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Items tagged with: cats

Dinner and a show.

Box seat.

What more could she want?

#Cats #FensterFreitag

#cats #zen

#cat #cats #Caturday #catsofmastodon
RIP Mars, 2010 - 2024
This morning I found Mars run over by a car. I miss him very much. We got him from the shelter and he showed his gratitude every day. He was cuddly, playful, a rascal and very curious. Wherever I was, Mars wasn't far away and he spent many cuddly hours on my lap. I am stunned and incredibly sad. My heart is broken and I am crushed 🖤
Goodbye Mars, miss you, Thank you for love 😭 😿

As a cat owner, I worry about these numbers:

"The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) estimated that free-roaming cats in the contiguous U.S. kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals "

#Roaming #Cats #Birds #WildLife #News #Science #Environment

I interrupt your day to bring you this regal #cat on his throne.

#cats #catsofmastodon #fedicats

at the start of this new week, please remember to get enough of the important nutrients you need to stay healthy and strong. here, for your convenience, are at least a couple of of your million-a-day servings of floof.

#cat #cats #CatsOfMastodon

Caturday snoozing demonstration with Smudge, the extra large kitten, and Mr Orange Pants. I'm so glad the orange boy finally gets the feline companionship he's been missing for years. Sumu, who is the same age as the orange boy, can't stand him anymore. #caturday #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #cats #TabbyCat #OrangeCat

Happy Caturday from epic battle cats George & Washy

It's that day of the week again and this week George and Washy made something for you..

#Cats #cats #Caturday #George #Washy

Attends, je te chauffe tes chaussettes avant que tu les mettes 😃

Wait, I'll warm your socks before you put them on


🏵️ Artist: #TABBY / #TabbyThis in City: somewhere 🤫 in Austria 🇦🇹 05/2024 - Title: "Blooming Friendship" 😻🐀- #Art #Cats #Streetart #StencilArt #Artist #Urbanart #Mouse #Friendship #GoodMorning ! ☕🥐

Ideogram Cats!

I read over the weekend that is now the top AI image Bot in the world, placing Midjourney in the #3 spot behind an updated ...

I was surprised to see I already had an Ideogram account created 7 months ago. I guess my "Cat Riding a Motorcycle" test prompt is a little better today, but still not really on the same level as Midjourney.

#AI #AIart #Ideogram #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

Orange #cats are just different

¿Acaso tengo cara de conejo? 😾😾😾

#Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon



There are two cats in this photo, although one of them doesn't know where the other is. #catsofmastodon #void #fedicats #catsodon #cats

#CatsOfMastodon #cats #gatos #iowa #gardening

The competition for sunlight in an ecosystem. Here: Purple coneflower plants vs. Ronronia the cat.

Well, I was off social media for 2 months and came back to find that my instance closed down, I was locked out of my account and lost all my followers and media 😭 so it looks like I’m starting all over again 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is my new account and if you followed us before we would love to have you back. Into cats of course and photography 🩷

#NewInstance #CatsOfMastodon #Photography #BengalCat #Cats #CatsOfFediverse

You gotta use the right tool for the job, and sometimes the right tool is Comic Sans. #graphicDesign #cats

"No, I haven't been poking around in the dusty garage. Why do you ask?"

#cats #CatsOfMastodon