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Items tagged with: opensource

Die Deutsche Bundesregierung zahlt in den Jahren 2021 bis 2025 für den Microsoft Handelspartnervertrag 1,27 Milliarden Euro. Zusätzlich für Schulungszwecke in den Ländern in den Jahren 2022- 2026 nochmals 23.652 Millionen Euro.
Na da fließt ein wenig Geld rüber über den Teich.
Das sind schon nette Sümmchen die wir als normaler Bürger nicht mehr ganz verstehen, oder?

Quelle: Originalanfrage von Frau Anke Domscheit-Berg @ankedb

#Linux #opensource #Freiheit #KeinMicrosoft

Transferred my financial support for #Immich from GitHub to Liberapay. $15/month for something I use almost daily.

Also supporting #Gnome with $20/month and Fedilab Android client.

What apps and/or projects are you supporting?

Would like to support #Fedora as well, but there are no options (?) to subscribe or donate.

#OpenSource #Sponsor

Music platform @mirlo is raising funds to keep running! They let listeners buy directly from musicians, with only 7% going to the platform. They're owned by a worker co-op and open-source too

I really appreciate what they're doing, especially with the instability at Bandcamp

#Musodon #Mirlo #Bandcamp #Kickstarter #Fundraiser #OpenSource #Coop #WorkerOwned #WorkerCoop

For video sharing content on activitypub, you can register a new account and sign in to peertube instances

It's different over on atproto. You don't need an extra account on Bluemotion video sharing app. Just sign in using your existing Bluesky account

Exciting times for the fediverse!

#activitypub #atproto #peertube #video #opensource #fediverse #foss #videosharing #bluemotion

This is the #OpenSource #selfhosted software I use in 2024 - part 2 - It's got some incredible stuff - so check it out!

#RISCV support in #Android just got a big setback

#OpenSource #Linux #Kernel

⚙️ KDE Readies More Changes For Next Month's Plasma 6.1

#kde #kdeplasma #opensource

🦾 AlmaLinux Forms An HPC & AI SIG

「 The AlmaLinux OS Foundation today is announcing they are establishing a special interest group (SIG) to advance interests around high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) for this RHEL-derived operating system 」

#almalinux #hpc #rhel #linux #opensource

Pikapods makes hosting anything, from Nextcloud, to WordPress, to Audiobookshelf, a total breeze!

#OpenSource #Pikapods #OpenSourceSoftware #WebHosting #Hosting #HostingProvider #Internet #Technology #Host #WordPress #Ghost #Audiobookshelf

Serpent OS Close To Having A System Installer & Being Able To Test On Real Hardware

#serpentos #linux #distro #opensource

In light of World Press Freedom Day, here is a small list of free and open-source software I like that safeguards freedom:

- #nextcloud for data storage. Self-hosted or hosted and managed at #thegoodcloud

- #Collabora or #cryptpad for online writing and collaboration.

- #joplin for end-to-end encrypted notes on mobile.

- #protonmail or #tutanota for end2end encrypted mail.

Help expand the list!

#privacy #journalism #opensource #journalists #worldpressfreedomday

We ❤️ Free Software

It's been a pleasure when the Linux Professional Institute asked us for an interview. 😍

Read Hanna's insights on #privacy, #opensource - and how to best apply for a #job at Tuta!


“Open Source definiert die Zukunft”

Wir sind bei dem Bavarian IT Solutions Day am 6. Juni dabei!

Gabriel Akar und Georg Gottleuber werden einen Vortrag halten über TUXEDO und was unsere Aufgaben sind. Zusätzlich haben wir vor Ort einen Messestand für Fragen und eine Auswahl an aktuellen Geräten dabei.

Die Teilnahme an dem Bavarian IT Solutions Day ist kostenlos. Anmeldung erforderlich.

#it #linux #opensource #zukunft #solutions #tuxedo

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) turns 25 this year!

This will be celebrated with various activities and offers. So keep an eye on their social media channels and website: to make sure you don't miss anything.

#anniversary #celebration #linux #OpenSource #freesoftware #IT #LPI

Kann #OpenSource eigentlich nicht gemeinnuetzig sein?

#GNU nano 8.0 Released with New Options and Various Improvements

#OpenSource #Linux #nano

Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) is happening on Jun 17-22! This is a time when we recognize the diverse community we have and listen to each other's stories. This year's theme is "Empowering Diversity, Enriching Communities."

For that whole week we will be sharing content, but on Jun 21-22 we will have a two day virtual event.

CfP deadline is May 11. Learn how you can be a part of this!


#FWD #Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

We've got some incredible updates in the April Development Digest! Full names and email addresses are on their way! Relief for folder compaction issues is coming even sooner. ✨

Read about these topics and more, and don't miss the invite to our technical mailing lists to join development discussions as they happen! ✉️

#Thunderbird #Development #OpenSource

Say hello to Nextcloud One 🥳

Your dedicated, fully managed Nextcloud offered by a certified partner. It is your secure hub for sharing, accessing, and collaborating on documents, images, and files in one central location.

⚡ Hosted in Germany
🛟 24/7 professional support
💾 30 days of backups
⚖️ GDPR compliant, ISO27001 certified
📱 Highly-rated Android and iPhone apps

Take it for a test drive with a free, no-risk trial now.


Nextcloud is looking for an Executive Assistant.

Boosts appreciated 🙏

#GetFediHired #jobs #opensource #mastodon #Foss #hiring #jobsearch #jobfair

I got Glance up and running.

Now I just need to spend some time customizing it.

#selfhosted #opensource

"The Free and Open Source Software I Use in 2024 - Part 1"

#Foss #OpenSource

#Shotcut 24.04 Open-Source Video Editor Released with Ambisonic Encoder Filter and Various Improvements

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Linux

Have you heard the story of #LXDE, and how it morphed into #LXQt?

You haven't!?

Enjoy it here! 😉

#Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #History

Fun fact: 5.2GB out of 6.7GB of the #Linux kernel's repository is commit history, and only 1.5GB is the kernel itself. #opensource

TIL I learned of OpenTofu which is an #OpenSource fork of #HashiCorp #Terraform. Important now that IBM has purchased HashiCorp.

This looks pretty awesome.

GitHub - glanceapp/glance

#OpenSource #SelfHosted

As free money dries up and profits slow, companies slash headcount almost as fast as #opensource community trust.

My thoughts on IBM's HashiCorp buyout:

Clock, alarm, timer and stopwatch.

Chrono offers a modern and user-friendly interface with a range of features:

- #Alarms: Customizable schedules, melodies, snooze settings, and alarm tasks.
- #Clock: Customizable display, world clocks, and city search.
- #Timer: Melodies, presets, and filtering options.
- #Stopwatch: Lap history and comparisons.
- #Appearance: Material You themes and customizable color and style themes


#FOSS #Android #OpenSource #OSS

Wäre schon, wenn diese Bekenntnis zu dezentralen Diensten und Open-Source auch in anderen Bereichen Eingang finden würde, der Büro-IT öffentlicher Institutionen insbesondere!
It would be great if this commitment to decentralized services and open source would also find its way into other areas, especially the office IT of public institutions!
#ITSouveränität #foss #opensource #ITSovereignty


das nächste Update steht kurz vor der Veröffentlichung.

Auf technischer Seite wurden die Downloads verbessert. Sowohl Dateien, die einen "ref-Header" brauchen, als auch Blob-Dateien können nun endlich gedownloaded werden.

Ansonsten wurde bei diesem Release besonders an der Benutzeroberfläche gearbeitet. Ein stimmiges Farbschema und vereinfachte Dialoge sorgen für mehr Anwendungsspaß. Wer schon einmal Bildschirmfotos sehen will, kann hier schauen:

Ich teste noch ein bisschen und muss mir noch einen Titel für das Update überlegen, dann lass ich es auch die Welt los.😉

Schönen Abend noch!

#foss #opensource #FOSSBrowser #Android #FreeSoftware #teamdatenschutz #nogoogle #Android #internetbrowser

Link zum F-Droid-Store:

All Your Base Are Belong to LLM

"The output from an LLM is a derivative work of the data used to train the LLM.

If we fail to recognise this, or are unable to uphold this in law, copyright (and copyleft on which it depends) is dead. Copyright will still be used against us by corporations, but its utility to FOSS to preserve freedom is gone."

#FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LLM #AI

Don't forget about all of our other spins and labs that have also updated to Fedora 40. 👀

For Fedora Spins we have
- KDE (or Kinoite)
- Xfce
- Cinnamon
- i3
- LXQt
- SoaS
- Sway (or Sway Atomic)
- Budgie (or Budgie Atomic).

For Fedora Labs we have
- Astronomy
- Comp Neuro
- Design Suite
- Games
- Jam
- Python Classroom
- Scientific
- Security Lab

You have a lot of options, alright lol

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

Loops is special in so many ways, being open source is the most important one.

I've published the skeleton and will update it with runnable code in the next few days.

#loops #openSource #fediverse

We are proud of the stable reputation that Fedora Workstation has built over the years. We hope to add to that with Fedora Workstation 40!

Workstation brings @gnome 46 to users with tweaks to the Settings and Files apps. You can now use Remote Login to connect to a computer even if it doesn't have an active session.

Learn about these quality of life improvements and more:

Try Fedora Workstation 40 today!

#Fedora #Gnome #Linux #OpenSource

Thanks to an extra set of eyes we narrowly avoid the XZ backdoor spreading across the globe. 🪲🚪🌍

Open source publishing is the most secure way to distribute code - That's why our client-side code is released transparently! ❤️🔐

Read more here:

#xzbackdoor #opensource #tuta #privacymatters

Excited to launch a new project today that I'm calling, a curated list of companion applications for self-hosted software:

The linked post explains the rationale for adding apps to this list, which is a bit smaller than

As usual, feel free to send me a DM or reach out via the site's contact address if you'd like to discuss the project or any of the software listed.

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #software