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Items tagged with: walz

#TimWalz on #JDVance: “I can’t wait to debate him… if he can get off the couch”



#Walz: “Make no mistake, violent #crime was up under Donald #Trump & that’s not even counting the crimes he committed”

#HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #BLM #Ally #Veterans #democracy #freedom #WeAreNotGoingBack

Content warning: USpol, Walz

Gov. #Walz picked as #VP for #Harris !
He's great on education, this is my favorite photo of him surrounded by kids from March 2023 when he signed a bill into law to provide breakfasts & lunches at no charge to students at participating schools. Minnesota is the 4th state to do so.

For @GottaLaff & @nicolesandler I made it a point to credit Ben Hovland, MPR News for this great photo from this story. #Uspol
#HarrisWalz #Walz #VP

Contrasts in Governing
Left, Gov. Tim Walz signs universal school meals bill into Minnesota law
Right. Gov. Sarah Sanders Signs Arkansas LEARNS Act, banning CRT.

Later that week, Gov. Sanders loosened #ChildLabor laws in a bill that eliminated a requirement that the state verify the age of children under 16 before companies can hire them.

Winning with #Walz #Harris2024

Awesome! My biggest discovery during that call was #Walz, so I was thrilled to wake up to news that he was the pick.

Now can we get the #kamalahq, #kamalaharris, and #vp accounts to follow?

Mastodon for Harris afternoon update, 8/6, Welcome #Walz #TimWalz #HarrisWalz edition.

Funds raised as of this post: $484,675.35
# of contributions: 5704
# of recurring contributions: 287

Current target: $500,000

Let’s aim for at least 5750 contributions by the end of the Harris-Walz rally in #Philadelphia today!
Thank you, everybody, for all the celebratory contributions, boosts, and posts.

cc @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

While #TimWalz might not be a household name, his political star has been on the rise….

#Walz was also credited w/helping launch the "#weird" movement….

He has also been applauded & condemned for several #progressive laws passed while in #Minnesota's highest office, especially in his 2nd term when the #DFL Party took total control of state govt following the 2022 elections.…


Several lawsuits followed, including one filed in 2020 by the #conservative Upper Midwest #Law Ctr alleging #TimWalz misinterpreted the #Minnesota Emergency Management Act & illegally bypassed state lawmakers….

The case, which focused on the #COVID #pandemic #MaskMandate, eventually made its way to the MN Supreme Court, which sent it back to the MN Court of Appeals. In July 2023, that court ruled that #Walz indeed had the authority.👏🏻

#PublicHealth #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

#Conservatives lashed out at #Walz for his delay in the historic activation of the Minnesota #NationalGuard, which helped restore order on Twin Cities streets during the unrest in May 2020 following the murder of #GeorgeFloyd.

The delay drew the ire of then-Pres #Trump, who went on to falsely claim he ultimately made the call. Months after the chaos, Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said he asked Walz for troops 3 days before he gave the green light.

#Restraint #Ally #HarrisWalz2024

#Walz, who served in the #Army #NationalGuard for nearly a quarter of a century, clapped back at Frey.

"I don't think the mayor knew what he was asking for," Walz said. "I think the mayor said, 'I request the National Guard, this is great. We're going to have massively-trained troops.' No, you're going to have 19-yr-olds who are cooks!"

#Restraint #Ally #HarrisWalz2024

"Your access to #ReproductiveHealth & your right to make your own #HealthCare decisions are preserved & protected," #Walz said during the signing ceremony. "And because of this #law, that won't change w/the #political wins or makeup of the #SupremeCourt. This is a bill for #Minnesota today & all #future generations."
In April 2023, Walz signed the #ReproductiveFreedom Defense Act into law, shielding #women & #providers from any #legal action originating from the patient's state.


#Walz has a long history of supporting #LGBTQIA+ rights. While teaching at #Mankato West High School in the 90s, he helped found its first #GayStraightAlliance group.

"You have an older, #White, #straight, #married, male #football coach who's deeply concerned that these students are treated fairly & that there is no #bullying," Walz said in a 2018 campaign ad.

#Ally #HarrisWalz2024

In March 2023, #Walz signed an exec order to the right of residents to have access to #GenderAffirming #HealthCare. Weeks later, he signed the "#TransRefuge" bill, banning the enforcement of arrest warrants, extradition requests & out-of-state subpoenas for those who traveled to Minnesota for care.

"When someone else is given basic rights, others don't lose theirs," Walz said. "We aren't cutting a pie here. We're giving basic rights to every single Minnesotan."

#Ally #HarrisWalz2024

The practice of putting #LGBTQIA+ youths into "conversion therapy," which aims to change a person's #SexualOrientation or #gender #identity, was also formally banned in early 2023, although #Walz issued an executive order 2 yrs earlier to restrict the practice.

#Ally #HarrisWalz2024

#Walz signed a #PublicSafety package including a "#RedFlag" #law that allows family members, roommates or law enforcement to petition the courts to remove #firearms from the possession of anyone deemed a danger to themselves or others.

Another law in the package required private gun transfers to be subject to #BackgroundChecks.

"This is NOT about the #SecondAmendment," Walz said. "This is about the #safety & #security of our communities. That's what's happening here today."


In May 2023, #Walz signed a #law creating astate-run program to provide paid #family & #medical leave for #Minnesota #workers, funded by a 0.7% payroll #tax on #employers, by 2026.

While proponents say the #law is an "equalizer" that provides a road map for a similar federal effort, critics claim it would cost much more than estimated & devastate small businesses.

#PaidFamilyLeave #PaidMedicalLeave #PaidSickLeave #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

In May 2023, #Minnesota became the 23rd state in the nation to legalize recreational #cannabis use. 3 months later, people 21 & older could start to possess certain amounts of #marijuana at home & on their person, in addition to legally #growing up to 8 plants at a time.

Minnesotans w/minor #MarijuanaConvictions are also eligible to have their #CriminalRecords #expunged,

#CommonSense #law #Walz #HarrisWalz2024

& residents from #CommunitiesOfColor — which were disproportionately targeted for arrests & convictions for possession for decades — are given preferential status in applying for #cannabis-related #business licenses.

#Marijuana #CommonSense #law #Walz #HarrisWalz2024

#Walz also signed a bill into #law in March 2023 that allows #Minnesota residents of any #immigration status the ability to obtain a driver's license.

Advocates for the bill, which had strong backing from #law enforcement, #business & #religious groups, said it would lead to safer #roads & a stronger #economy.

#WhoCaresForUs #undocumented #ally #CommonSense #law #Walz #HarrisWalz2024

In that same watershed month, #Walz signed a bill that restored the right to #vote to >50k convicted #felons who had already served their time.

"We are in a country of second chances, we're a country of welcoming people back in. And the idea of not allowing those voices to have a say in the very #governing of the communities they live in is simply unacceptable," Walz said.

#VotingRights #CommonSense #law #HarrisWalz2024

Amid the increase in #FoodInsecurity during the #pandemic, & subsequent strain on the #food shelves that remains to this day, #Walz signed a bill in March 2023 that ensures all #K12 students in the state have access to free breakfast & lunch on #school days.

"As a fmr #teacher, I know that providing free breakfast & lunch for our students is one of the best investments we can make to lower costs, support #Minnesota's working #families, & care for our young learners & the future of our state”

Shillbilly McCouchfucker the Tech Bro calls Tim Walz "a San Francisco-style liberal."

God, this is too good to be true.

"'Vance spent about four years living in SF between 2013 and 2017 as a venture capitalist,' [Bryan] Metzger wrote. 'Walz visited SF for the first time *just last month.*'"

#VP #Vance #Walz

Via @lolgop :

Three reasons to be thrilled about Tim #Walz

1. He's a master communicator from a state that has taken on Trumpism directly.

2. Workers. Workers. Workers!

3. Harris again shows she knows how to unite the base to persuade the middle.

Excellent short piece from @chrislehmann on how #TimWalz represents #KamalaHarris returning to the Democratic tradition of seeking to win everywhere #Walz

This is my favor #Walz victory photo. Mar 18, 2023
Within a week of one another, Minnesota Governor Tim #Walz signs law guaranteeing free school breakfast & lunch for all kids in the state, & Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law loosening child labor laws.
The two parties are NOT the same.

The most obvious things that will be of concern to leftist #Dems are that #Walz is a #GunOwner, a #Hunter & once received an "A" rating from the #NRA for his support of #GunOwnership .

The NRA lowered its rating of Walz to "F" after he changed his position to allow more restrictions on #GunOwnership following the #Parkland shooting in #Florida (including as was just pointed out to me) that, as govenor, Walz implemented background checks to prevent "mentally unstable people" from purchasing guns in #Minnesota .

So, while I do not believe that Walz will ever support a complete ban on gun ownership (other than for #AssaultWeapons ), he has already shown that he's willing to a support "common sense" restrictions on gun ownership that will lessen (but certainly not quell) the concerns of leftist Dems in this regard.

In picking #Minnesota Gov. #TimWalz, MVP #KamalaHarris has selected an experienced politician w/executive governing experience & signaled the importance of Midwestern battleground states such as Wisconsin & Michigan.

#Walz is scheduled to appear w/ #Harris in coming days in each of the 7 most competitive states — #Pennsylvania, #Wisconsin, #Michigan, #NorthCarolina, #Georgia, #Arizona & #Nevada.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

#Walz arrived in #Minnesota in 1996, from his home state of #Nebraska, along w/his wife, Gwen, who got a job #teaching English at the same school. At #Mankato West, Mrs & Mr Walz were seen as powerhouse #teachers who balanced out each other’s energy-levels: she was more reserved, & he was a boisterous ball of energy.

…Walz quickly earned the reputation as a guy who could get the most out of people.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

#Walz’s love of #history was infectious in the classroom where he would host “Jeopardy!”tournaments & invite other teachers to #debate current events.

“Sometimes he would remind me of the Chris Farley character Matt Foley from SNL. Our school didn’t have AC, & he would get all sweaty & really #passionate about whatever he was talking about.…his shirt would get disheveled, but the passion would transfer over to us” says Blake Frink, who became a geography #teacher bc he had been in Walz’s class.

Fmr students say they don’t remember #Walz ever being overly ideological…, & yet, none were particularly surprised when he first made the jump into #PublicService. The idea to run for office first came to Walz in 2004, …after he & several of his students were blocked from entering a #political rally for fmr president George W. Bush bc one of the kids was spotted w/a John Kerry sticker. He won a congressional seat in 2006, & served in the US #House of Reps until he won the governorship in 2018.

Before that, #Walz was the linebacker #coach who helped turn around a winless #football squad into state champs,while earning the trust of his players.
“I don’t want to be dramatic about it, but he maybe saved my life. I was devoted to him,like, ‘Fine, I’ll keep going to school so I can play for you. I’ll keep training hard so I can try & win for you.’”says Daniel Clement,a fmr linebacker who…hung out w/the wrong crowd before Walz showed him a kind of attn…he’d never experienced from a #teacher.

In the mid-’90s, it was #Walz who offered to be the first faculty adviser to the newly formed #gay-straight alliance.

“The fact that he took on that role while also being the #FootballCoach was so important,” says Jacob Reitan, who was the first openly gay student at #Mankato West. “He set an example not just for #LGTBQ students but for football players in the locker room at a time where gay people were not well understood. He made the school a #safe place for everybody.”


Reitan says, it was an early indication of 1 of #Walz’s greatest strengths: his ability to “sell seemingly progressive ideas to seemingly not progressive crowds.”
“He is sort of all things to all people in the best way possible” he says.
…He is a relatively young politician (60) who looks old (“You don’t leave that job w/a full head of hair,” he once tweeted about supervising lunch rooms for 20yrs). His agenda in #Minnesota includes #TuitionFree #college & universal #SchoolMeals,

I can't express how absolutely fucking hilarious it's going to be watching the Trump campaign try to paint this guy - THIS GUY - as an "extreme leftist", for an audience of people that look, talk, and act just like him. #Walz

#TimWalz #VPOTUS #Politics

There's a comprehensive summary of #Walz 's background & political career on #Wiki .

There will be things there that may surprise & concern leftist #Dems but will give #Moderate & #Independent voters (like me) comfort.

One glaring omission from this bio is that he & his wife used IVF to give birth to their daughter, Hope, & that he supports the use of IVF in addition to a woman's right to choose. 👏


See also:

Some Tim #Walz
(after the Kristi Noem fiasco)