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Items tagged with: AstroPhotography

The Aurora from Washington, from a star party in Duval.

It started a bit slow, but then we had this moment where it became incredibly bright & lit up the entire sky. At that moment everyone started cheering together, it was an amazing shared experience.

#astrophotography #aurora #astronomy

Etosha National Park, Namibia
Credit: Benjamin Barakat
Date: 2024 May 10/11


Crazy sunspots....took this picture 10 minutes ago:

Tweaked a bit the colors and sharpness. Taken with Pixel 4a and my telescope.

The sun is nuts!

#sun #sunspot #nature #astrophotography

These mean looking sunspots are the cause of the strongest geomagnetic storm (G5 - Severe) in 20 years!

They are really huge, spanning about 16 Earth diameters. Auroras are happening now and probably will continue over the weekend.

Pic with a 2415mm focal length Dall-Kirkham telescope with a 2X Barlow, a Baader Astrosolar filter, and a bandpass infrared filter (850 nm).

#science #sunspots #sun #aurora #astrodon #astrophotography

Just before moonset - an infrared view of the one-day old crescent moon next to the Pleiades in the evening sky.

The moon's elevation was only about 1/2 degree above a sea level horizon. (The distant mountain range is 45 miles away, and a few thousand feet lower than the observing location. This means the mountains are at a negative elevation.)

The moon does not appear to be a circle, Instead, it's squashed flat because of atmospheric refraction.

Haze and dust layers are prominent.

Planetarium software says that I was shooting through about 30 airmasses for this image.

Taken from the mountains of southern New Mexico at an elevation of 9,000 feet.

I slightly boosted the visibility of the Pleiades stars in post processing.

#Moon #Pleiades #Astronomy #Astrophotography #Photography #Infrared #Monochrome #Optics #Refraction #Atmosphere

The "Pillars of Creation", as seen from my driveway. This is the central structure in Messier 16, the Eagle Nebula which is now rising very early in the morning.
