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Items tagged with: maga

@fasnix @iThreepwood
#USpol #Democracy


...werden, dann kann man die Frage sicherlich binnen Jahresfrist aufgrund des #MAGA-Projektes zur Machtergreifung, #Project2025, mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit leider verneinen. 2)

Was das für #Europa bedeuten würde (#NATO-Schutzschirn), lässt sich leider aufgrund der Aussagen zum Bündnis des nun erstmals rechtskräftig verurteilten Kriminellen leider gar nicht so schwer prognostizieren,...


#USpol #MAGA #Trump

Mit #Project2025 und der minutiös geplanten totalitären #Machtübernahme sowie der Institutionalisierung der #MAGA-Bewegung in den #USA beschäftige ich mich schon eine ganze Weile:

How gullible do Trump's footmen think his #MAGA base is? Judge them by their conspiracy theories.

#MAGA Republicans "back the blue until they have to back the coup."


Penny Swan defected from the rightwing group that captured the local Republican party – and she won’t be voting for Trump

#Cult #MAGA

"More than half of #Biden supporters say main reason for backing is to oppose #Trump"

Some people think this is terrible

I consider it ideal

I don't like passion in #politics. That gives us cults like #MAGA. To me every #vote should be a cold calculation. That's an ideal society, to me

If enough people vote tactically, they can move a party in the direction they want, until they get a candidate worthy of love

But even then I will never mix passion and politics

If we had proper news media in the US Americans would be looking at what's going on in Europe right now.
Europeans voted for their equivalent of the House of Representatives today and the first results show, as predicted, that pro-Putin, climate-change deniers, pro-life, anti-LGBTQ+ fascist parties are closer and closer to take control of Europe.
In Germany voters under 30 went "in droves" to the far right.
Same in France.
In short Europe is becoming a deep Red State and that should worry you.

#vote #elections #europe #abortion #climatechange #democracy #abortion #lgbtq+ #voteblue #biden #maga #trump

#MAGA Republicans hope to elect the convicted leader of a crime syndicate to the White House. He can't own a gun. They want to hand him the nuclear arsenal.

Obsessing over the polls is pointless. These people are going to pull out all the stops to steal this election. #maga #fascism #Election2024

"Donald J. #Trump has baselessly and publicly cast doubt about the fairness of the #2024election about once a day, on average, since he announced his candidacy for #president...

Though the tactic is familiar — #Trump raised the specter of a “rigged” #election in the 2016 and 2020 cycles, too — his attempts to #undermine the 2024 contest are a significant escalation."

#BigLie #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #MAGA #Violence #GOP #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

"He did so earlier — and more frequently — before the 2020 election."

#Trump #BigLie #Jan6 #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #Election #GOP #Republican #Republicans #MAGA #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

"But in the 2024 cycle, the falsehoods have been baked in since #Trump announced his candidacy, almost two years before Election Day.

They show no signs of subsiding."
On #Jan6 2021, thousands stormed the Capitol because Trump convinced them the #election had been stolen... time?"

#BigLie #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #MAGA #Republicans #Terrorism #GOP #Republican #Politics #US #USPolitics #UnitedStates #USA #News

"Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election had historic consequences. The so-called #BigLie — Trump’s false claim that the election was stolen from him — led to the #Jan6 2021 #insurrection...

He has never given up that framing, which no evidence supports, even well after the end of his presidency. And as he seeks to return to the White House, the same claim has become the backbone of his campaign"

#Trump #MAGA #GOP #Politics #US #USPolitics #USA #News

"Trump is laying the groundwork for a repeat of the 2020 post-election debacle.

He has managed to get a swath of the country to believe that Biden can’t be reelected without cheating. It follows, at least in the minds of Trump and his supporters, that if he doesn’t win in November, the election would have been unfair and its result — Biden’s reelection — illegitimate."

#TrumpLies #BigLie #Jan6 #MAGA #Violence #StochasticTerrorism #Politics #USA #News

"And then what? On #Jan6 2021, thousands stormed the #Capitol because #Trump convinced them the #election had been stolen.

They smashed through doors and windows and disrupted the House and Senate chambers to #StopTheSteal and obstruct #Congress from exercising its constitutional responsibility to certify electoral votes.

They failed, thanks to D.C. police and #US Capitol officers who put their lives on the line.

But next time?"

#MAGA #Violence #USA #Politics #News

"For more than two months after Election Day, [Trump] spread the #lie that he had won when it was obvious to any fair-minded person that his claims were false. He still repeats this falsehood.

...charged #Trump with having conspired to retain power and overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 #election by unleashing attacks on Congress on #Jan6 2021"

#MAGA #BigLie #Violence #TrumpLies #StochasticTerrorism #GOP #Politics #USPolitics #US #USA #News

"Nixon lost the 1960 election to John F. #Kennedy by a razor-thin margin, and stories circulated at the time about vote theft in some states. #Nixon accepted the results.

Just as in 2000, when #Gore accepted the #US #SupremeCourt decision to overturn a ruling by Florida’s Supreme Court and halt a recount in the state, thus giving Florida’s 25 electoral votes — and the presidency — to George W. #Bush"

#Trump #Jan6 #MAGA #Violence #Politics #USPolitics #USA #News

"Trump’s campaign of pervasive lying succeeded in eroding public confidence in an election in which there was no evidence of significant fraud.

Now #Trump has embarked on a no-holds-barred attempt to regain the #WhiteHouse — a post he desperately needs to quash federal #criminal charges against him, both in the #election #conspiracy case & in a second prosecution related to his handling of classified information."

#TrumpLies #BigLie #MAGA #Violence #Politics #USA #News

"And here’s a fun fact: There are many countries that will not admit #felons across their borders. This includes, apparently, Canada. #Trump cannot even travel to many countries, including some of our closest allies, and yet he hopes to represent the #UnitedStates. The absurdity of this stuns."
- @jaykuo

#TrumpTrial #Guilty #Felon #MAGA #GOP #Politics #USPolitics #USPol #USA

How to tell if you are in a corrupt and immoral political party.....

It has a Convicted Felon as it's nominee for President of the United States!

Its leaders play hooky from work to support said nominee at his criminal trial.

Its political leaders refuse to ponder or accept personal accountability

It has Donald Trump in it!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #MAGA #Republicans #Breaking #BreakingNews

Poland is back "on-board"

" Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has promised to restore the rule of law and reset relations between Warsaw and Brussels.

Poland has officially exited Article 7, the European Union's exceptional mechanism to rein in countries that openly defy the bloc's fundamental values. "

#NAFO #News #Putin #Ukraine #Democrats #GOP #Republicans #MAGA #Russia #Pentagon #Poland

Orban's visitors to the EU Parliment???

"Russia-Ukraine war live: police search European parliament over possible Russian interference"

#NAFO #News #Putin #Ukraine #Democrats #GOP #Republicans #MAGA #Russia #Pentagon #Hungary

#MAGA #GOP folks:

ignorant petty cruel

not even some grand political strategy. this is simply who they are and what they do. this is all they know of existence. what calls to them. what fills them with purpose and meaning: weak schoolyard bullying

so fucking pathetic:

"Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in #SouthDakota public university employee emails"

did anyone tell these geniuses what "dakota" means?

#nativeamerican #MeganRedShirt #JohnLittle

#Grundgesetz #LawFedi


...Gesetzgebungsprozesses (u.a. Super Majority) keine neuen #Verfassungszusätze mehr.

Was würdest du am #Grundgesetz ändern wollen?

Wichtig ist aus meiner Sicht der Schutz der Unabhängigkeit der #Verassungsrichter aufgrund der Vorfälle in #Polen unter der PIS und in den #USA durch die Machenschaften der #HeritageFoundation und die Übernahme des #SupremeCourt durch reaktionäre #MAGA-Richter.


MTG claims Dems were 'planning to assassinate' Trump and she warned him

#dems #maga

More classified documents found at Mar-A-Lago- evidence for a trial that may never happen, thanks to judicial obstruction.
#Trump #Cannon #MAGA

#TFG #Elections2024

You are right, the end of the headline below #MAGA! really says, "the creation of a Unified Reich."

What is TFG targeting? Doing one better than #Gilead and annexing #Canada and/or #Mexico?!?

I will say it again just in case you haven’t heard. #Hypocrisy is the #Republican superpower.

If you believe that MAGA cares about you, forget it.

#maga #uspolitics #USelections2024