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Items tagged with: USPolitics


Judge orders Steve Bannon to report to prison July 1 for contempt of Congress sentence

The former Trump adviser was sentenced to four months in prison for refusing to comply with Jan. 6 Committee subpoenas, but it had been put on hold while he appealed.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

Michigan used to be a safe bet for Democrats, but Trump’s 2016 campaign did a number on changing the state’s electoral question.

And today, Michigan is somewhere where small shifts can mean a lot. Low turnout with this voter group, extra enthusiasm with that one – small things like this add up in a big way.
#USPolitics #Trump #Biden #Election2024

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have long been addressed as “Congressman” or “Congresswoman.”

By contrast, a senator is referred to as, well, “Senator.”

Can we all agree on the genderless “Representative” term? There’s history to back it up, too.
#USPolitics #News

Is this still better than #trump? A man that just keeps blatantly telling you lies and expecting you to gobble them up and ask for seconds?

This is the bullshit he pulls when he's losing in polls and being pressured from the left. Do you think he's going to be more progressive in a second term when none of that matters at all?
#uspol #uspolitics #biden

this is key.

#Trump never has been a leader, and he was never the cause of the shifts in the political landscape that we’ve seen. People blame Trump for so much that he’s simply not even capable of being the cause of.

Trump’s a loser and needs to be approached as such.

What you’re noticing is what his supporters trained him into doing. Long ago he would occasionally take an actual stance, get it wrong, and have to be corrected. He learned not to, since his crowd would project what they want to hear onto his rhetorical vomit. So much easier.

And it captures that far from being a leader, he’s a puppet for his crowd. THEY are the problem.

Practically, we need to identify his crowd as the problem and work on resolving that. Trump is the distraction.

This is so important in understanding #USPolitics

I know I’m an old white guy & people of color are not a single bloc. But, it astounds me that any person of color can vote for a #Republican, let alone #Trump.

NEVER vote for a Republican.

#USelections2024 #uspolitics #race #fascism

Trump's threats and bluster fail to intimidate Americans who see guilty verdict as reasonable
#TRMS #RachelMaddow #USPolitics

sooooo uh

Trump sending a cease-and-desist to Rep. Bob Good, the de facto chair of the MAGA caucus in the House?

I mean it's a real shiv of a letter, too.

This is hilarious but... wa happen?

#uspol #uspolitics

Lara trump slams Larry Hogan for urging Americans to ‘respect’ hush money verdict — because loyalty to trump is more important than loyalty and respect for the Constitution. 🙃 #USpol #USpolitics #elections #USelections

Local news is crucial to democracy, and it's disappearing — according to a new book by Steven Brill, excerpted in @Semafor, approximately twenty-two hundred papers and their websites went out of business between 2005 and 2021. That's created a vacuum into which "pink-slime" sites have poured. Brill writes about these sites that present themselves as legitimate publishers but are created to boost specific candidates and secretly financed by partisan funders, Democrats and Republicans alike.

#Media #Journalism #Publishing #USPolitics #LocalNews

"Donald J. #Trump has baselessly and publicly cast doubt about the fairness of the #2024election about once a day, on average, since he announced his candidacy for #president...

Though the tactic is familiar — #Trump raised the specter of a “rigged” #election in the 2016 and 2020 cycles, too — his attempts to #undermine the 2024 contest are a significant escalation."

#BigLie #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #MAGA #Violence #GOP #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

"Trump first raised questions about the 2016 election in August of that year, about 100 days before the election."

#Trump #BigLie #TrumpLies #Election #GOP #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

"He did so earlier — and more frequently — before the 2020 election."

#Trump #BigLie #Jan6 #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #Election #GOP #Republican #Republicans #MAGA #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

"But in the 2024 cycle, the falsehoods have been baked in since #Trump announced his candidacy, almost two years before Election Day.

They show no signs of subsiding."
On #Jan6 2021, thousands stormed the Capitol because Trump convinced them the #election had been stolen... time?"

#BigLie #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #MAGA #Republicans #Terrorism #GOP #Republican #Politics #US #USPolitics #UnitedStates #USA #News

"Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election had historic consequences. The so-called #BigLie — Trump’s false claim that the election was stolen from him — led to the #Jan6 2021 #insurrection...

He has never given up that framing, which no evidence supports, even well after the end of his presidency. And as he seeks to return to the White House, the same claim has become the backbone of his campaign"

#Trump #MAGA #GOP #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

Attention US voters concerned about the climate crisis:
#USPolitics #ClimateChange

At a time of rising authoritarianism, and when U.S. politics seem mired in chaos, it’s worth looking back at how societies centuries ago defined bad governance:
#News #USPolitics @histodons #history

"For more than two months after Election Day, [Trump] spread the #lie that he had won when it was obvious to any fair-minded person that his claims were false. He still repeats this falsehood.

...charged #Trump with having conspired to retain power and overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 #election by unleashing attacks on Congress on #Jan6 2021"

#MAGA #BigLie #Violence #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #GOP #Politics #USPolitics #US #USA #News

"Nixon lost the 1960 election to John F. #Kennedy by a razor-thin margin, and stories circulated at the time about vote theft in some states. #Nixon accepted the results.

Just as in 2000, when #Gore accepted the #US #SupremeCourt decision to overturn a ruling by Florida’s Supreme Court and halt a recount in the state, thus giving Florida’s 25 electoral votes — and the presidency — to George W. #Bush"

#Trump #Jan6 #MAGA #Violence #Politics #USPolitics #USA #News

Just a reminder that while one party spends on protecting voting rights the other marshals its legal assault to challenge election results - for an election that is months away - and disenfranchise voters.

Imperfect democracy vs authoritarianism is on the ballot this November. #VoteBlue if that matters to you.

#USPol #USPolitics

This is disgusting. What the hell is wrong with you?

No, dehumanizing insults have not "become way more common in political discourse." ONE PARTY has reinvented itself in the image of Adolf Hitler and similar tyrants, employing dehumanizing insults with the conscious goal of inciting violent rage as a tool of revolutionary political power.

#News #USPolitics #Psychology

Dehumanizing insults have become way more common in political discourse. Psychology research has shown that they can prime us for violence – and even change our brains.

Story from 2018, with renewed relevance this #election2024:
#News #USPolitics #Psychology


Only 10% of Republican registered voters say they are less likely to vote for Donald Trump following his felony conviction for falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Friday.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

This trial exposed how much David Pecker helped Trump by constantly putting fake negative news about his opponents on every grocery store aisle in America. Pecker freely admitted it. I wonder if that exposure has done anything to change the minds of people who believed those stories. Or whether these people might view future tabloid headlines with a more skeptical eye. Probably not.

#USPolitics #USPol #FakeNews #Propaganda

"And here’s a fun fact: There are many countries that will not admit #felons across their borders. This includes, apparently, Canada. #Trump cannot even travel to many countries, including some of our closest allies, and yet he hopes to represent the #UnitedStates. The absurdity of this stuns."
- @jaykuo

#TrumpTrial #Guilty #Felon #MAGA #GOP #Politics #USPolitics #USPol #USA

Trump raised a record-breaking $34.8 million the day after being convicted of election interference. That's nearly double their previous largest single-day online donation amount.

29.7% were new donors.

This is not a drill. He will get reelected unless people on the left step up to oppose him. And #Project2025 makes it clear how much worse things can get, both domestically and abroad. #VoteBlue

#USPol #USPolitics

How to tell if you are in a corrupt and immoral political party.....

It has a Convicted Felon as it's nominee for President of the United States!

Its leaders play hooky from work to support said nominee at his criminal trial.

Its political leaders refuse to ponder or accept personal accountability

It has Donald Trump in it!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #MAGA #Republicans #Breaking #BreakingNews


Don Jr. Calls the United States a ‘Third-World Sh*thole’ After Jury Convicts Father
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

My main (and far out) hope with regard to the #Trump verdict is that it causes at least some people to notice that he and the media ecosystem around him have been lying to them about the trial this whole time.

For months they’ve been spouting that this is a case without merit, without evidence, without even charges. It’s a slam dunk: OF COURSE he’ll be let off.

Well, the guilty verdict is going to cause at least some people to wonder what went wrong, look into it, and notice they were told so wrong.

Maybe Trump will appeal and have the charges reversed. BUT he’d never be able to unring the bell of people noticing that he (and media figures) mislead them so, well, hugely.


Content warning: Politics, convicting presidents

🗳Do you live in #florida or do you know anyone who does? 🗳

Every #florida resident who requested a vote-by-mail ballot before Jan. 1, 2023 will need to request a new one!

Miami-Dade County canceled approximately 438,000 vote-by-mail requests, so if you want to vote by mail, you must RENEW your request.

Go to and follow the steps to submit the form. DO THIS NOW!

If you are not registered to vote or would like to change your party affiliation, you can do so online here:

The deadline to register to vote before the primary election is July 22. The deadline to register to vote before the general election is Oct. 7.

#uspol #uspolitics #vote #election #elections #Elections2024

Donald Trump is now the first sitting or former U.S. president to be convicted of a felony.

But in other countries, ex-leaders have been investigated, prosecuted and even jailed – in the interest of protecting the rule of law.

#breakingnews #news #uspolitics #trump