Items tagged with: Eupol
#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France
...provide great‐power status, respect, national independence, and political influence.2)
2)… @proscience
The Enduring Legacy of a Great Man: Charles de Gaulle
No figure of modern French history is as honored as Charles de Gaulle. His name has been given to more streets, avenues and monuments in France than to any other man of the nation’s past. The country’s largest airport bears his name.The Unz Review
...#Europe a sense of herself; if not, American political administrators will come to colonize Europe with their primitive methods and their overweening pride. 👈They will treat us all as if were negroes in Senegal! To rebuild Europe, we will need #Germany, but a Germany that has been first defeated, unlike the situation in 1918.”1)
Despite his disdain for multi-party democracies, 👉#DeGaulle..."👉was also a resolute European. In the postwar era, he hoped to fashion a... @proscience
#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France
#History #DeGaulle
Again, agreed.
Alas, #Macron is no visionary, precognitive leader like Président #CharlesDeGaulle was. With today's hindsight, he rightly distrusted the #Americans:
"In May 1944, de Gaulle told a Soviet official “ regarding his view of the #US, "As for #America, it wanted a “docile France to make it a base for their #European policy.”1)
"“After the war,” he said in 1942, 👉“it will be necessary to give...
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
...though international trade integration has proven to be a great success, it has not stopped the polarization of the globe. In contrast, it has given rise to another dimension in antagonism, that if multinational corporations .
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
[2/3] it was never seriously developed.
Lastly, in my view, even though the #DefenseUnion seems to have been the most difficult dimension for #EU to integrate, this mustn't be the case for the #EU and the non-US #NATO members.
In fact, #NATO proves that a Defense Union can be pursued independently from all other dimension.
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Agree on both points.
It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.
Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Agree on both points.
It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.
Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Agree on both points.
It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.
Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..
#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
(11/11) now include the renegotiated #FTA with #Mexico:…
... and clarifications of some ideas.
Please note:
This key thread will be updated occasionally.
#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Once again, a horse from Asia Minor might be a Trojan one, even if it is reared in #Ankara.
Hopefully, #Türkiye "s president has seen the same glimpse of the future and remembers the conflicts with Czarist #Russia. Making #NATO independent from the #US has suddenly become a central #NationalSecurity 101.
#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
...latest utterance must be viewed with suspicion:
"The Foundation for Defense of Democracies’s (#FDD) #Turkish expert #SinaCiddi writes that under President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan, 👈“#Ankara is not only distancing itself from the West, but consciously working to undermine its core security interests.” 👈...…
Turkey and NATO: How Erdogan’s policies endanger Western interests
Is Turkey still a reliable NATO ally under Erdogan’s Islamist and authoritarian rule?By ERIC R MANDEL (The Jerusalem Post)
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
You are very welcome.
Do you think such a Euro-North-American #FreeTradeArea, omitting the #MAGAmerica, would get a majority in #Canada?
My idea is to start deepening it towards a #DefenseUnion and other areas, similar to precursors of the #EU.
#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
...must be revived and pursued at full speed.
Interestingly, #Ankara declared that it would like to join such a structure. Good.2)
Now is the time for huge reforms, this is a #TippingPoint in world history (#Zeitenwende.) The momentum...
...might cary the world in either direction.
2) Given #Erdogan's previous behavoir, the...
#CETA #Turkey
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
...precursors to the #EuropeanUnion, like the #EC, as well as (finally!) a #DefenseUnion, should be on the table. Non-EU neighbors, such as the #UK and #Turkey should be considered as further partners. Too many different treaties are red tape slowing down decision-making processes and thus resilience in a chaotic environment.
Concurrently, the project of a #EuropeanArmy...
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
... security wise deteriorating global environment.
👉How to integrate swiftly: #CEUN👈
A new #FreeTradeArea (#FTA) encompassing #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico could offset the #TrumpTradeWars induced #Recession going forward.
Time is of the essence.
It might be an idea to ratify #CETA and the newly renegotiated #GlobalAgreementWithMexico ASAP.
Then, a deepening of this FTA, similar to...
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
... #Rejoin the #European economic block.
#Brexit, a project by international rightwing organizations, was an utter failure. To withstand a sandwiched position by/a an imperialist, expansionist #Kremlin and a likeminded #Washington (#Panama, #Canada, #Greenland,) a renewal of the "ever closer union" is of the essence.
#EU processes take far too long in this rapidly changing,...
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
... more than make up for the #Transatlantic trade with the #US.
#CETA, the #FreeTradeAgreament, a project started in 2014, should now be rapidly brought to completion:
"As of 2023, only 17 of 27 EU countries have ratified (as did the #UnitedKingdom before leaving the #EU), and #Cyprus has voted against ratification." 1)
Also, the #UK. Must...
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
The rift b/w the #US and its #NorthAmerican, neighbors, #Canada and Mexico, offers huge chances for a new world order.
As #MAGA #DonaldTrump singlehandedly keeps alienating the US stauchest, quite like erstwhile Allies, the remaining #NATO members can reshape the Alliance to their purposes
Furthermore, amalgamating the economies of the other 2 erstwhile #European colonies to the #EU might even...
...#Niederlanden (#ForumFürDemokratie), #Norwegen (#Fortschrittspartei), #Polen (#RechtUndGerechtigkeit), #Spanien (#Vox) und #Schweden (#Schwedendemokraten).
👉Auf der Teilnehmerliste findet sich auch ein ehemaliger Vorsitzender der rechtsextremen deutschen Partei #AlternativeFürDeutschland. 1)👈
Hier der komplette Ursprungsartikel:…
Leaked guestlist shows oil execs and conservatives from Canada and U.S. gathering at Jordan Peterson's conference
Executives from some of the world’s biggest oil and gas firms are listed as attendees at a conservative conference in London whose keynote speakers include the leader of the Heritage Foundation – the group that published the Project 2025 blueprint fo…Canada's National Observer
...#Citadel, #Deloitte, #JPMorgan, #KKR, #KraftHeinz, #LibertySteel, #Macquarie, #McKinsey, #Meta, #Neom, #Palantir, #PwC und anderen gehören.
...Sie werden von rechtsextremen Politikern aus der EU begleitet werden. Zu den Teilnehmern gehören gewählte Vertreter rechtsradikaler Parteien aus #Frankreich (#RassemblementNational), #Dänemark (#DänischeVolkspartei), #Estland (#KonservativeVolkspartei), #Ungarn (#Fidesz), #Island (#Zentrumspartei), den
... ein Vorstandsberater von #QatarEnergy, ein Direktor für regulatorische Angelegenheiten des kanadischen Ölsandproduzenten #CNRL und der Direktor für globale Regierungsbeziehungen des Unternehmens #AirProducts, eines Gas- und Chemieunternehmens, das in der Flüssiggasindustrie tätig ist.
Dies sind nicht die einzigen großen Unternehmen, die auf der Teilnehmerliste vertreten sind, zu der auch führende Persönlichkeiten von #AstraZeneca, #Blackstone 1),...
...europäische politische Parteien wie #Spaniens #VOX und #Frankreichs #RassemblementNational.
...#ARC wird von der in den #Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ansässigen Investmentfirma #LegatumGroup und dem britischen Hedgefonds-Millionär #PaulMarshall unterstützt, denen gemeinsam der rechtsgerichtete Sender #GBNews gehört.
Ebenfalls für die #ARC-Konferenz angemeldet sind...
(6/n) Führern großer religiöser rechter Gruppen, die eng mit #Trump verbunden sind, teilnehmen werden, darunter #AllianceDefendingFreedom, #FocusOnTheFamily und #FamilyResearchCouncil.
Hinzu kommen Vertreter prominenter #Klimaleugner-Organisationen wie der #CO2Coalition, libertäre Denkfabriken wie das #CatoInstitute, rechtsgerichtete Silicon-Valley-Persönlichkeiten wie #Palantir-Gründer #PeterThiel und einwanderungsfeindliche...
... gelobt wird, soll ebenfalls sprechen.
Diese Diskussionen finden neben Reden von führenden Vertretern des rechten Flügels wie #KevinRoberts statt, dem Leiter der #HeritageFoundation, die federführend an der Erstellung des 922-seitigen Leitfadens zur radikalen Umgestaltung der US-Regierung, bekannt als #Projekt2025, beteiligt war.
Aus der durchgesickerten Liste* geht hervor, dass diese hochrangigen Persönlichkeiten des rechten Spektrums zusammen...
...berichtet hat.
...Dazu gehören #VivekRamaswamy, ein ehemaliger Anwärter auf die #Republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidatur, der die „Klima-Agenda“ als „Schwindel“ bezeichnet hat, sowie #ReformUK-Führer #NigelFarage, der gefordert hat, dass die britische Politik der Netto-Null-Emissionen für 2050 komplett „verschrottet“ wird. Der von Präsident #DonaldTrump ausgewählte US-#Energieminister #ChrisWright, der von #Klimaleugnern...
#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol
...wurde, beginnt am Montag mit einer Podiumsdiskussion, an der auch der Sprecher der Republikaner im US-#Repräsentantenhaus, #MikeJohnson, und der Vorsitzende der #UKConservativeParty, #KemiBadenoch, teilnehmen.
Die Konferenz, die als Versuch angekündigt ist, „die Grundlagen der Zivilisation neu zu legen“, wird Panels zum Thema Energie und Umwelt beinhalten, die mit prominenten Leugnern der #Klimakrise besetzt sind, wie #DeSmog bereits...
#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol
...#Trumps veröffentlicht hat.
Vertreter von #BP, #KochIndustries, #ValeroEnergy, #EnergyTransfer und anderen Herstellern fossiler Brennstoffe werden an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen, die von der #AllianceForResponsibleCitizenship (#ARC) ausgerichtet wird, wie aus einer durchgesickerten Teilnehmerliste hervorgeht, die DeSmog einsehen konnte.
Die dreitägige Veranstaltung, die von dem konservativen kanadischen Influencer #JordanPeterson einberufen...
#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol
Durchgesickerte Gästeliste zeigt Öl-Führungskräfte und Konservative aus #Kanada und #USA, die sich auf der Konferenz von #JordanPeterson [in #London] treffen
...Führungskräfte einiger der weltgrößten Öl- und Gasunternehmen sind als Teilnehmer einer konservativen Konferenz in London aufgeführt, zu deren Hauptrednern auch der Leiter der #HeritageFoundation gehört - der Gruppe, die den Plan #Project2025 für eine zweite Amtszeit...
#EUpol #DEpol #Wahlen2025
Nachdem die faschistische #MAGA-Bewegung mit der Galeonsfigur #Trump und koordiniert durch eine Liste libertärer US-Denkfabriken die #USA übernommen haben, kommen sie nun auch zu einem Treffen mit Big Oil in den USA und der #Arabischen Halbinsel auch nach #Kanada und #Europa zu einem Treffen mit dem Who is Who der europäischen Rechten, inklusive der #AfD.
von #GeoffDembicki #DeSmog #CanadasNationalObserver…
Leaked guestlist shows oil execs and conservatives from Canada and U.S. gathering at Jordan Peterson's conference
Executives from some of the world’s biggest oil and gas firms are listed as attendees at a conservative conference in London whose keynote speakers include the leader of the Heritage Foundation – the group that published the Project 2025 blueprint fo…Canada's National Observer
#Germany won’t accept “if outsiders interfere in our #democracy, in our elections & in the democratic formation of opinion..”
So what are you doing about it, Germany? And what are we doing, #EU? Soon it will be too late.
Coz it’s been happening for years.…
Scholz slams Vance’s support for far right as ‘interference’ by ‘outsiders’
‘We will decide for ourselves what happens to our democracy,’ German chancellor tells the U.S.Hans von der Burchard (POLITICO)