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Items tagged with: kamalaHarris

Raw Story:
Harris is shrugging off 'spiraling' Trump

Karen Tumulty, a columnist for The Washington Post, called out a "standout moment" ...

When CNN anchor Dana Bash asked Harris her thoughts on Donald Trump's questioning of her racial identity, Harris needed just a handful of words to deftly swat away the attack.

“Same old tired playbook. Next question, please," she said...

Tumulty praised Harris' response...

#News #Politics #Democrats #KamalaHarris #Harris

This clip from Lincoln Project reminds me of the teenager who was receiving coupons for baby items, based on her shopping habits (“Target knew his daughter better than her father did,” from 2012). If Trump and his Christo-Fascists get into office, this is our future. A vote for #HarrisWalz is a vote for bodily autonomy.


#Project2025 #USpol #abortion #surveillance #WeWontGoBack #KamalaHarris

“Donald Trump's advantage over Kamala Harris on the economy and crime is eroding among U.S. voters, a sign the Democratic vice president's campaign is gathering momentum ahead of the Nov. 5 presidential election, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll. “ #KamalaHarris

Across #socialmedia content targeting boys and young men is a noxious stew of toxic masculinity.

It's why the Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz feels like a gift for many parents raising sons.

#election2024 #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #IndependentJournalism

Was hat Kamala Harris mit der Wirtschaft vor?

Kamala Harris oder Donald Trump? Die Frage, wer der nächste US-Präsident wird, treibt auch deutsche Unternehmen und Ökonomen um. Doch was hat Harris überhaupt mit der Wirtschaft vor? Von Anne-Catherine Beck.


#KamalaHarris #Wirtschaft #USWahlkampf #Parteiprogramm

Charli XCX Is “Happy to Help to Prevent Democracy From Failing Forever” With Kamala Harris ‘Brat’ Meme
#News #PoliticsNews #CharliXCX #Election2024 #KamalaHarris

Crystal ball on #HarrisWalz2024.

Trump isn't campaigning because election doesn't matter to him. Litigation and open insurrection do. Ceding the election to the House.

Ironically, Joe Biden (lame duck) who has a sworn duty to protect the constitution now has blanket immunity (courtesy #SCOTUS) "for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority."

#POTUS can arrest insurrectionist legislators so that #Democrats affirm #KamalaHarris as the winner.

🗽 Artist: #TVBOY (Salvatore Benintende 🇮🇹) in City: 🤫 (its a secret) 08/2024 - Title: "Make America Love Again" 💙 - #Streetart #Art #Urbanart #Pasteup #Artist #USA #LadyLiberty #KamalaHarris - Website:

“Watching VP Harris deliver her acceptance speech…eschewing the white pantsuit & the talk of glass ceilings & the announcements of firsts, she was able to simply say the powerful words that mattered. It was like watching a thing that has always been, or, better, could have always been. It was almost ordinary, like watching a woman perform thoracic surgery, or change a tire, or drive a car.”

cc: @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

I feel like I should drive home an important point as I continue to see videos of #VP #KamalaHarris flying on the #V22 #Osprey. The inclusion-related defects uncovered by my reporting are NOT detectable before failure. There is NO guarantee that the pilots will be able to land before a catastrophic failure. HMX-1 pilot quals and maintenance don't make a difference here. #aviation #safety

Bin die letzten Tagen häufiger - und auch hier auf Mastodon - gefragt worden, "warum deutsche Politiker nicht so gut reden wie die Obamas und (seit heute) Kamala Harris". Da ich das Reden sowohl in Deutschland wie in den USA seit Jahrzehnten nicht nur theoretisch betrachte, habe ich nun dazu gebloggt. #Medien #Reden #USA #MichelleObama #BarackObama #KamalaHarris #Deutschland #Rhetorik

Goodbye, Chicago!

One last post from last night. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, Barack & Michelle & AOC. Thank you Coach #Walz, and everyone. And most of all, thank you Kamala.

Speaking for the whole crowd, we know the assignment. ✊

#KamalaHarris cc: @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

from #CommonDreams
Major #Union Backing #Harris-#Walz Joins Call for #Palestinian American to Speak at #DNC

"If we want peace, if we want real democracy, and if we want to win this election," the #UAW said, "the #DemocraticParty must allow a Palestinian American speaker to be heard from the DNC stage tonight."

#Uncommitted #UnitedAutoWorkers
#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#IsraelWarCrimes #ArrestNetanyahuAndGallant
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics #USElection #KamalaHarris
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

"Tonight, when Kamala Harris steps to the podium, she will formally launch a new era when women are no longer just the rescue team/cleanup crew, nor will they remain content in roles as the supporting or opening act.

Women, especially Black women, are now the main event. … Truth be told, Black women have been the main event in the Democratic Party for quite some time. But now, that fact is being shoved front and center…."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #MichelleObama #women #Black

"I get that Obama is the former president, whereas Michelle is merely (?) the wife of that former president. She didn’t hold any office; she was just (??) the wife. But for those taking notes (and you really should be taking notes), this is a real-time paradigm shift we are witnessing.

It is the women, Black women in particular, who are now taking center stage."

~ Keith Owens

#DNC #KamalaHarris #MichelleObama #women #Black

For understandable reasons — you cannot fake this kind of adolescent emotional response to a parent who is loved and admired — this moment of Tim Walz's son Gus Walz saying "That's my dad!" as he points with pride to his father on stage at the DNC has taken social media by storm today.

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #GusWalz #FamilyValues

"Addicted to horse-race election coverage, the political press just can’t stop looking for ways to give Trump every single benefit of the doubt, all in an effort to create some supposed level playing field.

Case in point – check out the so-called fact-checkers."

~ Justin Baragona

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #media

"Today we were able to get CNN to change a bogus headline in only 24 minutes, and tonight we trended #AmericaNeedsWalz to fight back against the media’s constant attacks on Tim Walz, already garnering over 100 million impressions."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #media

"Our campaigns are dominating the trends on social media, garnering billions of impressions over the last two weeks. We are also pressing forward with our rapid response coverage to get ahead of the mainstream media’s pro-Trump agenda."

~ Scott Dworkin

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #media

“'Hillary, Joe, Kamala. It doesn’t matter. I just hate them.'

To another adviser, Trump was blunt about taking on Harris: 'I’m going to be mean.'”

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

“'This is just the way I am. I hate my opponent. I hate my opponents,' Trump told a confidant who advised the former president to consider backing away from calling the vice president 'stupid' or 'dumb' at their high-profile standoff in a few weeks, which he has done repeatedly.Trump explained to the confidant that he’s treating Harris the same way he did Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton."

~ Marc A. Caputo

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

Joyce Vance features voices of two Republicans who spoke yesterday at the DNC about why they will not vote for Trump: Olivia Troye, former Homeland Security and Counterterrorism advisor to v-pPence, said,

"Four years ago, I resigned from the Trump administration. As a Republican who dreamed of working in the White House, it was a hard decision."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump #Republicans

"The only way to beat him is by playing an entirely different game — a game that draws on qualities that are the opposite of his, that appeals to those aspects of the American character diametrically opposed to his."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

"In every way, she’s his antithesis. She was a prosecutor; he’s a convicted felon also indicted for seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election. She’s kept her ideals; he’s kept his cynicism. She wants an inclusive America; he wants an exclusive one. She uses the power of joy and hope in politics; he uses the power of fear and revenge."

~ Robert Reich

#DNC #KamalaHarris #Trump

"What’s more, the obstacles faced by Black women daily are embedded into the structures and systems that line the pockets of the powerful. Despite our struggles being woven into the lives of everyone else, despite fighting for democracy time and time again, we are continually left behind.

Perhaps the Black woman who understands this most is Michelle Obama, a Black girl from the South Side of Chicago whose ordinary life led to extraordinary circumstances."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #MichelleObama

"Black women know more than anyone what it’s like to be dehumanized and reduced to parts of our whole. We have long been seen as mammies, mules, aesthetics, tokens, and superheroes, oftentimes simultaneously. If we are not in service to someone or something, our value is debated, our competence challenged."

~ Anna Gifty Opaku-Agyeman

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy #MichelleObama

"THE BEST ARGUMENTS made for Kamala Harris’s election at the Democratic convention so far have come from the two biggest speakers who’ve never held political office. ...

Both did something that the first night’s speakers failed to truly accomplish: they painted a human portrait of Harris for an electorate still learning about her, then laid out the game plan for the sprint ahead."

~ Sam Stein

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy #MichelleObama #DougEmhoff

"Well, I’ll take this over that Hulk Hogan freakshow.

Democrats have gathered in Chicago this week, a joyful, exuberant bear hug embrace of American political identity, patriotism, and above all, optimism. It has been a stark contrast with the American Carnage-style anger simmering at the Republican National Convention."

~ Brian Klaas

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy

"My overarching impression of the third night of the convention is that the future of the Democratic Party was on display, and it was beautiful sight! ...

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are speaking directly to the American people at a pivot point in American history. The press may not like that fact, but there is nothing they can do to stop it."

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy #media

~ Robert B. Hubbell

“Here is how we do it. Strategize on Sunday, meet the moment on Monday, take it to ‘em on Tuesday, work it out on Wednesday, thank the Lord on Thursday, fight the power on Friday, set it off on Saturday, get a few hours of sleep, wake up the next day and do it all over again until joy, joy, joy comes in the morning."

~ Hakeem Jeffries, quoted by Emine Yücel, Kate Riga and Nicole Lafond

#DNC #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #future #hope #joy