Items tagged with: Spring
Haven't used the oilpastels in a while.
#oilpastel #TraditionalArt #sketchbook #kleineKunstklasse #spring #snowdrop
Montagsblümelein für einen guten Start in die Woche! 🙋♀️
1) Was able to take it slow, today, which was needed.
2) A pleasant #KBFWalk in the evening.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
After a needed day of rest, I took a late stroll during the golden hour. It was bright, and sunny, and on the way home, I heard several blackbirds starting their evening concert.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
Für die #52wochenfotochallenge mit dem Thema #Detail war ich gestern mit dem Macroobjektiv im Garten auf der Suche, als mir plötzlich dieses kleine #Taubenschwänzchen am #Winterschneeball vor die Linse flog 😍 Ich hab noch nie so schnell ein Objektiv gewechselt 😅 Diese Tierchen sind hier sehr selten und wenn überhaupt im Hochsommer zu sehen.
1) Tackled my dentist appointment well.
2) Had a pleasant #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
With a numb cheek after the dentist, but alive! 🤣
The wind still brought a chill, but the sun was warm. Crocuses are emerging everywhere, now. Met a crow that had found itself lunch.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
Another false spring day in the forrest, but one of these days it won't be false, it will actually be spring 😁
@nature @photography @geography @ecology @hiking
#Thursday #Trek
#NaturePhotography #Nature #Photography
#March #Southern #Finland #Åland #Archipelago #Finström #Bergö
#Hiking #InMy #Winter #Correction #False #Spring #Wonderland
1) A short rest in the #Spring sun between errands.
2) A pleasant #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #March #UrbanNature
Today it was sunny. I met titmice, heard a blackbird and had encounters with crows. One allowed me to take pictures. It was still cool, but the sun had power.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
1) Received support on the healing path.
2) A pleasant #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilehonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
Due to appointments partially at my favourite stomping grounds. The sun was out, and the ducks were performing a water ballet for me.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
1) Got stuff done despite still being impacted, health-wise.
2) A pleasant #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
Gesegneten Sonntag
Meteorologischer Frühlingsanfang im Harz oft mit Schnee
Blessed Sunday
Spring in the Harz still often with snow
#Spring #Harz #SachsenAnhalt #germany #weathercloud #StormHour #ThePhotoHour #landscape #landscapephotography #outdoor #natur #photography #naturphotography #gmsfotos
1) Watched a fun movie that lifted my mood.
2) A peaceful #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #March #UrbanNature
Another peaceful one at the park. A little less grumpy, too. It's still cold, but it feels like #Spring.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #March #UrbanNature
1) Short moments of normalcy, though I'm not well.
2) Peaceful #KBFWalk despite grumpiness.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February #UrbanNature
1) Back's getting better. (mood not so much)
2) A pleasant, short #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February #UrbanNature
To the park, and back. Apart from that it's supposed to help my back, it's a wonderful antidepressant. Possible side-effects: A smile, and better breathing.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February #UrbanNature
1) Less pain.
2) A pleasant #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February #UrbanNature
Lesser #celandine
This cheerful little yellow flower can be found on path edges and woodland floors in early spring. It’s a perennial herb in the buttercup family, with glossy, dark-green, heart-shaped leaves. Often growing in damp areas such as the banks of streams and ditches, it flowers between January and April and is an important source of nectar for queen bumblebees and other early pollinators coming out of hibernation.
Photograph: Lemanieh
#Blackthorn blossom
Blackthorn is one of the earliest trees to produce blossom, flowering in woods and hedgerows with clouds of snow-white petals in March and April. These delicate white flowers, once pollinated, turn into blue-black fruits later in the year – sloes – that are used to make wine, preserves and sloe gin.
Photograph: John Bridges
1) Received help for my back - though it might take a while to heal.
2) Took a short #KBFWalk that felt a lot like #Spring.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #February #UrbanNature
1) Had a peaceful Saturday.
2) Took an extended #KBFWalk.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February
#UrbanNature #Hamamelis #WitchHazel
An extended one. Was greeted by a great titmouse, a European nuthatch, a blackbird, a little dog & several children. One girl stopped, gaped at me in wonder, and waved smiling when I said 'Hi'.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February #UrbanNature
1) Got everything I wanted done.
2) A pleasant, little #KBFWalk in #Spring weather.
3) Stayed creative.
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #February #UrbanNature
It warmed up, and Spring is springing. Even the sun came out after an overcast start. The starlings pulled my leg, pretending the Buteo was around. 🤣
#KBFPhotography #MobilePhonePhotography #Photography
#KBFWotY #Spring #February #UrbanNature