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Items tagged with: facebook

Leider ist das #Fediverse in den allermeisten Kรถpfen noch immer nicht angekommen bzw. gar nicht existent. In meinem Umfeld weiรŸ auch niemand, dass es das gibt, geschweige denn, was was es ist und kann.

Und auch nach Info von mir findet das eigentlich keiner sinnvoll, weil die Gehirne so von den groรŸen Playern indoktriniert und manipuliert sind, dass man ohne #Facebook, #Twitter aka #X, #Instagram, #TikTok usw. nicht leben kann ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคฎ
#Datenschutz #TeamDatenschutz

We rush toward 'teaching gen AI' to students, meanwhile this is the current state of mind for the creative community. This battle is not only about IP and giving credit/remuneration, it's about the rampant Big Tech bullying to basically do what they like with the internet. If you are not aware of these issues then maybe youre part of the problem.

#instagram #meta #facebook #artstation #adobe #academicchatter

embrace, extend, extinguish,_extend,_and_extinguish

like #facebook did to #myspace

why can't @Gargron see that this is all that #meta is doing here with #threads?

maybe he does and has some tricks up his sleeve

god i hope so

i feel like #mastodon and the #fediverse are facing down a galactic armada in an old honda

if we bend meta to our will instead of the reverse, it will be a story for the ages

#Meta is using your #Instagram and #Facebook photos to train its #AI models

I can confidently diagnose #betterhelp as sociopaths.

Promised therapy customers privacy...then gave their mental health info to advertisers.

Victims get less than ten bucks each.

Company made billion+ in revenue last year alone.

In a just society with good privacy laws, they'd face existential civil & criminal consequences.

#therapy #psychology #privacy #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #telehealth #medicine #HIPAA #surveillancecapitalism #advertising #facebook #meta
