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Items tagged with: web

JSDB 5.1.0 published¹ 🎉

• Forgetting to pass a custom class that’s persisted in your database in your `` call now throws instead of corrupting your database by falling back to using an untyped object.

• Added JSDF ver. 2 to 3 database migration script (i.e., JSDB version 2-4 to 5)²

To install update:

npm install @small-tech/jsdb@5.1.0



#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database JSDB #JSDB5 #NodeJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb #web #dev

Many yearn for the "good old days" of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.

#web #newsletter #CitationNeeded

JSDB 5.0.1 published 🎉

• Fixes #14: Crash if DataProxy getHandler() called on object with null prototype. (

To install update:

npm install @small-tech/jsdb@5.0.1

Learn more about JSDB:

#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database JSDB #JSDB5 #NodeJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb #web #dev

AstianGO, our uncensored and privacy-friendly search engine, arrives in Midori Browser for Android, as the default browser.

#privacy #web #tech #technology #censorship #search #browser #android

If you've ever found yourself missing the "good old days" of the #web, what is it that you miss? (Interpret "it" broadly: specific websites? types of activities? feelings? etc.) And approximately when were those good old days?

No wrong answers — I'm working on an article and wanted to get some outside thoughts.


Just wrote a note about a little gotcha with default values for destructured properties of parameter objects in JavaScript that has gotten me a few times:

#JavaScript #destructuring #defaults #parameterObjects #web #dev

📝 New Post: Surfing The Web And Sharing What I Find

How I surf the web, manage my online bookmarks and share exciting hyperlinks with the community.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

📝 New Post: Deploying An 11ty Project To Shared Hosting

Forget the usual suspects for your website hosting. You should consider shared hosting for your next 11ty project.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

"While more of the #web is becoming accessible to people with low-end connections, more of the web is becoming inaccessible to people with low-end devices even if they have high-end connections."

@danluu on web bloat:

Here's a collection of search engines that aren't Google, Bing, DDG, or Brave:

#SmallWeb #openweb #web

This is a very neat trick to unset max-height when an HTML element with resize='vertical' set in CSS is resized. So you can have elements initially displayed with a max-height but then resized beyond it:

(Should work as is for resize='block' and with the selector tweaked to use "width" for horizontal/inline.)

#web #dev #tip #CSS #resize #maxHeight

Little web dev tip: if you have just one address field in your HTML form (e.g., a textarea) but you still want the person filling it in to avail themselves of autocomplete, here’s a little reusable snippet you can use to achieve that:

(Ideally the web spec should be extended to include a full-address value for the autocomplete attribute.)

#HTML #autocomplete #JavaScript #address #web #dev #tip #code

This is a niche one and will likely not affect any of the (three?) people playing with Kitten¹ right now but, in any case:

If you persist custom types to your Kitten database, you might be hit by this bug that was introduced when I released versions of Kitten with minified identifiers.

I briefly wrote about what happened, how you can identify if you’re affected, and how you can fix it here:


#SmallWeb #Kitten #web #dev #JSDB #JavaScript

Folks, please go and use this gentleman's home grown search engine. He literally runs it out of his basement. Mikkel is on Matrix as well, and you can message him.

These are the projects we need to support.

#tech #search #web #foss #fosstodon #stract #mastodon #akkoma #miskey #fediverse

(If you’re wondering why the repository was 176MB to begin with, it’s because I was initially deploying from the /dist folder in the repository. But since then I created a special deployment site for Kitten and now Kittens come from, well, where else but

:kitten: 💕

PS. It takes me ~3.5 seconds to build and deploy a new version of Kitten so its common for there to be multiple new versions in a day. Run `kitten update` to get the latest.

#SmallWeb #Kitten #web #dev

I’ve been looking for an ngrok alternative for a while now that’s (a) affordable (b) easy to use and (c) works with Kitten¹. Today, after testing a bunch of them again and getting fed up, I found LocalXpose that checks all the boxes.

I signed Small Technology Foundation up as an affiliate so if you use this link to check it out, we’ll get 40% of your $6/mo pro account fee should you subscribe:


#ngrok #LocalXpose #Kitten #SmallWeb #web #dev

freeCodeCamp's open-source mobile app is an online learning platform offering a comprehensive curriculum in #web development and machine learning. The curriculum is self-paced and available free of charge. The App includes challenges, tutorials, Code Radio, and podcasts.
Contribute to freeCodeCamp:


#FOSS #Android #OpenSource #Coding #Education #freeCodeCamp #OSS #Podcasts #python #Flutter #JavaScript #iOS

I get these from time to time and my reaction? I am not interested enough to turn off my ad/tracker blocking in order to see whatever content is being hidden behind this message. I'm off to find a different site via a search. #web #website #ads #adblock

We're live!

#web #tech #hosting #selfhosting #education #opensource #edtech #lamp #cloud #containers

🔖 New bookmark: Marginalia: A New Lens for the Internet


An interview with Viktor from Marginalia


#web #smallweb #internetculture

Interesting story: did you know the Web wasn’t initially understood or embraced at CERN? It was seen as a distraction.

Here’s Robert’s video of Ben Segal – lovely human being and Tim’s mentor – showing us around CERN ~15 years ago and telling the story (see if you can spot a much younger me in shot):

“The crucial thing was the development in the USA.”

Here’s hoping Europe will do better with the Small Web.

Doesn’t look like it, though.

#SmallWeb #EU #funding #web

And this was last year, Kitten has come a long way since then…

Check out the new Streaming HTML workflow:

And how it made it possible to build Draw Together in less than 60 lines of code:

Wishing you a lovely conference this year :)

#SmallWeb #Kitten #web #dev #SmallTech #StreamingHTML

Just improved the display of error messages in Kitten¹.

They should be far more robust now.

Run `kitten update` to get the latest.



#Kitten #errorMessages #stackTrace #web #dev #JavaScript #nodeJS