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Items tagged with: BloomScrolling

#Flowerpower in kräftigen Farben am #MakroMittwoch

Topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus)
Mit ihren leuchtend gelben Blüten ist sie nicht nur hübsch anzusehen, die Knollen der Pflanze lassen sich auch ähnlich wie Süßkartoffeln in der Küche verwenden. #Topinambur wird auch schon mal als 'Diabetikerkartoffel' bezeichnet, da sie zu 16 % aus Kohlenhydraten in Form des Mehrfachzuckers Inulin besteht, der als Ballaststoff im Darm wirkt und nicht verdaut wird.

#photography #fotografie #bloomscrolling #macro

I took the new knee out for a short nature walk. It's getting easier to get around, but it's still not easy. Here's a bird, 2 butterflies and a flower for you. #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #flowers #bloomscrolling #butterflies #nature #HoosierMast

I've come to love all the clovers. They look ordinary from a distance but they have all these intricacies up close. This one is trifolium hybridum, or alsike clover.
#bloomscrolling #clover

Was closing the curtains and I spotted this perfect rose outside so had to go out and take a photo.

#photography 📷 #knipsehiernur #bloomscrolling

I need to ask this again.
How #lowkey can I go after the rain?

Es macht so viel Spaß. 🙂

#photography 📷 #knipsehiernur in #blackandwhite

How #lowkey can I go?

Ich habe gerade richtig Spaß mit diesen beiden Filtern. Hätte ich nicht gedacht.

A cloud of tiny flies hovering over one of the zinnias in the front garden, catching the last rays of the evening light.

#SilentSunday #photography #flowers #bloomscrolling #garden #insects

I dunno, it's some kind of flowering plant, maybe related to ice plant, on a cliff overlooking JV Fitzgerald Marine Reserve near Half Moon Bay. It's pink.

#photography #BloomScrolling #NatureyCrap

Oh my god I'm so happy to see you! 😃👋🏻

The unique blossoms of Ribes triste, commonly known as swamp red currant, along the Table Top Mountain Trail in the White Mountain National Recreation Area, Alaska, in late May.

The latest addition to my Alaska Wildflower Guide:

#BloomScrolling #wildflowers #Alaska

#photography 📷 #knipsehiernur Spielerei mit ND & Magenta-Filter in Kombination — darf es dann auch etwas Farbe sein #BloomScrolling

Auch in dunkelsten Momenten sichtbar bleiben #gedankensplitter

My favorite roses are whichever ones I'm looking at. Yesterday it was the bright pink ones with yellow centers. Today it's these soft yellow pink star-shaped ones.
#bloomscrolling #roses

I'll post some photos in a little bit, but for now, here's my blog post on our Nome Creek hike over the weekend with lots of wildflower photos and info!

#Alaska #hiking #bloomscrolling

This year these California poppies came up right in the middle of the garden path, 100% in my way, but am I going to pull them up? ABSOLUTELY NOT

#Gardening #BloomScrolling

I thought I had lost them last year, but some of my oakleaf #hydrangeas came back. They are more subtle than ordinary hydrangeas, but both are beautiful, giving us an end-of-the-day relaxation.

#flowers #bloomscrolling #photography #FujiFilm

Last night, I was out on the Summit Trail near Wickersham Dome, and I came across possibly 2 or 3 different species of dwarf willow. To the best of my knowledge, the ones photographed here are both Salix phlebophylla (1: male catkins and 2: female catkins). I have my work cut out for me in properly identifying all the species I have photographed so far, and I just wrote an article on the problem this morning:

#bloomscrolling #alaska #wildflower

#DogsOfMastodon #BloomScrolling

My sweet, newly adopted dog is recovering from her first treatment for heartworm. The treatment kicked her ass, but now it's 6 days after the first injection and she's feeling much better. She felt well enough to pose in front of the pretty posies for me.

Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) is one of my favorites! Orange being my second favorite color.

#BloomScrolling #WildFlower #Flowers #Bloom

Blumen gehen auch in Schwarz-Weiß - auch wenn die Holde das anders sieht.

Wobei ich auch zugeben muss, das die meisten mir in Farbe auch besser gefallen.
