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Items tagged with: harrisWalz2024

I am an #American who has given her whole life to our nation, I am calling out the Trump stooges in Congress as Putin-owned traitors.

Trump, Vance and republicans' open fealty to Putin, a hostile foreign intelligence agent, who is one of the most infamous cold-blooded killers in human history & wanted war criminal for genocide against Ukrainians.

The choice is #Kamala/Dems/USA -- or Putin.

#Harris #HarrisWalz2024 #election2024 #voteblue #USA

While Vice President Harris works around the clock to deliver disaster relief, her opponent... called for nuking hurricanes.

Why is this even a contest?

We deserve competency. Vote for VP Harris working to get relief to struggling Americans.

#YesWeKam #YesWeKam2024 #HarrisWalz2024 #DemCast

More than 200 women have faced criminal charges over pregnancy in the year after the disastrous Supreme Court Dobbs decision.
Vote For #KamalaHarris -- the life you save may be your sister, wife, lover, daughter, cousin, neighbor, coworker, or friend.

The next President will determine the direction of the Supreme Court for a generation as Alito is likely to expire and Thomas to retire in disgrace.
#uspolitics #HarrisWalz2024 #election2024 #Roevember @KamalaHarrisWin

Elon Musk just stumped for Trump in PA.

He accused Democrats of wanting to take away voting, free speech, and the right to bear arms. He said without voter ID a vote is “meaningless”. He said Trump is the only one “who’ll protect the constitution”. If Trump doesn’t win it’ll be the last election.

All lies.

Use free speech.

Deactivate X. Don’t use Starlink. Sell your Tesla. Divest from Elon.

#HarrisWalz2024 @KamalaHarrisWin

Economists estimated that under Trump's proposal, the share of national income going to the top 5% would increase by around 1.6%, while the share of the bottom 50% would fall by roughly 4.8%.

#TrumpIsUnfitForOffice #TrumpIsATraitor #wannabeDictator #TrumpIsAFascist #EndOfDemocracy #TrumpIsAFelon #TrumpIsHumanGarbage #TrumpIsALiar #HarrisWalz2024 #Kamala2024 #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2024 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy

#harriswalz2024 #gdp #democrat

Deep blue, Los Angeles County has the highest GDP of any county.

This is why the LEGAL #Haitian #immigrants in #Springfield, #Ohio were granted #TPS [temporary protected status].

Haitian gang #massacre leaves ≥70 dead, #UN says

Armed men belonging to the Gran Grif gang killed at least 70 people as they passed through a Haitian town w/automatic rifles shooting at #residents, a spox for the #UnitedNations' #HumanRights Office said on Friday.

#FuckTrump #immigration #law #Haiti #terrorism #geopolitics #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#Employers added 254,000 #jobs in Sept, reflecting a much stronger than expected #labor gains as #election nears.

The #unemployment rate ticked down to 4.1%, acc/to jobs data released Fri by the Labor Dept.

The last 6 months of steady job growth is enough to keep the labor market firmly OUT of #recession territory, economists say, especially as #GDP #growth remains hardy & #consumers continue to spend.

#Bidenomics #policy #finance #economy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

The decision delivers a small victory in the #Biden admin’s ongoing fight to alleviate federal #StudentLoan #debt, & a much-needed win after a series of #legal challenges have stymied those efforts. #StudentDebtRelief has become highly politicized & divisive as #conservatives seek to dismantle plans they *say* unfairly burden taxpayers & are a naked attempt at swaying voters [or they’re just bitter.]
#law #USpol #StudentLoanForgiveness #StudentLoans #students #education #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#Biden #StudentLoanForgiveness may proceed after small win in lawsuit

A federal judge will allow a temporary #RestrainingOrder that prevented President Joe Biden from discharging #StudentLoanDebt for more than 25M Americans to expire Thurs, clearing the way for the admin to move forward w/the plan.

#law #USpol #debt #students #education #loans #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

The ruling, issued late Wed by US Dist Judge J. Randal Hall in #Georgia, stems from a lawsuit filed in Sept by 7 #Republican-led states to stop the #Biden admin’s new #StudentLoanForgiveness rule. The
states — #Missouri, #Georgia, #Alabama, #Arkansas, #Florida, #NorthDakota & #Ohio — claim that the admin is exceeding its authority & illegally preparing to forgive #loans before the rule is even in effect.

#law #USpol #education #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

For the 1st time ever, a plurality of swing state voters now think that a #Democrat will win the presidential #election. This month, 46% of voters think #Harris will win, compared to 39% who think it will be #Trump. That is an 11-point swing in Harris’ favor since Aug, & suggests that Harris has been successful in presenting herself as a serious candidate.

#USpol #Authoritarianism #Republicans #Autocracy #Tyranny
#democracy #ProsecutorVFelon #WeAreNotGoingBack #Freedom #HarrisWalz2024

#JackSmith’s Big New #Jan6 Brief Is a Major #Indictment of #SCOTUS

It’s rare to simultaneously feel red-hot anger & wistfulness, especially when merely reading a document. But those are exactly the emotions that washed over me when I read the redacted version of #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith’s brief reciting in detail the #evidence against #Trump for attempting to subvert the #2020election.

#criminal #law #insurrection #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

There was a reason, he added, that #MikePence was not on the stage as #Trump’s running mate anymore.

And it was worth asking, he said, what that tells the viewers about #JDVance.

“America, I think you’ve got a really clear choice,” #TimWalz said, his eyes getting bigger, “of who’s going to honor that #democracy & who’s going to honor Donald Trump.”

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda

#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“#Jan6 was not Facebook ads,” #TimWalz shot back, as #JDVance smiled slightly.

#Walz had a question for his counterpart.

“He is still saying he didn’t lose the election,” Walz said of #Trump, turning grandly to #Vance. “Did he lose the 2020 election?”

“Tim,” Vance replied, “I’m focused on the future.” He swerved to a point about Covid & censorship.

“That,” Walz said, “is a damning non-answer.”

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #trumpaganda
#law #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

#JDVance had heard enough.

“It’s really rich,” he said, chopping the air w/his hands, “for Democratic leaders to say that Donald #Trump is a unique threat to #democracy when he peacefully gave over power on January the 20th.”

He moved to equate past Democratic complaints about #election outcomes, including invocations of Russian interference in 2016 through FB ads & other means, w/the response in 2020.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #trumpaganda
#democracy #HarrisWalz2024

He was a teacher, he noted, & a football coach.
“I worked wi/kids long enough to know,” he said, “sometimes you really want to win.”

But #Republicans like #Trump were already laying the groundwork to contest the current #election, he continued, & perhaps even to #imprison their political opponents.
“A president’s words matter,” #TimWalz said, punctuating his own. “A president’s words matter. People hear that.”

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation
#integrity #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“We need to tell the story,” #TimWalz said. “I mean, he lost this #election & he said he didn’t.”

Walz often speaks w/a how’d-I-even-get-here feint toward political humility….

At his most effective, he is a kind of Labrador retriever of a communicator: affable, game, just happy to be there….

On Tues, after some dissembling earlier in the #debate — …Walz made a bid for the high ground, summoning more compelling details from his biography.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #Vote #HarrisWalz2024

For all their occasional paeans to #civility on Tues, this was the moment that crystallized an unshakable truth about this #election: One side still refuses to acknowledge the #truth about the last one — the persistent falsehood that has come to define so much of the era’s fragile & rampaging #politics.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#JDVance pivoted jarringly to the subject of censorship. #TimWalz glanced up at the camera, silent, like a television character breaking the fourth wall.

“Well, I’ve enjoyed tonight’s debate,” #Walz began when it was his turn again, assessing an evening that was sometimes wobbly for him. He was about to enjoy it more.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“Remember,” #Vance said of #Trump, “he said that on January the 6th, the protesters ought to protest peacefully. And on January the 20th, what happened? Joe Biden became the president. Donald Trump left the White House.”

This accounting was short a few details—the #violence, the #deaths & #injuries, the alleged #criminal #conspiracy, the “Hang Mike Pence” of it all.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“What President #Trump has said is that there were problems,” #JDVance said when asked about his own past assertion that he would not have certified the 2020 election. “We should fight about those issues, debate those issues, peacefully in the public square. And that’s all I’ve said. And that’s all that Donald Trump has said.”

His debate opponent, #TimWalz, stared at him, unblinking….

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #trumpaganda
#honesty #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

But when the #debate turned, near its final frames, to the subject of the 2020 election, #Vance faced a choice: He could validate, once more, #Trump’s relentless #lies about his defeat 4 yrs ago. Or he could try something else in the spirit of moving forward.

It did not seem like a difficult decision for him.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda
#honesty #integrity #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Among the #lies #Trump running mate #JDVance told over the course of the #VPdebate w/ Governor #TimWalz, denying his support for a national #AbortionBan may haunt him the longest because it is so easily disproven. Rachel #Maddow shares #Vance's own words contradicting his claims at the #debate, & discusses w/MSNBC colleagues.

#FactCheck #VanceLies #VPdebate #disinformation #propaganda #trumpaganda

#honesty #integrity #democracy

"Trump’s words sounds more like they were sharpened in the flames of a cross at a KKK rally than any kind of serious policy. Is it a vulnerability for Harris that her speeches about the border don’t sound like they were drafted by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels? What different election are these journalists watching than the one that’s actually happening?" -- Will Bunch


#HaroldDaggett — has worked at the #ILA for 57 years & took the helm as president in 2011 — raked in $728,000 in compensation last year from the ILA.

He collected another $173,000 as president emeritus of a local union branch, acc/to labor department filings.

He lives in a 7,136 square-foot house valued at $1.7 million on a 10-acre lot in Sparta, New Jersey, acc/to Zillow & NJ Property Records.

#Longshoremen #union #MAGA #scam #MafiaState #economy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Images of the President of the #ILA’s meeting w/ #Trump circulated on socialmedia as the #union went on strike Tues.
The images are pulled from a July post on the union's website where union President #HaroldDaggett asked for members to "pray" for Trump in the wake of the assassination attempt in PA.
In the post Daggett recalled a 2023 meeting w/ Trump where the fmr president appeared to express support for the #Longshoremen.
#MafiaState #economy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“We’re going to show these greedy bastards you can’t survive without us!” Daggett shouted to cheers from the crowd in a speech filled w/profanities & warnings about the threats automation poses to workers.

[listen, if he actually were doing this for the #workers, fine. But he’s not. He just wants the country to blame #Biden & #Harris for a downturn in the economy so #Trump gets elected]

#Longshoremen #union #scam #economy #strongarm #MafiaState #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

From the WSJ:

The Profane 78-Year-Old Leading the #Dockworkers Strike

‘They won’t be able to do anything in this country without my people,’ port #union chief #HaroldDaggett says in setting *audacious targets* in a coastwide #strike

Harold Daggett stood in front of the closed gates at the Port of New York & New Jersey just after midnight Tues & delivered a battle cry to hundreds of members of his #union that represents #portworkers from Maine to Texas.

#Longshoremen #economy #HarrisWalz2024

The head of the #longshoremen #union is a #Trump supporter who wants to cripple the country to get Trump elected.

This is #ILA head #HaroldDaggett, strong trump supporter, who already said he would cripple the economy: “I will cripple you.”

The first October surprise from Trump. The port workers strike will try to paint President Biden as anti-union. Trump & Daggett are friends, the same age & were both from Queens, New York.

#scam #economy #strongarm #MafiaState #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#HaroldDaggett, the #union boss behind port #strikes makes over $900K a year, owns a yacht, drives a Bentley — & has alleged ties to the Mafia.

#Longshoremen #union #MAGA #scam #MafiaState #economy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Key takeaways from #CorporateMedia punditry about the #VPDebate:
- #Facts don't matter
- It's all about the feels
- Style over substance
- #Lying is just fine if you are confident and poised while doing it
- #Racism is just fine if you do it without screaming
- Scapegoating of #immigrants is just #normal American politics (again)

What did I miss?

#JDVance #TimWalz #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024 #USPol #USPolitics #Media #VoteBlue

Voters have come to trust #Democrats on #healthcare much more over the years since the #law #Republicans tagged as “#Obamacare” passed. More than 60% of Americans now say they like the #ACA.
In 2010, Obamacare was the culprit for the Democratic wipeout in #Congress, but its political fortunes have turned dramatically. In 2018, Democrats won the #House, largely by running on a message that w/o a Democratic check, #Trump’s myriad efforts to topple the #law would succeed.

#VPdebate #HarrisWalz2024

#Trump supported the #Republican #Congress’s effort to roll back most of Obamacare, including undoing some of the regulations for #PreexistingConditions & making major #cuts to #Medicaid. It failed because of #JohnMcCain.

Trump dramatically cut funding for #enrollment outreach. He tried to introduce Medicaid work requirements for people covered by the #ACA’s expansion (but was stopped by the courts).

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024