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Items tagged with: usPol

Content warning: my odd if not bizarre take:

Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner


#USpol #Elections2024 #Biden #Debate

#HeatherCoxRichardson has talked about the debate and Biden in a recent excellent Interview by #Amanpour from #CNN:

#SCOTUS rulings, the debate with #TFG, and what would happen if Biden were replaced as the candidate.

Fascists do not make the trains run on time. They jail anyone who complains about the trains being late. Fascists do not rebuild the economy, the pass spoils to their cronies. Fascists do not solve problems, they create scapegoats. And Trump is a Fascist.

#guiltydonny #USPol #fascism



"The proof of #Biden's ability to run the country is the fact that he is running it.
Successfully. Not a debate performance against a pathological lying sociopath."*

The quote seems to originate from motivational speaker and TV political analyst #MoniquePressley and not #HeatherCoxRichardson: @ReallyBlue2


Boosted some posts about how even if they hold onto power, Dems aren't willing to and don't have any meaningful plan to expand the court. This is true.

But also: even if they win in November, the radical right isn't going to let them take those offices without a fight. J6 was a dress rehearsal.

We already voted & got a relative best-case scenario in 2020, *and yet we're here now anyway* 👀


Content warning: #uspol and defeatist thinking

Content warning: #uspol and defeatist thinking

Content warning: #uspol and defeatist thinking

#USpol #BidenDebate #TheEconomist
...democracy is that voters can choose their rulers, but Mr Biden and Mr Trump offer a choice between the incapable and the unspeakable. Americans deserve better."
This is the wrong wording. Biden is not incapable. However, in the debate, he was incapacitated. He was not up to the debate job that night.
ANYONE who who's honest to themselves has to admit that this is not the performance needed for a leader of a superpower.


#USpol #BidenDebate #TheEconomist


I agree with you that the photograph is indecent.

However, I have been listening to the US correspondents for years and what I saw there was not what I am accustomed to.

That said, I agree with most of the analysis, though I do not really like the tone, I have to say.

"There is another option. Mr Biden should withdraw from the campaign. That way, the election might refresh the body politic. The virtue of...

Content warning: #uspol and how primaries work

Content warning: #uspol and how primaries work

Content warning: #uspol and how primaries work



It is true that the #US mainstream media have very much lost their legitimacy as the Fourth Estate.

However, there are foreign media that do a superb job. One of them is #TheEconomist, which maintains a bureau in the capital and has its own research arm, e.g. modeling (US) elections.

In the intro of this week's #USpol podcast, #ChecksAndBalance, the 3 #US journalists agree that #Biden's chances of being re-eleclected have shrunk considerably...

#USpol #Project2025

Good point. However, as of now, the #TransitionPlaybook can still be downloaded (last link):

A man who literally tried to overthrow the government is running for president and everyone is out here treating it like it is normal. 1/6 was a coup. Trump and his cronies planned it and executed it. Just because they failed doesn’t make it ok.

What the fuck is wrong with the American media? (Rhetorical question, they are a bunch of nepobaby fascists)


#USpol #TFG #HeritageFoundation

Sure! 🤣

Although long-range planning and details are not his forte. 😉

Trump says he has 'nothing to do' with Project 2025, disagrees with some of its elements

Former President Trump sought to distance himself from the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 on Friday, saying he has “nothing to do” with the initiative and disagrees with some of its aspects. Trump said in a post on Truth Social that he is not involved in the right-wing... #press

And I hate that it’s taken me all this time to finally get my head around solid techniques for breaking through the mind control of someone who hasn’t already been somewhat disillusioned.

#USPol #cult

Don’t forget the power of questions in the role of breaking down a person’s manipulated worldview.

Core to that is trust. You believe what you do because of the sources you trust. Why do you trust those sources?

They believe what they do because they trust their sources. Why?

This conversation alone would do more to find common ground with a MAGA than arguing about the Constitution or rule of law. Get them to think about trust rather than to act automatically. Get them to tell you what gets them to trust someone. Then induce more critical thinking and self-awareness by asking follow-up questions about that trust.

#USPol #cult

Content warning: uspol / immunity / president / king

I started looking into Project 2025 so I could be more informed about it This is really bad, absolutely horrible. They want to get rid of anything that benefits citizens and protects children and workers.

#Project2025 #politics #Fascism #USpol #media #press #USA #workersRights #democracy #2024Election

Link to full article:

#auspol #australia #freedom #democracy #uspol #trump #maga #project2025 #fascism

American is in big trouble - big trouble. The decent folks over there a very worried about their future and the fragile state of freedom.
I am seeing alarm bells going off everywhere and calls to this thing called Project 2025 broadcast far and wide - look it up, it’s a recipe to dismantle an entire government once Trump gets hold of power. It’s a fascist regime with terrifying consequences.
No one should turn their back on this because it has serious ramifications for the entire world

Ironic that currently in the #SlaveStates , aka #RedStates , white women’s bodies are ALSO enslaved. #USpol

Like all cancers, #slavery must grow to survive.

#VoteBlue to #SaveAmerica !


Biden on campaign call: "I'm not leaving. I'm in this race to the end and we're going to win"

#AureFreePress #news #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews #Biden #USA #Politics #uspolitics #uspol


How the pro-Israel lobby bought the US Democratic Party

In the past four years, in response to the success of nine progressive Democratic candidates who refused to toe AIPAC’s line, the pro-Israel lobby radically changed its approach:

Instead of funding candidates in general elections, "it moved to defeat progressive candidates in primaries, thus preventing them from sure victories in their urban safe seats in Democratic strongholds."

#AIPAC #USPol ..

I wonder what it's like to be Michelle #Obama right now.
"You must save democracy. You're the only one who can!"

And, having been there, you know how that job sucks.


#UShistory #USpol #Reagonomics

You are right, Vee, #Reagan did pull out most of the stops and changed the US political system for decades, until this very day:
@otownKim @randahl

@VeroniqueB99 @otownKim

#USpol #UShistory #RepublicanTakeover

It didn't start with #RonaldReagan, though he was a successful paragon of rightwing #Republicanism.

It started in 1965 at the latest:


#USpol #TFG #Fascism

(2/2) the Constitution. Our great "Founders" did
not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

24,729 Reposts 78,542 Likes
Dec 03, 2022, 6:44 AM"


Axios is right-leaning, but their journalists are warning of the dangers from #TFG's annihilistic, antidemocratic, & cruel platform:

"You have to love how Axios’s plain language summary of Trump’s platform is “He’ll set up concentration camps and jail his political enemies” - literally fascism and tyranny - but somehow this all gets sidelined in our day-to-day discourse."
-W Stancil

Excerpt from Axios article:

#USPol #Democrats #BidenHarris #Project2025 #TrumpTariffs

#EUpol #USpol #Fascism

This week, #Hungarian president #Orban took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the #EuropeanUnion for 6 months.

His motto, guess what:
"Make Europe Great Again," or "MEGA".

I think it's time to talk about #FascistInternationalism, instead of #ProletarianInternationalism:
"Fascists of all countries, unite!"

"Biden can't just unilaterally do whatever he pleases for the left"

well now he can. get in there, champ. let's see what you're made of.


Ignore polls. Times have changed. The pollsters are probably having a hard time getting anyone except MAGA types. The only poll that matters is in November.

#Politics #USPol #Biden

#JoeBiden can achieve a legacy even greater than #LBJ by also withdrawing from his re-election bid and then leading a *unified* #DemocraticParty to VICTORY in #November.

Recall that our *first* criminal #POTUS (#Nixon ) defeated #EugeneMcCarthy in the #1968election after #LyndonJohnson divided the #Democrats in order to pass the #CivilRightsActs *and* expand the quagmire in #Vietnam. #Histodons #USpol

If I got the #SCOTUS right #Biden could just shoot #Trump in his ugly orange face and get away with it?

What is he waiting for. He should be fit enough for this important job between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM.


I am asking people to vote for Biden because it reduces my chances of being murdered in a pogrom. Antisemitism is getting worse and I appear more visibly trans every day.

I do not think this is an unreasonable request.
