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Items tagged with: bloomscrolling

They planted small magnolia trees all across the park a few years back. They bore buds but most got eaten by the pesky squirrels last year. So this year, for the first time it bloomed... to my delights, it's YELLOW! Now it's my favorite color for magnolias.
#BloomScrolling #MagnoliaBlossom

Leaves coming in + wisteria = enchanted forest vibes. #BloomScrolling

It rained all day.
But it was rather more convenient than sunny weather for me.
Today was a tough day.
Walking in the rain makes me feel lighter.

#peony #芍薬 #shakuyaku #buds #Bloomscrolling #japan

Our other clematis vine is doing well & blooming like crazy. Didn’t even notice the caterpillar till I was looking at the photos later. Everything in the #garden does great here until about June when the blast furnace heat arrives.

#flowers #bloomscrolling #photography #flowerphotography #gardening

This wildflower has an unfortunate name in Japan, even though it is so small and lovely.


This means big dog's scrotum...poor thing, right?
🐕 ͗ ͗✨ 🌕🌕
They say it's because the shape of the fruit of this flower resembles that of a dog. omg...
But I love this flower!!😂

#oinunofuguri #オオイヌノフグリ #speedwell #catseye #wildflowers #Bloomscrolling

California poppies from my garden.

I don't use pesticides or herbicides so I can welcome random California poppies to my garden.


Let's go to the garden center!
Just to look I swear...
30 minutes later...

#BloomScrolling #Gardenia #BackyardGarden

My wife knows how much I love gardenia flowers and the their scent, so she bought some a couple of months back for our backyard.

They’re blooming!!!

And smell soooo gooooood! 🤤