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Items tagged with: USPOL

Crucial swing state — Pennsylvania:
"Ongoing lawsuits on top of ballot-counting delays may well delay certification of the Commonwealth’s results in November. Given its emerging status as the must-win state in the 2024 election, Pennsylvania will once again have the eyes of the nation on its election system." v @TheConversationUS
#USpol #USpolitics #USelections #election #elections #Pennsylvania

@volkris I will not engage in semantics other than to say that your objection reminds me of the (#Russia funded) #NRA #TalkingPoint “#Guns don’t kill people, people do.” #USpol #RoevemberIsComing

#Trump has bragged many times “I was able to kill #RoeVWade.”

In a blog post from 2012, J.D. Vance, then a law student at Yale, criticized the Republican Party for being “openly hostile to non-whites” and alienating “Blacks, Latinos, [and] the youth.”

Four years later, he asked his former college professor to take down the post, titled “A Blueprint for the GOP.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

#USpol #Election2024

Alas, CNN does not provide the link to that Page of #JDVance's original policy opinions, "A Blueprint for the GOP."
Moreover, the #WaybackMachine's (@internetarchive ) search didn't yield the deep link.

IMO, this telltale page should be widely distributed.

As headlines about the Trump family’s “World Liberty Financial” crypto project appear in outlets like the New York Times, a scam website spoofing the project remains on the front page of Google search results. Blockchain data show people actively purchasing the token.

This is the same scam URL and token address promoted by the hackers who compromised Twitter accounts belonging to Lara and Tiffany Trump two weeks ago.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #USpol #USpolitics #DonaldTrump

#USpol #CApol #Elections2024 #Water #ClimateCrisis

Of course, #TFG's comments are unfounded and pie in the sky.
And, OFC he doesn't know it, but in essence, he's actially right about the potential of reclaiming unused #rainfalls, in particular using #AtmosphericRivers weather conditions on the #WestCoast.
There are already some projects of limited scope, apart from #LA:

As Trump launches a crypto project, he appears to be meandering from one get-rich-quick opportunity to the next, without regard for merit or dignity. #CryptoIsBullshit #GetRobbed

Looking for cash, Trump launches a new family crypto project

#CrookedDonald #TrumpWillLose2024 #VoteBlueToSaveEverything #USPol

Look at this clip. In addition to a surprisingly normal journalistic reaction from the FOXNews interviewer, you see live in real time how people get hired on to the Trump campaign. This guy was pitching private protection services directly to Trump through FOX. What a mess.

Panel: How the Israeli army gets away with killing foreign activists such as Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old American-Turkish activist in the occupied West Bank. Investigations rarely lead to prosecutions.


Miko Peled – Palestine House of Freedom,

Daniel Santiago – American peace activist

Amir Oren – columnist at Haaretz

#IsraeliAtrocities #WestBank #EzgiEygi #USEnablement #USPol ..

2nd #TrumpAssassinationAttempt
#USpol #Elections2024
(2/2) more violence.
I am thankful that former President Trump is safe. I commend the U.S.
Secret Service and law enforcement partners for their vigilance.

As President Biden said, our Administration will ensure the Secret Service has every resource, capability, and protective measure necessary to carry
out its critical mission.



2nd #TrumpAssassinationAttempt on his golf course
#USpol #Elections2024

Via Veep #KamalaHarris:


"Read my statement:

SEPTEMBER 15, 2024

I am deeply disturbed by the possible assassination attempt of former
President Trump today. As we gather the facts, I will be clear:

I condemn political violence. We all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead...

“Liz Cheney, the Republican vice-chair of the House January 6 committee, did ‘all she could’ to protect the rightwing supreme court justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, the political activist Ginni Thomas, by blocking an in-depth investigation of Ginni’s involvement in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, a new book says.”

This is probably unsurprising to most, but still a good reminder that the Cheneys are about power, not about doing what is right.

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“Donald Trump repeated racist claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, on Friday, doubling down on anti-immigrant rhetoric as residents in the town have faced bomb threats and have detailed their fears amid harassment.”

“JD Vance, who represents the residents of Springfield as Ohio’s US senator, continued to attack the town on Friday, leaning into racist tropes that immigrants were responsible for bringing disease and crime to the community.”

As Jamelle Bouie says in the video; this is blood libel. They know what they are doing.

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"Pope Francis on Friday criticized Donald Trump over his plan to deport millions of immigrants and Kamala Harris over her stance supporting abortion rights."

"'You must choose the lesser evil', he continued. 'Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know. Everyone, in conscience, [has to] think and do this'."

Fuck the Pope, and fuck this bullshit false equivalence 🚮

But hey, it's the Catholic Church, they tend to like fascists and people who commit sexual abuse.

Thread continues from here;

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Wow. This is a pretty good poll for Harris, even if Iowa is probably a bridge too far.

#Trump leads #Harris by only 4 points in #Iowa, erasing a lead of 18 points over #Biden from earlier in the Spring.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #IA #election #election2024

Musicians for Kamala livestream Sept 17
@KamalaHarrisWin #musiciansForKamala #music #usPol #harrisWalz2024

The people who made this happen have already moved on to the next step: adding a fundamental right to abortion to Arizona's state constitution. They've gotten a constitutional amendment to that effect on the ballot there in November.


I know we can't read too much into one poll, and there are probabilistic models out there that take a range of polls and other fundamentals into account to predict what will happen at the electoral college, and left-wing parties under non-proportional voting systems are still pretty conservative, but boy does this feel like the seismic shift we've been waiting for.


#USpol #Trump #Loomer affaire

Via #AndrewSimpson,

"...I would estimate that the chances these two aren’t getting horizontal are about as good as RFK Jr. re-announcing his candidacy and winning as he runs on a platform of whale decapitation and bear cub dumping."

Rumors of Affair Between Trump and Loomer Grow Louder, With Loomer Reportedly Telling Friends She Performed Sex Act on Former Prez

A cryptocurrency-focused super PAC has just spent another $7.6 million to support Republican Bernie Moreno in his Ohio Senate race against Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown. This PAC has poured $27 million into backing Moreno in the last month.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #USpol #USpolitics #OhioSenate

If you've ever found yourself tempted by the lure of #USPol conspiracies I recommend this podcast. Except the real conspiracies are covered. I've only listened to 0.5 episodes (due to my attention limitations) but the host is covering the actual conspiracies of the heritage foundation and the federalist society. Link is to YouTube but audio only. I'm sure it's available in podcast places.

#USPol #Satire #HistoMusic

...#JDVance an ihn herangetragen wurde. Statt seine Falschaussagen zu korrigieren, wiederholt er sie seither immer wieder, zur Freude seiner radikalisierten Anhänger.

Gerade geht die musikalische Parodie des Künsters #TheKiffness viral--bislang über 1,2 Millionen Aufrufe binnen eines Tages!


#USPol #Satire #HistoMusic

Am 10. September '24 deklassierte die Demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin #KamalaHarris den Republikanischen Ex-Präsidenten #DonaldTrump in ihrer ersten Fernsehdebatte.

Kaum etwas ist so beispielhaft für die wiederholt vorgetragenen Lügen von #Trump wie die, dass (legale) "illegale Flüchtlinge in #Springfield/ #Ohio die Haustiere ihrer Nachbarn essen würden, eine Erfindung rechtsradikaler Gruppen, die an Trump von seinem Vizepräsidentschaftskandidaten...

“It was our responsibility to protect our community, our friends, our family. We realized no one is going to come save us. We’re going to have to save ourselves.”

This week's top story: Advocates for #abortion access are organizing to block a travel ban that would close a crucial pathway to New Mexico.

#abortion #politics #USpol #HumanRights #health #democracy #election2024 #news

#LyndaCarter’s Sister Is Running in a Key #Arizona Race. #WonderWoman Is Sounding the Alarm

#PamelaCarter, a #RightWing #abortion foe, claims to have her family’s “full support” for her candidacy. Not exactly.

AZ’s 4th #legislative dist, located in the suburban heart of #MaricopaCounty, might be the ultimate bellwether in the ultimate bellwether state.

#Election2024 #USpol #AZpol #ReproductiveRights #AbortionRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #healthcare #fertility #IVF #law

Aaaand now I remember that this is, in fact, not funny at all.


THE LAUGH HEARD ROUND THE WORLD 25 SEP 2018: The UN General Assembly laughed in Trump’s face after he opened a speech by bragging about his achievements, having worked the room like an insult comic.

#TrumpIsALaughingStock #GOPJokes #GOPFools #Trump #TrumpHasLost2024 #USPol

For the “Trump was Respected” crowd: Global confidence in the US president jumped 58 points from Trump to Biden in a dozen major countries | 10 JUN 2021

#TrumpIsALaughingStock #GOPTraitors #TrumpHasLost2024 #NeverAgainTrump #GOP #GOPTraitors #USPol