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Items tagged with: Climate

Introduction is good. Though... reading his intro...

"Parked-car-in-summer effect would be a more helpful term, actually. You know what happens to a dog locked in a car all day in the hot sun, right? Right. We're the dog"

#climateemergency #climate

I wonder of Mr. Pogue has any new ideas in here. #climateemergency #climate

Green parties suffered major losses in the EU elections, particularly in France and Germany, hit by growing discontent at the bloc's environmental push and by voters' shifting priorities. Viviane Gravey, Lecturer in European Politics at Queen's University in Belfast tells FRANCE24's Tom Burges Watson that the result is an indication that voters are not ready to do what it takes to tackle the problem of climate change

#EU #MassExtinction #pollution #environment #climate

Atmospheric CO2 is not only now at the highest level in millions of years, it is also rising faster than ever.

Did you think we've solved the #climate crisis? Not yet. We're still speeding in the wrong direction.

A new study shows that one oil field, which otherwise would have closed in 2016, is now likely to be operational by 2100 because of the sham that is carbon capture #CapitalismIsKillingYou
#climate #climatechange #ClimateCrisis

Remember that this is a choice — a choice that has been made for us. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get ready for another week of BUSINESS AS USUAL, sponsored this time by Amazon, Shell Oil, and Walmart.

🎶 "Keep driving, keep flying, keep shopping, keep buying!
We've got this, everything's fine." 🎶 😃

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

Already reeling from the impacts of #climatechange and #plastic pollution, our ocean now faces another threat: #DeepSeaMining. The massive machines to mine the seabed would destroy ocean ecosystems and wipe out habitats. #climate

US Southwest expected to roast with pre-summer #HeatWave


The heat wave as a whole, with temperatures 20-30 degrees above normal, was expected to peak over #California's Central Valley on Wednesday, before expanding into the #Desert Southwest later in the week, the NWS said.

#USA #weather #temperature #heat #climate #environment #health #news

We are witnessing a slow-motion catastrophe…

Across the globe, insect populations have seen a steep decline.

According to a meta-analysis of 16 studies, insect populations have declined by about 45% in just the last 40 years.

The large-scale death of insects poses huge threats not only to the ecosystems they exist in but also to much of our agriculture, as insects pollinate about 75% of global crops.

Two driving causes of the marked fall off are climate change and habitat loss.

SEE --

#Insects #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #BioDiversity

Scientists have mapped one of the most hazardous spots on the globe in unprecedented detail: a 600-mile geologic boundary just off the #PacificNorthwest coast.

Along this fraught stretch, called the #CascadiaSubductionZone, 2 pieces of the #Earth’s crust slide against each other, building up stresses capable of unleashing a catastrophic 9.0-magnitude #earthquake & generating a #tsunami, w/waves as high as 40 feet.

#science #geology #climate

The mentoring experience is one of the most unique assets of the academy, for both the students and the mentors.
So if you are at a stage of your (academic or not) career and feel like you have two hours in all of July to spare, become a mentor yourself 🌳

#growth #support #mentoring #climatematch2024 #cma2024 #climate

The Northeast and Midwest are enduring what is, in some places, the worst outbreak of spongy moths on record. One of the factors driving the proliferation of very hungry caterpillars is climate change-spurred drought, which allows spongy moths to breed with abandon, producing up to a million caterpillars per acre. Trees are resilient, but this outbreak has been especially long and damaging

#USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

This sounds -- not good.

"Almost four out of every 10 #journalists covering the #climate crisis and environment issues have been threatened as a result of their work, with 11% subjected to physical violence, according to groundbreaking new research.

Despite the breadth and magnitude of the problems, 39% of journalists surveyed reported having #SelfCensored – mostly due to fear of repercussions from “those undertaking illegal activities” or the government."

‘Climate crunch time’: Battle to secure planet’s future will be won or lost in next 18 months, says Antonio Guterres

Humanity is playing Russian roulette with planet Earth due to its dangerous actions that have accelerated the climate emergency. Decisions by global leaders in the next 18 months will decide the fate of billions, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in an address on World Environment Day

#MassExtinction #pollution #environment #climate

America isn't making enough renewable energy to prevent severe climate change

In the United States specifically, the IEA says that renewable energy infrastructure needs to increase 50% more quickly than it already is based on 2022 numbers

#USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

The world’s largest oil and gas company, Saudi Aramco, is trying to make us believe they can reach net zero by 2050 *without* sacrificing oil and gas production.

It's a straight-up con, a shell game.

They're lying about their intentions. They're lying about the realistic potential of carbon capture technology. All they hope to do is buy time so they can keep on pumping oil and keep on drilling for gas and keep on making billions in profits — while the planet burns.


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Greenwashing

What does a city that has spurned cars look like?

Olympics visitors to Paris will get a look

Changes designed to encourage people to take other forms of transportation have contributed to a 40% decline in air pollution, according to city officials.

Paris has closed more than 100 streets to motor vehicles, tripled parking fees for SUVs, removed roughly 50,000 parking spots, and constructed more than 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) of bike lanes

#cycling #Climate

Vermont became the first state to hold oil companies financially liable for climate damages.

The Climate Superfund Act directs the state to charge major fossil fuel companies potentially billions of dollars to pay for climate impacts to which their emissions have contributed.

Unsurprisingly, the law is expected to face legal challenges from the industry.

#climatechange #climate #Vermont #ClimateintheCourts

Corporations invested in #carbon offsets that were ‘likely junk’, analysis says


#Delta, #Gucci, #Volkswagen, #ExxonMobil, #Disney, #easyJet and #Nestlé are among the major corporations to have purchased millions of carbon credits from #climate friendly projects that are “likely junk” or worthless when it comes to offsetting their #greenhouse gas #emissions, according to a classification #system developed by Corporate Accountability, a non-profit, transnational corporate watchdog.

So the capitalists really don't give a shit about anything for short-term #profit, even if #humanity is destroyed in the process.

#environment #news #scam #politics #co2 #fail #capitalism #economy #future #finance #society #problem #humanrights #earth

How an Indigenous community in #Panama is escaping rising seas


This year, about 300 families from Gardi Sugdub are expected to begin moving to a new #community on the #mainland. The #resettlement plan was initiated by the residents there more than a decade ago when they could no longer deny that the island couldn’t accommodate the growing #population. Rising seas and intense storms are only making the predicament more dire.

#news #climate #sea #sealevel #flood

Indian capital swelters through #heatwave as #temperature reportedly passes 52C in #Delhi


#India is suffering through an unusual heatwave right now, a situation only expected to worsen over time due to #climate change.

#news #problem

11/ snip "Crop production depends on a stable #climate. It is not a matter of “if” but of “when” a significant #catastrophe occurs. A globally significant #famine is going to happen. It could happen in 2 years or it could take 10–15. I can’t know that. But trends are clear. When it happens, the import-dependent US will not be spared. The biggest, most critical failure of imagination is how people assume the US govt will respond to this catastrophe. Capitalism solves shortages by increasing price. Other countries may take a more humane approach to #food rationing, but the US govt is absolutely not going to supply emergency rations to the public. The poor will simply starve.

The US govt is preparing for #ClimateChange by hiring 100,000 additional police officers, an approximately 15% increase to our already obscenely bloated, militarized, domestic occupation force of ~680,000. This is America’s climate change adaptation plan: more #police."

8/ snip "Bill Rees is one of a number of #climate scientists who portray #climatechange as one symptom of a larger planetary problem of ecological #overshoot. In this excellent lecture ( he briefly touches on: ocean acidification, freshwater contamination, #deforestation, soil #erosion, #desertification, overfishing and species #extinctions."

Key quotes:

“It’s not just mammals. Wild bird populations are also tumbling. Domestic poultry now constitute 70% of the world’s avian biomass. Average populations of thousands of monitored species of wild vertebrates, birds, fish, mammals, amphibians, have declined ~60% since 1970. Populations of #invertebrates, including essential #pollinators, are also in free-fall: Butterflies down 53%; beetles down 49%, bumblebees down 46%… All species monitored by WWF are down 68–70% in just 50 years.”"

A useful & startling chart: "A look back at half a billion years of earth’s #climate history. Within about 25 years we will be entering a temperature realm not seen since the #Pliocene 3 million years ago."
[Article is one year old.]