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Items tagged with: Agriculture

A hot summer day
They are like peas in a pod
A vast field of green

#Peas #Haiku #Photography #Nature #Fields #Agriculture #Finland

"The problem is our monopolised food system. Think of it as a vast profit machine shaped like an hourglass, with many food producers at the top, millions of consumers at the bottom, and a few dominant firms – such as giant supermarkets or global food traders – clustered at its narrowing neck, siphoning a cut from the passing traffic"
Nicholas Shaxson, co-founder of the Balanced Economy Project

#FoodGiants #Farming #Agriculture #Food #RentierCapitalism #UKPolitics

"According to research by the economists Jan Eeckhout and Jan de Loecker, average global markups– the prices companies charge for goods above the cost of producing them– have risen from around 21% above costs in 1980, to 61% today. So a pizza that may have cost you £12 if markets had been as un-concentrated as they were 45 years ago, may now cost £16. Think of the £4 difference as a private monopoly tax that nobody voted for."
Nicholas Shaxson
#FoodGiants #Farming #Agriculture #Food #UKPolitics

Arizona's farmers have discovered agrivoltaics. This is a no brainer in such hot, dry areas.

"Some plants actually produced more with less water. Cowpea beans, for example – also known as black-eyed peas – had a higher crop yield when grown in the shade of solar panels. Full sun required twice as much water, it turned out"

#Agrivoltaics #Agriculture #SolarPanels #Drought #Heat #ClimateEmergency

Farmers turn to Solar Panels to shade Crops, Save Water and generate Power


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"Topsoil; Without It, We're Nothing But Dust"

The Essential Role of Topsoil in Sustaining Life and Agriculture

Topsoil, the uppermost layer of soil, is often no more than a foot deep yet holds significant importance for agriculture, ecosystems, and the planet's overall...

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#AureFreePress #Mastodon #News #Journalism #Journalist #news #Breaking #BreakingNews #agriculture