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Items tagged with: harris2024

For the sake of balance, because I criticized liberal civility so much, I just wanted to say that it is refreshing to see the Harris campaign drop that bullshit.

Trump IS old and quite weird. We've kept people from the White House for less.

#LikeRonDeSantis #AmericaWasntReadyForItsFirstGooberPresident #CeasefireNow #Ceasefire #Harris #Harris2024 #Election2024 #Elections2024 #Politics #USPol #USPolitics

Usha #Vance told friends #Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him.

The potential second lady found Trump’s actions on #Jan6 “deeply disturbing,” a friend said. But #ambition & devotion to her husband ultimately drove her to a place in the campaign.

#Republicans #liars #power #cynicism #VoteBlue #Harris #Harris2024

These people are SO good: "lied about the election (again)."


Someone posted this pic of Kamala Harris from the 80's and said she looks like she played synth for a German New Wave band and tbh I'll never be this cool.

#KamalaHarris #Harris2024 #Harris #Synthwave #Synth #80s #GenX

Donald Trump and JD Vance have a plan for women. It's called Project 2025.

#Trump #Project2025 #rape #misogyny

#Kamala2024 #Harris2024 #abortion #liberty

Here’s a list of the former Republican presidents and GOP nominees that have endorsed Donald Trump.

#kamala2024 #harris2024 #KamalaHarris2024

#PeteButtigieg #Harris2024 #HarrisButtigieg2024
"William Hill this week offered 14/1 (6.7 percent) on Buttigieg running as the Democrats' vice presidential pick, but the odds improved to 4/1 (20 percent) as of 5 a.m. ET on Thursday."

Pete Buttigieg Emerges as a VP Favorite, According to Polls - Newsweek

"A number of popular names have been floated as possible choices for Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate."

The right policies.
The right people.
The right President and Vice President.

Thank you, President Biden.

The economy is stable because the Democratic Administration in Washington is stable.

VP Kamala Harris has the experience and team to keep this going. #Harris2024

GDP: The US economy is pulling off something historic:

“Now I’m honored, come on in,” #Trump said to #Netanyahu upon the PM’s arrival at Mar-a-Lago, acc/to video that a Trump aide posted. They posed for photos before going inside.

On Thurs the PM addressed a joint meeting of #Congress & met w/President #Biden & MVP #KamalaHarris. The day was thick w/tension, including raucous #protests of his congressional address.

#Israel #Gaza #ForeignPolicy #diplomacy #geopolitics #Zionism #evangelism #FarRight #extremism #PoliticalViolence #Harris2024

#Netanyahu in #Florida on Fri for a meeting w/ #Trump
The pair worked closely when Trump was president, but he was incensed when Netanyahu called to congratulate Joe #Biden on his 2020 presidential election victory &, since then, has been openly critical of Netanyahu’s management of the #war in #Gaza.

#Israel #ForeignPolicy #diplomacy #geopolitics #Zionism #extremism #evangelism #FarRight #extremism #PoliticalViolence #Harris2024

Great video kids interviewing MVP #KamalaHarris

The last kid kills me.

Harris: “I don’t like mean people.”

Kid doesn’t miss a beat: “I don’t like Donald Trump.”

Harris: “Yeah, me neither.”

Kid’s face is priceless. I don’t think he expected her to be so honest.

h/t @Sromano
#law #ProsecutorHarris #CriminalTrump #ProsecutorVFelon #democracy #Biden #POTUS #PresidentHarris #TheFirstButNotTheLast #HarrisForPresident #VoteBlue #Election2024 #Harris2024

These are just a few of the Biden-Harris accomplishments you must tell your friends (and those who say they won’t vote) about. Pass this info on!




#Biden #Harris #Harris2024 #KamalaHarris #Kamala #vote #voteblue #usa

The #US #economy grew faster than expected in the second quarter, but #inflation subsided, leaving intact expectations of a Sept #InterestRate cut from the #FederalReserve.

#GDP increased at a 2.8% annualized rate last quarter, the #Commerce Dept’s Bureau of #Economic Analysis said in its advance estimate of 2nd-quarter GDP on Thurs. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast GDP rising at a 2.0% rate.

#Bidenomics #Harris2024

"My uncle is panicking. Donald can’t buy what Kamala has.

He’s running against a strong Black woman—and a former prosecutor—who isn’t afraid to call him out or mock him.

How do you escape from your own narrative about how bad it would be for the oldest candidate in the history of this country to win the election if that candidate is now you?--Mary Trump #trump #harris2024 #press

The Republicans radiate doom, gloom, fear, hate, and misery.

Kamala Harris radiates joy, positivity, a can-do attitude, love of democracy, a path to a better future, a platform people want, and the ability to bring people together and motivate them.

There will surely be ups and downs these next few months, but I believe in my gut that we can pull this off. #Harris2024

Kamala Harris Wisconsin speech: Harris holds first official campaign rally:

FYI for white women who follow me on this platform—here is some additional information from Shannon Watts, who is organizing this.

Here is a donation link she shared:

More info to come on Thursday.

#KamalaHarris #Harris2024 #Kamala #vote #voteblue #usa

Content warning: How to donate to Kamala Harris AND promote Mastodon

Tell me you're a misogynistic, hypocritical racist without actually SAYING "I'm a misogynistic, hypocritical, racist."


Exclusive: #Harris leads #Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

MVP #KamalaHarris opened up a marginal 2-percentage-point lead over #Trump after #POTUS #Biden ended his reelection campaign & passed the torch to her.

The poll, conducted on Mon & Tues, followed both the #RNC where Trump on Thurs formally accepted his party's nom & the Biden announcement on Sun he was leaving the race.


I am thinking about how, during all the Hunter Biden stuff, and releasing their private messages, all it made me think was, “I wish I had a Dad who cared about ME like that”
and yesterday during Kamala speech and call with Biden, when he said, “I’m watchin’ you, kid, you’re doing great”, I wish I had a mentor who cared about ME like that.

#Kamala #Harris2024 #Biden #KamalaForPresident

Content warning: us pol

#Trump agreed to a 2nd #debate w/ #POTUS #Biden in Sept hosted by #ABCnews, but backed away from the idea of an #ABC debate since Biden dropped out [shocker¿]

Early Tues on social media, Trump called ABC “a joke”, said it was biased toward his opponents & declared the network “not worthy of holding a Debate…”

Trump said he thinks the debate should instead be held on #FoxNews.
[#FauxNews is worthy?”]

#coward #Harris2024 #HarrisForPresident

#Trump’s team, eager to get the 2 candidates on a #debate stage, had agreed to many conditions pushed by #Biden’s team. The first debate, in June, was disastrous for Biden & led to his withdrawal. But MVP #KamalaHarris, who is likely to become the #Democrats’ nominee, could be a more formidable opponent.

#ProsecutorHarris #CriminalTrump #law #democracy #POTUS #TheFirstButNotTheLast #HarrisForPresident #VoteBlue #Election2024 #Harris2024

Apparently Trump’s biggest days of donation were the 2 days after his conviction. About $30M per day.

Which is absolutely crushed by the more than $81M that Harris raised in a single day.

The largest democratic donation before this has been $70M the day after RGB died. #uspol #harris #harris2024


#RFKJr sought job in a #Trump White House as he weighed endorsing Trump

The *independent* [insane] candidate suggested being given a senior job overseeing a portfolio of #health & #medical issues [can you even imagine?], an idea that [even] the Trump campaign rejected.

#Harris2024 #VoteBlue #HarrisForPresident

I'm just waiting for the Democrats to somehow screw this up. #harris2024

Joe Manchin can take all the seats. We do not want him and definitely do not need him.

I’ve seen this Kamala 2020 ad a dozen times today. It doesn’t get old.
I never saw it when it first ran. It has aged amazingly and I hope they play it on repeat.

#Harris2024 #HarrisButtigieg #HarrisButtigieg2024 #VoteBlue

As a US senator Kamala Harris whooped Brett Kavanaugh's ass at the Senate Judiciary Supreme Court hearings in 2018. This is what Trump and the Republicans are scared of. They don't want THIS:

#Harris #Harris2024 #vote #usa

More than happy to help make him waste his money. #harris2024

I donated the max to Biden in 2020 general, haven't given a dollar until today. I sent in my first donation to #Harris2024 today. We will win this election.