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Items tagged with: Sun

"The sun produced its biggest flare in nearly two decades Tuesday, just days after severe solar storms pummeled Earth and created dazzling northern lights in unaccustomed places."

AP reports: "The good news is that Earth should be out of the line of fire this time because the flare erupted on a part of the sun rotating away from Earth."

#Sun #SolarFlare #Space #NorthernLights #NOAA #NASA

Sahara Desert, Morocco
Credit: Jordi L. Coy
Date: 2024 May 8


Crazy sunspots....took this picture 10 minutes ago:

Tweaked a bit the colors and sharpness. Taken with Pixel 4a and my telescope.

The sun is nuts!

#sun #sunspot #nature #astrophotography

These mean looking sunspots are the cause of the strongest geomagnetic storm (G5 - Severe) in 20 years!

They are really huge, spanning about 16 Earth diameters. Auroras are happening now and probably will continue over the weekend.

Pic with a 2415mm focal length Dall-Kirkham telescope with a 2X Barlow, a Baader Astrosolar filter, and a bandpass infrared filter (850 nm).

#science #sunspots #sun #aurora #astrodon #astrophotography

A rare severe geomagnetic storm watch is issued for the first time in nearly 20 years amid "unusual" solar event.

CBS News quotes the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): "Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth's surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations."

#Sun #SolarFlare #Geomagnetic #Space #Science

βšͺ Stimmung... und ein Lieblingsfoto.
🟀 Mood... and a favorite photo.
πŸ“· by Artist: #DelfinaCarmona πŸ‡¦πŸ‡· in Loc.: #Berlin Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ 2023 - Title: "Stay in the sun" πŸŒ₯️ - #Art #Streetart #PhotoArt #Fotografie #Photography #Artist #Sun #Shadows #Mood ➑️ #APhotoLove
