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Items tagged with: Eupol


Items tagged with: Eupol

#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France


...provide great‐power status, respect, national independence, and political influence.2)

2)… @proscience



...#Europe a sense of herself; if not, American political administrators will come to colonize Europe with their primitive methods and their overweening pride. 👈They will treat us all as if were negroes in Senegal! To rebuild Europe, we will need #Germany, but a Germany that has been first defeated, unlike the situation in 1918.”1)

Despite his disdain for multi-party democracies, 👉#DeGaulle..."👉was also a resolute European. In the postwar era, he hoped to fashion a... @proscience


#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France
#History #DeGaulle


Again, agreed.

Alas, #Macron is no visionary, precognitive leader like Président #CharlesDeGaulle was. With today's hindsight, he rightly distrusted the #Americans:

"In May 1944, de Gaulle told a Soviet official “ regarding his view of the #US, "As for #America, it wanted a “docile France to make it a base for their #European policy.”1)

"“After the war,” he said in 1942, 👉“it will be necessary to give...


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...though international trade integration has proven to be a great success, it has not stopped the polarization of the globe. In contrast, it has given rise to another dimension in antagonism, that if multinational corporations .


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

[2/3] it was never seriously developed.

Lastly, in my view, even though the #DefenseUnion seems to have been the most difficult dimension for #EU to integrate, this mustn't be the case for the #EU and the non-US #NATO members.

In fact, #NATO proves that a Defense Union can be pursued independently from all other dimension.




#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..

#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

(11/11) now include the renegotiated #FTA with #Mexico:…

... and clarifications of some ideas.

Please note:
This key thread will be updated occasionally.

#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Once again, a horse from Asia Minor might be a Trojan one, even if it is reared in #Ankara.

Hopefully, #Türkiye "s president has seen the same glimpse of the future and remembers the conflicts with Czarist #Russia. Making #NATO independent from the #US has suddenly become a central #NationalSecurity 101.


#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...latest utterance must be viewed with suspicion:

"The Foundation for Defense of Democracies’s (#FDD) #Turkish expert #SinaCiddi writes that under President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan, 👈“#Ankara is not only distancing itself from the West, but consciously working to undermine its core security interests.” 👈...…

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

You are very welcome.

Do you think such a Euro-North-American #FreeTradeArea, omitting the #MAGAmerica, would get a majority in #Canada?

My idea is to start deepening it towards a #DefenseUnion and other areas, similar to precursors of the #EU.…

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... security wise deteriorating global environment.

👉How to integrate swiftly: #CEUN👈

A new #FreeTradeArea (#FTA) encompassing #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico could offset the #TrumpTradeWars induced #Recession going forward.

Time is of the essence.
It might be an idea to ratify #CETA and the newly renegotiated #GlobalAgreementWithMexico ASAP.
Then, a deepening of this FTA, similar to...


#CANpoli #USpol #EUpol #UKpol



#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


The rift b/w the #US and its #NorthAmerican, neighbors, #Canada and Mexico, offers huge chances for a new world order.

As #MAGA #DonaldTrump singlehandedly keeps alienating the US stauchest, quite like erstwhile Allies, the remaining #NATO members can reshape the Alliance to their purposes

Furthermore, amalgamating the economies of the other 2 erstwhile #European colonies to the #EU might even...

#CETA #TrumpTradeWars
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...must be revived and pursued at full speed.

Interestingly, #Ankara declared that it would like to join such a structure. Good.2)

Now is the time for huge reforms, this is a #TippingPoint in world history (#Zeitenwende.) The momentum...
...might cary the world in either direction.

2) Given #Erdogan's previous behavoir, the...


#CETA #Turkey
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...precursors to the #EuropeanUnion, like the #EC, as well as (finally!) a #DefenseUnion, should be on the table. Non-EU neighbors, such as the #UK and #Turkey should be considered as further partners. Too many different treaties are red tape slowing down decision-making processes and thus resilience in a chaotic environment.

Concurrently, the project of a #EuropeanArmy...

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... security wise deteriorating global environment.

👉How to integrate swiftly: #CEUN👈

A new #FreeTradeArea (#FTA) encompassing #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico could offset the #TrumpTradeWars induced #Recession going forward.

Time is of the essence.
It might be an idea to ratify #CETA and the newly renegotiated #GlobalAgreementWithMexico ASAP.
Then, a deepening of this FTA, similar to...

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... #Rejoin the #European economic block.
#Brexit, a project by international rightwing organizations, was an utter failure. To withstand a sandwiched position by/a an imperialist, expansionist #Kremlin and a likeminded #Washington (#Panama, #Canada, #Greenland,) a renewal of the "ever closer union" is of the essence.

#EU processes take far too long in this rapidly changing,...

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... more than make up for the #Transatlantic trade with the #US.

#CETA, the #FreeTradeAgreament, a project started in 2014, should now be rapidly brought to completion:

"As of 2023, only 17 of 27 EU countries have ratified (as did the #UnitedKingdom before leaving the #EU), and #Cyprus has voted against ratification." 1)

Also, the #UK. Must...


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


The rift b/w the #US and its #NorthAmerican, neighbors, #Canada and Mexico, offers huge chances for a new world order.

As #MAGA #DonaldTrump singlehandedly keeps alienating the US stauchest, quite like erstwhile Allies, the remaining #NATO members can reshape the Alliance to their purposes

Furthermore, amalgamating the economies of the other 2 erstwhile #European colonies to the #EU might even...

Sensitive content

I was literally joking about the Netherlands offering to make New York into New Amsterdam again last week.

My wish has come true!

Well done @EUCommission 👏

#USpol #NLpol #EUpol #funny #YesPlease

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


...#Niederlanden (#ForumFürDemokratie), #Norwegen (#Fortschrittspartei), #Polen (#RechtUndGerechtigkeit), #Spanien (#Vox) und #Schweden (#Schwedendemokraten).

👉Auf der Teilnehmerliste findet sich auch ein ehemaliger Vorsitzender der rechtsextremen deutschen Partei #AlternativeFürDeutschland. 1)👈


Hier der komplette Ursprungsartikel:…

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


... ein Vorstandsberater von #QatarEnergy, ein Direktor für regulatorische Angelegenheiten des kanadischen Ölsandproduzenten #CNRL und der Direktor für globale Regierungsbeziehungen des Unternehmens #AirProducts, eines Gas- und Chemieunternehmens, das in der Flüssiggasindustrie tätig ist.
Dies sind nicht die einzigen großen Unternehmen, die auf der Teilnehmerliste vertreten sind, zu der auch führende Persönlichkeiten von #AstraZeneca, #Blackstone 1),...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


...europäische politische Parteien wie #Spaniens #VOX und #Frankreichs #RassemblementNational.

...#ARC wird von der in den #Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ansässigen Investmentfirma #LegatumGroup und dem britischen Hedgefonds-Millionär #PaulMarshall unterstützt, denen gemeinsam der rechtsgerichtete Sender #GBNews gehört.

Ebenfalls für die #ARC-Konferenz angemeldet sind...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol

(6/n) Führern großer religiöser rechter Gruppen, die eng mit #Trump verbunden sind, teilnehmen werden, darunter #AllianceDefendingFreedom, #FocusOnTheFamily und #FamilyResearchCouncil.

Hinzu kommen Vertreter prominenter #Klimaleugner-Organisationen wie der #CO2Coalition, libertäre Denkfabriken wie das #CatoInstitute, rechtsgerichtete Silicon-Valley-Persönlichkeiten wie #Palantir-Gründer #PeterThiel und einwanderungsfeindliche...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


... gelobt wird, soll ebenfalls sprechen.
Diese Diskussionen finden neben Reden von führenden Vertretern des rechten Flügels wie #KevinRoberts statt, dem Leiter der #HeritageFoundation, die federführend an der Erstellung des 922-seitigen Leitfadens zur radikalen Umgestaltung der US-Regierung, bekannt als #Projekt2025, beteiligt war.

Aus der durchgesickerten Liste* geht hervor, dass diese hochrangigen Persönlichkeiten des rechten Spektrums zusammen...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


...berichtet hat.
...Dazu gehören #VivekRamaswamy, ein ehemaliger Anwärter auf die #Republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidatur, der die „Klima-Agenda“ als „Schwindel“ bezeichnet hat, sowie #ReformUK-Führer #NigelFarage, der gefordert hat, dass die britische Politik der Netto-Null-Emissionen für 2050 komplett „verschrottet“ wird. Der von Präsident #DonaldTrump ausgewählte US-#Energieminister #ChrisWright, der von #Klimaleugnern...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


...wurde, beginnt am Montag mit einer Podiumsdiskussion, an der auch der Sprecher der Republikaner im US-#Repräsentantenhaus, #MikeJohnson, und der Vorsitzende der #UKConservativeParty, #KemiBadenoch, teilnehmen.

Die Konferenz, die als Versuch angekündigt ist, „die Grundlagen der Zivilisation neu zu legen“, wird Panels zum Thema Energie und Umwelt beinhalten, die mit prominenten Leugnern der #Klimakrise besetzt sind, wie #DeSmog bereits...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


...#Trumps veröffentlicht hat.
Vertreter von #BP, #KochIndustries, #ValeroEnergy, #EnergyTransfer und anderen Herstellern fossiler Brennstoffe werden an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen, die von der #AllianceForResponsibleCitizenship (#ARC) ausgerichtet wird, wie aus einer durchgesickerten Teilnehmerliste hervorgeht, die DeSmog einsehen konnte.

Die dreitägige Veranstaltung, die von dem konservativen kanadischen Influencer #JordanPeterson einberufen...

#GeoPol #Eupol #DEpol


Durchgesickerte Gästeliste zeigt Öl-Führungskräfte und Konservative aus #Kanada und #USA, die sich auf der Konferenz von #JordanPeterson [in #London] treffen

...Führungskräfte einiger der weltgrößten Öl- und Gasunternehmen sind als Teilnehmer einer konservativen Konferenz in London aufgeführt, zu deren Hauptrednern auch der Leiter der #HeritageFoundation gehört - der Gruppe, die den Plan #Project2025 für eine zweite Amtszeit...

#EUpol #DEpol #Wahlen2025

Nachdem die faschistische #MAGA-Bewegung mit der Galeonsfigur #Trump und koordiniert durch eine Liste libertärer US-Denkfabriken die #USA übernommen haben, kommen sie nun auch zu einem Treffen mit Big Oil in den USA und der #Arabischen Halbinsel auch nach #Kanada und #Europa zu einem Treffen mit dem Who is Who der europäischen Rechten, inklusive der #AfD.

von #GeoffDembicki #DeSmog #CanadasNationalObserver…

#Germany won’t accept “if outsiders interfere in our #democracy, in our elections & in the democratic formation of opinion..”

So what are you doing about it, Germany? And what are we doing, #EU? Soon it will be too late.

Coz it’s been happening for years.

#MSC2025 #EUpol #NAFO…