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Items tagged with: HArris

2/ #Harris: It is deeply troubling & incredibly dangerous that Trump would invoke Hitler- the man who is responsible for the deaths of 6m Jews and 100s of thousands of Americans. All of this is further evidence for the people of who Trump really is from the people who know him best

The bottom line is this. We know what Donald Trump wants -- he wants unchecked power. The question in 13 days will be what do the American people want.

Via Phil Mattingly:

More than half of the living US recipients of the Nobel prize for economics signed onto a letter that calling #Harris’ economic agenda “vastly superior” to #Trump’s.

23 Laureates, including two of the three most recent recipients.

“I was going to hit her really hard on the trail today, but now I don’t have to, because she’s off,” #Trump said of #Harris, who is spending the day in Washington between campaign travel on the other days of the week. “You know why? She’s lazy as hell, & she’s got that reputation.”

#KamalaHarris recorded multiple media interviews on Tues after campaigning in 3 battleground states on Mon.

#WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #misogyny
#Vote #HarrisWalz2024

#Trump’s coded language tries to undermine #Harris’s qualifications based on her #race & #gender, said Rachel Noerdlinger, a Democratic comms strategist & snr adviser to Win With #Black #Women.

“Trump is reviving the old trope that Black women are unqualified for jobs historically held by White men. Not having a campaign event while you’re in the middle of also governing isn’t ‘lazy’—making almost 300 trips to the golf course as president is.”

#WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #misogyny

The Sun eviscerates #TFG; their endorsement will ensure more #Harris votes in the swing state of NV.

The R Party has nominated a womanizing narcissist & aspiring dictator. He & his supporters believe in trampling on the rights of women, providing greater protections to guns than schoolchildren, silencing: history & existence of POC/LGBTQ+ ppl, forcing working class families & seniors to choose b/w food & medicine & -attacking the IMGs who dream of a better life.


#Harris, Warren, McGovern signs burned #Massachusetts

"Signs are about free speech and when you burn them, that takes it to a whole other level," said Bershad, who is Jewish. "It reminded me of 1930s Germany. Only because this is how these kinds of tactics start."

“Jill Stein’s children want NO public association with their mother. What would it take for you to turn against your 74-year-old mother if she were running for office?”

—Lawrence O’Donnell, on #TheLastWord Monday

#HarrisWalz2024 #voteblue #vote #kamalaharris #uspol #usa #politics #harris #harris2024 #voteearly

Hundreds of #Doctors Are Demanding #Trump’s Health Records

The ex-president promised hard evidence that he was fit to serve. Where is it?

After Trump’s very #weird week, >400 doctors & health professionals are questioning his #mental & physical #fitness to serve, & calling for him to release his #MedicalRecords.

The development…comes about a week after the group Doctors for #Harris first released the letter, w/a little more than ½ the 448 signatures it has now.

#Biden-#Harris administration inks deals to bring major relief to #ColoradoRiver’s biggest reservoir #USpol

"#LakeMead has been dwindling due to both overconsumption and #climate-fueled #drought... The administration and SW #Colorado River users have partnered on a large-scale #conservation effort... the agreements with #Arizona’s #GilaRiver Indian Community is expected to conserve about 73,000 acre-feet of water within the next decade."

There are a lot of news stories out today and will be for the next couple of weeks aimed at making Democrats depressed and less likely to vote. To scare you! Don't read'em. I'm trying my hardest not to share them. Don't listen to the pollsters (even the trying to be honest ones don't know if they've weighted them correctly.) Work. Keep pushing!

#HarrisWalz #Harris #KamalaHarris2024 #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024

#MariaShriver asked #KamalaHarris about what she is doing to de-stress, saying that Americans say they’re turning off the news, they’re doing yoga, “they’re eating gummies….”

The crowd laughed & #Harris said: “Not eating gummies,” w/a chuckle. Harris said she does have trouble sleeping. She said she works out in the morning & that her family helps to keep her grounded.

#Vote #HarrisWalz2024

#KamalaHarris referenced ret Gen #MarkMilley, Trump’s chair of the Joint Chiefs, who described him as “#fascist to the core.”

#Harris says #Trump “has been manipulated & is so clearly able to be manipulated by favor & flattery including by dictators & autocrats.”

She says if he wins the White House, #Ukraine will fall to #Russia & that will have terrible consequences globally.

#NationalSecurity #USpol #HarrisWalz2024

#LizCheney says she’s actively supporting #KamalaHarris because she believes #Trump is dangerous, especially because he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election & still refuses to admit he lost.

#Harris says voters should take Trump’s rhetoric seriously, rather than writing it off as a “sick sense of humor.”

“Some people find it humorous, what he says…But understand just how serious it is.”

#NationalSecurity #USpol #HarrisWalz2024


🇪🇺 🇨🇦 🌍 🌍 🌎 🇺🇸

Because the election in the United States 🇺🇸 will have an effect all countries I think it's important that everyone help in their fight for democracy.

We can't vote but we can support our US friends with encouraging words,
by helping spread the Harris/Walz message,
and blocking and reporting Trolls and Bots designed to interfere with their election.

#USpoli #USA #Politics
#Democracy #Voting
#EU #Canada
#Australia #Africa

#Trump flubbed anchor Sage Steele's name at a town hall event, calling her "Paige."

"Thank you very much. Thank you. Let's have a little fun, Paige. OK?" Trump told Steele, who stood next to him onstage at Sunday's event in Lancaster, #Pennsylvania. Steele moderated the town hall.

#Harris campaign quickly posted footage of the incident on Twitter, where it had received more than 800,000 views by Monday a.m.”


#USpol #Wahlen2024

#Trump versucht verzweifelt durch immer unsinnigere und unfundierte Narrative von seinen zunehmenden geistigen Aussetzern und seinen schlecht verlaufenden Gerichtsverfahren abzulenken.

Wenn interessiert ein Ferienjob der #US-Vizepräsidentin und #Präsidentschaftskandidatin #Harris im letzten Jahrtausend!?!

US-Wahl: Trump macht mit McDonald's-Auftritt Stimmung gegen Harris

Gepostet in USA @usa-ZEITONLINE

Just vote early. It frees up volunteers to knock on other people's doors. And it's really not that hard. Just vote early.

(An insta share. Joshua Doss has great stuff. I don't think he's here but if I'm wrong I'd like to know.)

#election #election2024 #vote #voteblue #harris #harriswalz #harriswalz2024 #bluewave

Philly Inquirer editorial board: #Trump’s an even bigger threat to the rule of law now

"There is a reason more than 100 Republican officials, including some who worked for Trump, have endorsed Vice President Kamala #Harris for president."


🍄“#Trump calls #Harris a ‘s--- vice president’ and mentions Arnold Palmer’s genitals in bizarre rally

Harris on Saturday ripped Trump for meandering in his public remarks, saying that the former president "generally for the life of him cannot finish a thought."

The #DemocraticParty sure has made a mess of things choosing #Harris.

But this kind of thing shows #journalism has already lost so much respect.

It all goes to show how the US came to be in the state that it's in.


@volkris W/ all due respect, here are 3 articles on interview #harris did. She has courage & leadership that the m’ker demented #Trump never did, never does & never will. Unscathed she came out of a biased & disrespectful #Baier. Shameful!

Want to troll me? Fine! Troll me w/ articles, don’t troll me with w/ your opinion.

P.S. Ever enter a lion’s den b/4? I did many times w/ my job.

It took great courage and supreme confidence to walk into a lion's den, facing prejudice and disrespect by #bretbaier, and come out unscathed like #Harris. That was incredible, and what a display of leadership. She must have moved a few thousand voters’ minds about her. They will now vote for her. 👏👍

7/ Kamala #Harris on Fox on #Trump: He's unfit to serve. He's unstable. He's dangerous. And people are exhausted.


11/ There's more, but I'm done.

Via Ammar Moussa:

Wow that was a performance from #Harris

Went into the lion's den and stood ten toes down.

Ran circles around Bret with incredibly strong, confident answers. #ClusterFox

6/ BAIER: What are you turning the page from?

#HARRIS: First of all, turning the page from the last decade in which we've been burdened by the kind of rhetoric from Donald Trump designed to divide our country #ClusterFox

Via Acyn:

Baier's first question to Kamala Harris presses her on undocumented immigration. Baier barely lets her get a word in.

Kamala #Harris: May I please finish may I finish responding please?

Baier: You had the white house, the house and the senate.

Kamala Harris: I am in the middle of responding to the point you are raising.


Baier is really going for blood here. Harris does a nice job standing her ground.

All it takes is one phone call.

That can be the difference between someone sitting out this election or going to vote for Kamala Harris.

We must reach as many voters as possible over the next 20 days. Sign up for a statewide virtual phonebank, and share this link with your network! ⤵️

#Pennsylvania #PhoneBanking #Harris2024 #Harris #Election2024

"Vice President Kamala Harris will sit down with Fox News' Bret Baier Wednesday as she steps out of the comfort of what has so far been a relatively friendly series of interviews since she became the Democratic nominee this summer."

From @abc: "With three weeks until Election Day, Harris' interview with Baier will mark her first sit-down with Fox News -- and her first interview with a conservative news outlet since she became the Democratic nominee."

For ongoing coverage, follow @2024-white-house-ElectionCentral

#Harris #FoxNews #USPolitics #Politics #Election #Media #KamalaHarris

"The polls and the press want you panicked and demoralized. don’t buy into it
meanwhile, Donald Trump’s brain implodes at a bizarre town hall"

"this year, wingnut pollsters have adopted Rotty Steve’s strategy. they’re flooding the zone with shit polls — polls that show Donny is winning, when he’s not.

the goal? to make you give up and stay home on election day.

you’re being gaslighted. don’t you dare fall for it."

#Election #Trump #USA #HArris #Vote

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris warned Monday that former President Donald Trump was “unstable,” “unhinged” and out for “unchecked power” as she sent a jolt of urgency though her campaign with 21 days to go.

From CNN: "'Watch his rallies. Listen to his words. He tells us who he is, and he tells us what he would do if he is elected president,' Harris told a large crowd in Pennsylvania after a weekend when Trump’s authoritarian rhetoric reached chilling new levels and hinted at the extreme nature of his potential second term."

#Harris #Trump #USPolitics #Politics #Election

It's shameful that Republicans who're in currently in leadership, & clearly craven, esp. US Senators & Reps, refuse to endorse #Harris, even though they know #TFG is grossly unfit. Thankfully, prominent Republicans, who're former officeholders, are backing the #HarrisWalz ticket.

"Former Wisconsin Republican state Senate Majority Leader Dale Schultz endorsed Kamala Harris."


#KamalaHarris’ Camp Sounds the Alarm After #Trump Says #Military Should ‘Handle’ #Democrats

#Harris’ campaign has sent a warning to Americans after Trump suggested the US military should be used on #citizens who disagreed w/him in an interview on Sunday, calling #liberals “the enemy from within” & claiming they posed more of a threat than migrants [& even #China, #NorthKorea & #Russia].

#law #autocracy #tyranny #authoritarianism #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

a quick note on #polls #polling in the #uselection #election2024 #us #usa #america #election

#trump ahead:

"it's not worth it, i'm not #voting"

trump and #harris tied:

"oh bother, why is it so close, this is depressing, i'm not going to #vote"

harris ahead:

"oh they have the #votes, they don't need me, i'm not showing up"

no, no, no, no, no

it doesn't matter what the bullshit out there in the #media

you vote


only one #poll counts, and it is november 5


Far-right outlet Gateway Pundit admits: 'There was no widespread voter fraud'

The editor of a website that singled out two Georgia election workers and baselessly accused them of manipulating ballots in the 2020 election has now admitted the entire story was false.

Jim Hoft.. posted... there was no truth to his claim that Fulton County, Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss did anything illegal in the election...

#News #Politics #Democrats #Harris

ICYMI: Latest report on consumer prices showed inflation falling to lowest level in 3 years.

Today, inflation (2.4%) and unemployment (4.1%) are much lower than when Reagan bragged about delivering Morning in America in Sept. 1984 reelect ad (4.3% inflation, 7.3% unemployment).

#Economy #Comeback #Harris #KamalaHarris #Election2024 #USPol #USPolitics

Team #Harris doesn’t miss a beat.

“It’s an effort to draw a contrast between the 59-year-old Democratic nominee and her 78-year-old Republican rival, Donald #Trump, who is vying to become the oldest person ever elected to the Oval Office and has released relatively little detailed information about his own medical history.”

“#Harris campaign launching its "Souls to the Polls" effort this weekend to turn out Black churchgoers in battleground states.. multi-pronged effort will see Harris herself visit Black churches in battleground states.

…also comes with the creation of a faith advisory board, made up of 10 prominent faith leaders -- including Harris' pastor, Dr. Amos C. Brown III, who leads Third Baptist Church in San Francisco -- who will engage Black churches across the country”

Harris’ approach: a winning strategy (for all, but the 1% & those who operate by corrupt means).

Her economic plans are “good for lower- & middle-income Americans & small bus', and tough on high-net-worth HHs & corps,” says M Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, who's predicted a #Harris victory. Her proposals are “not going to change the growth rates of the economy in a meaningful way -but it does change who benefits the most from that: low-& middle­-income HHs.”
