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Items tagged with: Kamalaharris

Ask your doctor if going back to higher drug costs and losing your health care is right for you.

#election2024 #voteblue #harriswalz2024 #KamalaHarris

More than 200 women have faced criminal charges over pregnancy in the year after the disastrous Supreme Court Dobbs decision.
Vote For #KamalaHarris -- the life you save may be your sister, wife, lover, daughter, cousin, neighbor, coworker, or friend.

The next President will determine the direction of the Supreme Court for a generation as Alito is likely to expire and Thomas to retire in disgrace.
#uspolitics #HarrisWalz2024 #election2024 #Roevember @KamalaHarrisWin

Raw Story:
'Anything they don't like they call fake!' Biden cracks up at GOP attacks on jobs report

President Joe Biden on Friday had a laugh at the expense of Sen. Marco Rubio...

"Look: If you've noticed, anything the MAGA Republicans don't like, they call fake — anything!" he said. "The job numbers are the job numbers. They are. They're real..."

#News #Politics #Democracy #Democrats #Harris #KamalaHarris #TimWalz

“Since Aug. 30, Harris’s lead in the national polls has varied by less than a point. (Specifically, it has been between 2.4 and 3.3 percentage points every day.) ….As with the last two elections, this race may come down to voters who decide who they’re supporting late in the game, a group that is historically less engaged with political news and may not be paying attention to the campaigns yet. It’s tempting to think that, if we stare at these polling numbers long enough, the truth of who will win the election will jump out at us. But the reality is, late movement in the race can be unpredictable, and the winner hasn’t been determined yet.”

Group update: We're at 2,955 followers! Just 45 more to reach 3,000! Let's hit that milestone together!

Let's aim to achieve our goal by next week when crucial voter registration deadlines are approaching. Boost and share with fellow pro-Harris friends to expand our community! #KamalaHarris #GetOutTheVote

Bruce Springsteen has endorsed Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the November election. In a video posted to his Instagram feed, The Boss also emphatically rejected Donald Trump, describing him as, "the most dangerous candidate for president in my lifetime." He continued: “His disdain for the sanctity of our constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him from the office of president ever again. He doesn’t understand the meaning of this country, its history or what it means to be deeply American.” Watch the video here, courtesy of @USAToday.

#BruceSpringsteen #Entertainment #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #USPolitics #USElection

"Harris' Focus on Maternal Health Care Gains Support Among Black Women...Polls show an increased number of Black women voters back Kamala Harris. Her emphasis on maternal mortality, reproductive rights and gun control may be contributing."


Jack Smith's filing will do nothing to move the dial for the Trump part of the electorate. Nothing could.
But it could strengthen the patriotic views of independents and the "never Trump" slice of the Republican party in the crucial battleground States - that Trump is the ultimate existential threat to American democracy.
Liz Cheney's stumping with #KamalaHarris today is very on point. @KamalaHarrisWin

#Georgia Judge Lifts Six-Week #Abortion Ban After Deaths of Two Women Who Couldn’t Access Care

Abortion clinics rushed to provide care after a judge rejected the state’s ban, an order that could soon be paused by a higher court. It’s only the latest development since ProPublica reported the deaths of Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller.

#News #Health #Healthcare #Pregnancy #PlannedParenthood #WomensHealth #Law #Government #Politics #KamalaHarris #Doctors #Hospital

A new #CookPoliticalReport #SwingState Project Survey conducted by BSG & GS Strategy Group (Sept 19-25; 2,941 voters), shows VP #KamalaHarris leading or tied w/ #Trump in ALL but 1 of the 7 battleground states. Overall, she holds a lead of 49% to 48%.

#Harris has a lead w/in the margin of error in #Arizona +2, #Michigan +3, #Nevada +1, #Pennsylvania +1, & #Wisconsin +2. Trump is ahead 49% to 47% in #Georgia, & the candidates are tied at 49% in #NorthCarolina.


Scored purely on affect & debating technique — w/o regard to factual accuracy — #JDVance did a bit better. He stuck to his 2-pronged strategy: 1st, to blame #KamalaHarris for everything voters don’t like that has happened under the #Biden admin; & 2nd, to put a reasonable-seeming face on #Trumpism.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote


#KamalaHarris #EconomicPolicy fully elucidated for all ya’ll

[think that’s the first time I’ve ever said “ya’ll”]

The #Trump campaign has reveled in *camp masculinity* [#ToxicMasculinity] (as Ezra Klein called the RNC’s lineup of high-#testosterone speakers…); the #KamalaHarris campaign, meanwhile, has showcased “the nice men of the left” [or #TonicMasculinity] (as Rebecca Traister characterized a contingent of surrogates led by #DougEmhoff).

#VPdebate #debate #USpol #sexism
#TimWalz #JDVance #DaddyIssues #masculinity

We just crossed 2,900 followers! Let's see how close we can get to 3,000 by the end of tonight! #KamalaHarris #walz #vpdebate

BTW to visualize that:

#crypto bros love to talk about how they're beating the SEC in the courts. the reality is actually exactly the opposite; out of some 200 cases the bros have beaten the SEC in one (#bitcoin ETFs, unfortunately, where the court forced the SEC to accept the fraudulent data the #CFTC had accepted before it was known to be fraudulent) and "won" half of another one (#Ripple / #XRP), where the part they lost resulted in one of the largest fines in SEC history.

today they lost two more big cases. they will keep losing unless (as they hope) they can bribe congress into changing the laws, which is why crypto is the industry responsible for half of all donations to the 2024 election.

John Reed Stark has the breakdown:

#cryptocurrency #uspol #uspolitics #Election2024 #2024Election #Trump #DonaldTrump #JDVance #uspol #uspolitics #politics #Kamala2024 #KamalaHarris #GOP #MAGA #MAGAts #Vote #Republicans #RVAT #Democrats #HarrisWalz2024 #VoteBlue #HarrisForPresident

We have reached 2,900 followers! 🎉 Thank you all for your support and for sharing with your followers!

Let's aim for how close we can get to 3,000 by the #VPDebate tonight at 9PM EST! I believe we can do it! 🚀 Share this post to reach more pro-Harris friends and grow our community! #SupportHarris #KamalaHarris cc: @GottaLaff

Latest polling: 🌟 Leading up to the VP debate tomorrow, Tim #Walz is viewed as a bigger asset to the Democratic ticket than JD Vance is to the GOP ticket. Voters are showing a preference for Walz, with Democrats especially seeing him as a boost to their party's chances. Find out more about the latest poll results here: #kamalaharris

The #NewYorkTimes editorial board has #endorsed #KamalaHarris for president. In an editorial published Monday, the editorial board called #Trump #unfit for office & declared the VP the “only patriotic choice for president.” While the editorial board was harshly critical of Trump, it also suggested #Harris should offer more policy details [🙄] in her campaign & take part in more media interviews [🙄🙄].

[she has done both, which the NYT has barely covered]

"The mainstream media has settled on a narrative about this election, and they did it years ago. They want excitement and book deals and gossip and trash talking and the best way to get this is through a Donald Trump win."

~ Oliver Willis

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #MediaFail

Badass moment captured here. Legit moment and does not come off as posed or staged. Great photo. #KamalaHarris

Exciting new insights on the digital ad spending battle between #KamalaHarris and #Trump! Dive into the details here:

Gen. #StanleyMcChrystal, a retired four-star Army general & the former commander of U.S. & allied forces in Afghanistan, just endorsed MVP #KamalaHarris:

"Ms. Harris has the strength, the temperament &, importantly, the values to serve as commander in chief."

"I would urge others to vote as I have."

#NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024

#KamalaHarris also appeared to take a swipe at #Trump & his running mate #JDVance who've floated #Ukraine ceding territory to #Russia as part of negotiations to end the #war.

"However, in candor, I share with you Mr. President, there are some in my country who would, instead, force Ukraine to give up large parts of its #sovereign territory, who would demand that Ukraine accept neutrality & would require Ukraine to forego #security relationships w/other nations," #Harris said.


“The U.S. cannot & should not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. #Isolation is not #insulation," MVP #KamalaHarris added.

#Zelenskyy spoke after #Harris, telling reporters, "We have to end this #war, we need a just #peace. We must protect our people: Ukrainian families, Ukrainian #children & everyone from #Putin's evil. We are grateful to America for supporting #Ukraine all along."

#geopolitics #ForeignPolicy #Russia #Imperialism #tyranny #autocracy #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

MVP #KamalaHarris said, "The American people know well the meaning of #freedom, of #independence, & the importance of rule of #law. These ideals are central to who we are as Americans & some of the most important moments in our history have come when we stood up to aggressors like #Putin.”
"If we allow aggressors like Putin to take land w/impunity, they keep going & Putin could set his sights on #Poland, the #Baltic states & other #NATO allies”

#Russia #Ukraine #NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024

Following her meeting w/ Ukrainian president Volodymyr #Zelenskyy, MVP #KamalaHarris reiterated her support for #Ukraine, telling reporters, "I’ve been proud to standWithUkraine, I’ll continue to #StandUkraine & I will work to ensure Ukraine prevails in this war."

The VP framed Ukraine's fight against #Russia as one reflective of American values.

#Putin #drmocracy #geopolitics

MVP #KamalaHarris & Ukrainian President Volodymyr #Zelenskyy deliver joint remark as Zelenskyy meets DC lawmakers about the war effort in #Ukraine.

#geopolitics #democracy #StandWithUkraine
#Russia #Putin #ForeignPolicy

"These proposals are the same of those of #Putin. And let us be clear, they are not proposals for #peace. Instead, they are proposals for #surrender, which is dangerous & unacceptable," MVP #KamalaHarris said.

#Russia #Ukraine #autocracy #democracy #tyranny #leadership #ForeignPolicy #NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024 #StandWithUkraine

#KamalaHarris’s recent remarks on the #economy have focused on aiding the ambitions of young #families, first-time #homeowners & #SmallBusiness owners. Today, Harris is expanding that vision, to people who are struggling to make ends meet.

“I am a #capitalist,” #Harris said, directly countering #Trump’s BS attack #lies that she is a left-wing socialist.

#OpportunityEconomy #economy #KamalaHarris #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“I want Americans & families to be able to not just get by, but be able to get ahead, to #thrive. I don’t want you to have to worry about making your monthly #rent if your #car breaks down. I want you to be able to save up for your child’s #education, to take a nice vacation from time to time. I want you to be able to buy Christmas presents for your loved ones w/o feeling anxious when you’re looking at your bank statement.” - MVP #KamalaHarris

#OpportunityEconomy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“I want you to be able to build some #wealth, not just for yourself, but also for your children & your grandchildren, #IntergenerationalWealth.”

“I will engage in what #FranklinRoosevelt called bold, persistent experimentation, because I believe we shouldn’t be constrained by ideology, & instead, should seek practical solutions to problems, realistic assessments of what is working…, applying metrics to our analysis, applying facts to our analysis…

- #KamalaHarris

#economy #HarrisWalz2024

#KamalaHarris noted that the #FederalReserve lowered interest rates last week, saying that the move would “make it just a little easier for #families to buy a home or a car or just pay down a credit card.”

#Harris started the speech by acknowledging that the cost of living is too high, but saying those costs rose well before the pandemic. before #Biden & she took office.

#OpportunityEconomy #economy #KamalaHarris #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

The #Harris campaign distributed a ~80-pg white paper called "A New Way Forward for the #MiddleClass," on #economic #policy, to the VIPs & reporters. There are 13 chapters, including “Cut Taxes for #WorkingPeople” & “Invest in #SmallBusinesses That Drive #Growth #Innovation & #Jobs.”

#OpportunityEconomy #economy #KamalaHarris #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

The fire marshal had to restrict entry into #KamalaHarris’s #economic speech at the Philip Chosky Theatre on Carnegie Mellon University’s campus in #Pittsburgh. The auditorium is full, & there are scores more outside being told they won’t be allowed in.


MVP #KamalaHarris speaking soon in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania about building an #economy that will work for all Americans.

#OpportunityEconomy #MiddleClass #labor #unions #protection #security #education #training #infrastructure

#Vote for #KamalaHarris & Gov #TimWalz to protect our fundamental freedoms & defeat #Trump & the #MAGA #Republicans this #election.
