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Items tagged with: HArris

#Harris is a cop that the #DemocraticParty nominated without the input of all of us in an era that is marked by the public being skeptical of cops.

Why is it a surprise that she's struggling? The people in power screwed up here, and they need to be held accountable for their screw up.

We need to be very clear about that even if you want to vote for her for some reason, the party elites have disrespected us.

Hopefully things will be better in 4 years, but for now we're just screwed.


Kamala #Harris for president

"Voters face an easy but tectonic choice in the race for the White House.

Will they choose the prosecutor or the convict?

Will they choose the candidate who supports restoring Roe v. Wade or the man who bragged about overturning it?

Will they choose the candidate who upholds the peaceful transfer of power or the one who summoned a violent mob to attack the U.S. Capitol?"

This editorial cannot be posted often enough

#law #lawFedi #lawprof

so the #LosAngelesTimes owner #PatrickSoonShiong killed its endorsement of #Harris. #Editorial Chief #MarielGarza and others quit in protest


"#JeffBezos killed #WashingtonPost endorsement of Kamala Harris, paper reports"

question: what do people think of parasite #plutocracy controlling the "#freepress"?

this is a step in the march to #fascism


Via Ian Sams:

Interesting nuggets in NYT/Siena:

#Harris cut #Trump’s lead on the economy **in half** since last month

Among the 15% of voters still not fully decided, Harris is up by 10. Two weeks ago, Trump led them by 1.

Late breakers are swinging her way - same we saw in Emerson last week

Via Dan Pfeiffer:

This is a smart way to draw attention to what access to abortion could look like across America if #Trump wins.

It is not a play to win #Texas. And the fact that people are reacting this way shows that its a great way to get attention -- the most valuable resource at this stage

Sam Stein:

#Harris will head to TEXAS on Friday. Will campaign with Allred. Will focus on #abortion policy

What the Justice Department could look like under #Harris presidency

“4 sources familiar w Harris campaign’s discussions told NBC News that there are three main names under consideration: North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, who was on Harris' vice presidential short list; former Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, who served as the No. 3 official at the Justice Department until earlier this year; and U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams”


Kaitlan COLLINS: What do you think Kamala #Harris has to do to avoid a repeat of 2016?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well first of all I don't think she has Jim Comey in the wings waiting to kneecap her, so that's good.

👏🏼🥳 Via Kyle Griffin:

Breaking on MSNBC:

#Beyonce will appear with Vice President #Harris in Houston Friday night. She is expected to perform.

That's both Beyonce hometown and where Harris is expected to highlight Texas #abortion restrictions.

Earlier this year we decided that, although we're across the pond, we wanted to help Kamala Harris' campaign for the US presidency.

The community we have built here is full of diversity and those people could be in danger if the Republican nomination gets into the US office.

We're so proud that the @KamalaHarrisWin Group set up on Newsmast and we really appreciate the work the team behind the account are doing to campaign in this very crucial period.

#KamalaHarris #Harris #MastodonForHarris

Hell yes.

Kamala #Harris on CNN: "I think we need to take a look at the filibuster to be honest with you."

📌 Via Kyle Griffin:

Save the date: On Oct. 29, one week before Election Day, Vice President #Harris will deliver a "closing argument" speech in D.C. at the Ellipse — the site where Trump spoke just before the #Jan6 riot.

“American creating deep fakes targeting #Harris works with Russian intel, documents show

Russian documents reviewed by The Post expose the workings of a Moscow network that has become a potent source of fake news targeting American voters.” #Russia

Rupar will have the vid, but meantime: 1/...

#Harris: He wants a military that is loyal to him. He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally, one that will obey his orders, even when he tells them to break the law..

Donald #Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable. And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guardrails against his propensities and his actions.

2/ #Harris: It is deeply troubling & incredibly dangerous that Trump would invoke Hitler- the man who is responsible for the deaths of 6m Jews and 100s of thousands of Americans. All of this is further evidence for the people of who Trump really is from the people who know him best

The bottom line is this. We know what Donald Trump wants -- he wants unchecked power. The question in 13 days will be what do the American people want.

Via Phil Mattingly:

More than half of the living US recipients of the Nobel prize for economics signed onto a letter that calling #Harris’ economic agenda “vastly superior” to #Trump’s.

23 Laureates, including two of the three most recent recipients.

“I was going to hit her really hard on the trail today, but now I don’t have to, because she’s off,” #Trump said of #Harris, who is spending the day in Washington between campaign travel on the other days of the week. “You know why? She’s lazy as hell, & she’s got that reputation.”

#KamalaHarris recorded multiple media interviews on Tues after campaigning in 3 battleground states on Mon.

#WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #misogyny
#Vote #HarrisWalz2024

#Trump’s coded language tries to undermine #Harris’s qualifications based on her #race & #gender, said Rachel Noerdlinger, a Democratic comms strategist & snr adviser to Win With #Black #Women.

“Trump is reviving the old trope that Black women are unqualified for jobs historically held by White men. Not having a campaign event while you’re in the middle of also governing isn’t ‘lazy’—making almost 300 trips to the golf course as president is.”

#WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #misogyny

The Sun eviscerates #TFG; their endorsement will ensure more #Harris votes in the swing state of NV.

The R Party has nominated a womanizing narcissist & aspiring dictator. He & his supporters believe in trampling on the rights of women, providing greater protections to guns than schoolchildren, silencing: history & existence of POC/LGBTQ+ ppl, forcing working class families & seniors to choose b/w food & medicine & -attacking the IMGs who dream of a better life.


#Harris, Warren, McGovern signs burned #Massachusetts

"Signs are about free speech and when you burn them, that takes it to a whole other level," said Bershad, who is Jewish. "It reminded me of 1930s Germany. Only because this is how these kinds of tactics start."

“Jill Stein’s children want NO public association with their mother. What would it take for you to turn against your 74-year-old mother if she were running for office?”

—Lawrence O’Donnell, on #TheLastWord Monday

#HarrisWalz2024 #voteblue #vote #kamalaharris #uspol #usa #politics #harris #harris2024 #voteearly

Hundreds of #Doctors Are Demanding #Trump’s Health Records

The ex-president promised hard evidence that he was fit to serve. Where is it?

After Trump’s very #weird week, >400 doctors & health professionals are questioning his #mental & physical #fitness to serve, & calling for him to release his #MedicalRecords.

The development…comes about a week after the group Doctors for #Harris first released the letter, w/a little more than ½ the 448 signatures it has now.

#Biden-#Harris administration inks deals to bring major relief to #ColoradoRiver’s biggest reservoir #USpol

"#LakeMead has been dwindling due to both overconsumption and #climate-fueled #drought... The administration and SW #Colorado River users have partnered on a large-scale #conservation effort... the agreements with #Arizona’s #GilaRiver Indian Community is expected to conserve about 73,000 acre-feet of water within the next decade."

There are a lot of news stories out today and will be for the next couple of weeks aimed at making Democrats depressed and less likely to vote. To scare you! Don't read'em. I'm trying my hardest not to share them. Don't listen to the pollsters (even the trying to be honest ones don't know if they've weighted them correctly.) Work. Keep pushing!

#HarrisWalz #Harris #KamalaHarris2024 #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024

#MariaShriver asked #KamalaHarris about what she is doing to de-stress, saying that Americans say they’re turning off the news, they’re doing yoga, “they’re eating gummies….”

The crowd laughed & #Harris said: “Not eating gummies,” w/a chuckle. Harris said she does have trouble sleeping. She said she works out in the morning & that her family helps to keep her grounded.

#Vote #HarrisWalz2024

#KamalaHarris referenced ret Gen #MarkMilley, Trump’s chair of the Joint Chiefs, who described him as “#fascist to the core.”

#Harris says #Trump “has been manipulated & is so clearly able to be manipulated by favor & flattery including by dictators & autocrats.”

She says if he wins the White House, #Ukraine will fall to #Russia & that will have terrible consequences globally.

#NationalSecurity #USpol #HarrisWalz2024

#LizCheney says she’s actively supporting #KamalaHarris because she believes #Trump is dangerous, especially because he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election & still refuses to admit he lost.

#Harris says voters should take Trump’s rhetoric seriously, rather than writing it off as a “sick sense of humor.”

“Some people find it humorous, what he says…But understand just how serious it is.”

#NationalSecurity #USpol #HarrisWalz2024


🇪🇺 🇨🇦 🌍 🌍 🌎 🇺🇸

Because the election in the United States 🇺🇸 will have an effect all countries I think it's important that everyone help in their fight for democracy.

We can't vote but we can support our US friends with encouraging words,
by helping spread the Harris/Walz message,
and blocking and reporting Trolls and Bots designed to interfere with their election.

#USpoli #USA #Politics
#Democracy #Voting
#EU #Canada
#Australia #Africa

#Trump flubbed anchor Sage Steele's name at a town hall event, calling her "Paige."

"Thank you very much. Thank you. Let's have a little fun, Paige. OK?" Trump told Steele, who stood next to him onstage at Sunday's event in Lancaster, #Pennsylvania. Steele moderated the town hall.

#Harris campaign quickly posted footage of the incident on Twitter, where it had received more than 800,000 views by Monday a.m.”


#USpol #Wahlen2024

#Trump versucht verzweifelt durch immer unsinnigere und unfundierte Narrative von seinen zunehmenden geistigen Aussetzern und seinen schlecht verlaufenden Gerichtsverfahren abzulenken.

Wenn interessiert ein Ferienjob der #US-Vizepräsidentin und #Präsidentschaftskandidatin #Harris im letzten Jahrtausend!?!

US-Wahl: Trump macht mit McDonald's-Auftritt Stimmung gegen Harris

Gepostet in USA @usa-ZEITONLINE

Just vote early. It frees up volunteers to knock on other people's doors. And it's really not that hard. Just vote early.

(An insta share. Joshua Doss has great stuff. I don't think he's here but if I'm wrong I'd like to know.)

#election #election2024 #vote #voteblue #harris #harriswalz #harriswalz2024 #bluewave


#Harris tells MSNBC "the American people deserve so much better" when asked about #Trump calling her a 'shit Vice President.'

"What you see in my opponent … really is— it demeans the office and I have said — and I am very clear about this — Donald Trump should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States."

Philly Inquirer editorial board: #Trump’s an even bigger threat to the rule of law now

"There is a reason more than 100 Republican officials, including some who worked for Trump, have endorsed Vice President Kamala #Harris for president."


🍄“#Trump calls #Harris a ‘s--- vice president’ and mentions Arnold Palmer’s genitals in bizarre rally

Harris on Saturday ripped Trump for meandering in his public remarks, saying that the former president "generally for the life of him cannot finish a thought."

Via Kyle Griffin:

NEW: On Oct. 21, Vice President #Harris will join Liz #Cheney for a series of moderated conversations in suburban communities across #Pennsylvania, #Wisconsin, and #Michigan, "as part of her ongoing efforts to earn the support of swing voters."

BBC reports that in response to calls to lock #Trump up, #Harris said the courts would take care of that, not only toeing the line to prejudice, but more strikingly... it's as if this is yet another case where she doesn't know what the different branches of government actually do, she doesn't know locking people up is an executive branch function?

As she's applying to be the head of the executive branch?

But no, that level of ignorance does seem to be pretty consistent with what she has shown for years now.

The Democratic Party did not have to such an incompetent candidate. And I'm going to say it over and over because it's so depressing, the party really let us down.

Nothing will change if we don't hold the party accountable.


Via Zack Ford:

I hope every single person who's thinking of not voting for #Harris over Gaza sees this clip.

Aaron Rupar:

#Trump says he's about to speak to #Netanyahu and says, "Biden is trying to hold him back ... he probably should be doing the opposite, actually."

No stamina.

#Harris: He is ducking debates and canceling interviews. His own campaign team recently said it's because of exhaustion. If you're exhausted on the campaign trail, it raises real questions about whether you are fit for the toughest job in the world.