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Items tagged with: Ai

- Oh, I'm all for automation, especially for mundane things.

But the current iteration of AI is "automate the art and poetry" while forcing people to do the drudgery, as opposed to "automate the drudgery" and allow people to create the art and poetry.

#ai #solarpunk

Content warning: creative process, AI, hypothetical suicide mention

Exclusive-Multiple #AI companies bypassing #web standard to scrape publisher sites, licensing firm says


"What this means in practical terms is that AI agents from multiple sources (not just one company) are opting to bypass the #robots.txt protocol to retrieve content from sites,"...

#content #news #www #internet #technology #economy #piracy

OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says some creative jobs shouldn’t exist if their “content” is “not very high quality.” Who’s judging that? The tech people or artists?

More on that, plus recommended reads, labor updates, and other news in the Disconnect Roundup.

#tech #ai #openai #chatgpt #genai

AI is an unasked for tech looking for a problem to solve. It uses an incredible amount of energy.

Blockchain was an unasked for tech looking for a problem to solve. It uses an incredible amount of energy.

Pursuit of endless growth is pursuit of a cancer.

Moore's Law is dead and we have reached a happy plateau. We dont need more computing power. We can do so much now. If you need something to chew on, work on making it more efficient. Make the code smaller and faster and lighter.

And less of a power draw.

#AI #Blockchain #SolarPunk

People are calling output from an inbred generative AI trained on a corpus that accidentally includes AI-generated inputs "Habsburg Art" or "Habsburg AI", and I approve.

I didn't expect this to be becoming a problem already.

#HabsburgArt #HabsburgAI
#GenerativeAI #AI

tbf the metaverse is still here, just that everyone who isn't called #vrchat flopped hilariously
Similarly I think that, after the hype passed and all of those #ai bs blow up, it will still remain some reasonable applications, at the very least better digital assistants and better speech to text, that we won't call ai anymore


OT: #Übersetzungen #AI


und Co. zum Einsatz.
Für die Qualitätskontrolle der Übersetzungen verwendet sie dann viel #ChatGPT, selbst für Sprachen, die sid nicht beherrscht, z.B. Was ist die 3. Person Plural von [einem Verb] auf italienisch, etc.


Um auf mein #AIRisiken-Thema meiner heutigen Buchempfehlung... @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx

Day 15:


...In the summer of 2022, a big international survey was conducted:

"We contacted approximately 4271 researchers who published at the conferences NeurIPS or ICML in 2021. "

It found, among other things:

"The median respondent believes the probability that the 👉long-run effect of advanced #AI...

@scb @GreenFire @mina @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1

Day 15:


Despite the fact that many #AI critics now point out that the imminent threats of #ArtificialIntelligence are quite large and that an #ExtinctionLevelEvent chiefly diverts attention from these negative outcomes, such as job losses, racism, and...


@scb @GreenFire @mina @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1

Wait, investors coughed up $4.8m to a company that created a “social network” where AI interacts with each other and people spend hours watching? Sigh.

#socialmedia #socialnetwork #ai

Looked up a Planck length on my phone. #ai , unbidden, gave the top answer, giving a size comparison with a proton that was incorrect by 21 orders of magnitude.

I didn't ask AI. I didn't ask for a size comparison with a proton. Nonetheless, the bot gave me an impossible answer.


"Establishing that AI training requires a copyright license will not stop AI from being used to erode the wages and working conditions of creative workers. ... Our path to better working conditions lies through organizing and striking, not through helping our bosses sue other giant multinational corporations for the right to bleed us out." –

#Copyright #AI #ArtificialIntelligence

#music #creatve #entertainment #labor #WorkersRights #AI #artificialintelligence
“When you understand the #business mechanics of #Spotify, all the contradictions resolve themselves. It is simultaneously true that #Spotify pays a very low per-stream rate, that it pays the Big Three labels gigantic sums every month, and that #artists are grotesquely underpaid by this system. There are many lessons to take from this little scam” by @pluralistic

My buddy the PhD information scientist has an interesting take on LLMs ("AI"). LLMs are developed by coders. LLMs have a transformative effect on how code is developed. To a considerable extent, the importance of LLMs to other fields of activity is being over-hyped by the people who develop them, because LLMs are super important *to them*.

#llm #ai #hype

#ai #llm #hype

The World's Largest Music Company Is Helping Musicians Make Their Own AI Voice Clones #AI #music
#ai #Music

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but for colleges looking to adopt enterprise #AI: Amplify is an #OpenSource interface to multiple LLMs including OpenAI/Claude, developed at Vanderbilt, running in AWS, pay what you use averaging around $3/user/month, compared to a rumored $12/month for ChatGPT Edu, $16 for Gemini Education, $20 Huggingface Enterprise, & $30/month for Copilot. Source:
#AIEd #EdTech #HigherEd

The war on friction


The tech giants believe they should control the interface. Controlling the interface used to mean controlling the distribution. The zero-click vision that’s increasingly taking hold will mean publishers and their webpages are regarded as friction standing in the way of people getting what they want immediately, without wading through full-screen interstitial ads, endless pop-ups and autoplay video. That’s going to be a compelling proposition. It will also conveniently accrue all power to the interface and relegate publishers to content vendors.

#news #future #technology #internet #AI #content #economy #software

A russian troll-farm ran out of ChatGPT credit, which resulted in this message on X.
#disinformation #AI #Russia

There‘s only one valid #AI product, the rest is machine learning.


📊 Lies, Damned Lies, and Data Science - Béatrice Moissinac, PhD

「 Reproducibility is a keystone of the scientific method, because it reinforces the validity of the discovery. “Science doesn’t care what you believe”. If you can’t reproduce the same result given the same experimental setting, then is it even real? 」

#Science #Research #AI #Reproducibility #ReproducibilityCrisis
Allt fler tjänster erbjuder AI-vänner. Ensamma personer betalar dyra pengar för möjligheten att prata med någon som verkar bry sig.
Jag bestämde mig för att testa – och förfasades över resultatet.
- Emil Hellerud

Otroligt otäckt & obehagligt. TV4 Nyheterna har sökt företaget Replika som står bakom chattroboten, men de har inte återkommit med svar.

#chat #ai #tv4 #svpol

#Robots #AI #AutonomousDriving

So, Total Recall will be happening soon, I see. For this reason, I would not be so sure that it's a good thing.

Quaid Hails A Johnny Cab | #TotalRecall (1990)

This Canadian Member of Parliament asked ChatGPT for a list of capital gains tax rates by country, got a nonsense answer, screenshotted it, and then tweeted the incorrect information.

(He later deleted the tweet.)

#canada #cdnpoli #twitter #x #ai #chatgpt #misinformation

McDonald's is removing AI-powered ordering technology from its drive-through restaurants in the U.S. after multiple mishaps, some of which were documented on social media. "In one video, which has 30,000 views on TikTok, a young woman becomes increasingly exasperated as she attempts to convince the AI that she wants a caramel ice cream, only for it to add multiple stacks of butter to her order," the BBC reports.

#Food #Technology #Tech #McDonalds #ArtificialIntelligence #AI

Potential tool if you need to find a #font from an image: #AI

#ai #font

New post: How to block AI crawlers from your site (or at least try)

#AI #WordPress #blog #tech

Amazon scanned UK train passengers faces without permission “to monitor crowds, detect bike thefts, and spot trespassers.”

I doubt that is the purpose though, Minority Report from 22 years ago has predicted why Amazon ultimately wants to scan faces…

#privacy #advertisement #ai #security #shopping

Continuing to play with the silly #AI video tool.

2024's "Will Smith eating spaghetti" is not much improved.


#ai #luma