. Speaking at the UN, #Lavrov said he is confident that it will be easier to negotiate a quick peace in #Ukraine with Trump's team, as #Trump and #Vance support ending aid to Ukraine, #Bloomberg writes.

#JDVance is suddenly worried about his extreme anti-abortion stance.

He still *is* a crusader who wants to "eliminate abortion" no matter the circumstances; he just doesn't want voters to *know* it. Because it turns out, forcing 10-year-old kids to have their rapist's baby isn't very popular!

#vance #trump #republicans #fascism #ChristianNationalism #abortion #WomensRights

Good morning to readers, #Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.

The choice of J.D. #Vance as Trump's running mate is a major blow to #Ukraine.

The former 'Never Trumper' has built his foreign policy cred on opposing Ukraine aid. In our latest NEWSFLASH, we examine how:

In Private Speech, J.D. Vance Said the “Devil Is Real” and Praised Alex Jones as a Truth-Teller

#Vance gave the speech to the secretive Teneo Network. The #GOP vice presidential nominee has been a member of the Leonard Leo-backed group, which seeks to cultivate #conservative influence in #business and #culture.

Watch the full #video at the link below.

#News #Politics #Election #election2024 #Trump #JDVance #LeonardLeo