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Items tagged with: Microsoft

Dang! #Apple is 💩 all over #Google, #Microsoft, & #Meta various #AI programs, by emphasizing privacy, personalization, & having your data on your iPhone & not a “warehouse” somewhere. #WWDC

Tuesday: Following it's huge successes suing #Facebook, #noyb is suing #Microsoft for spying on children: 🤢


Problem solved.

Can we shut the hell up about it now?

I literally had the mute the word "Recall" cause there was so many posts about it....🤦‍♂️

From: @verge

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Microsoft #Recall #Copilot

Windows won’t take screenshots of everything you do after all — unless you opt in

Microsoft Recall: No admin necessary to access data…

#microsoft #recall #infosec #privacy

Wir sollten bei jeder Gelegenheit die Vorteile von quelloffener Software und Diensten hervorheben. Die Deutungshoheit Microsoft, Google, Meta, Apple und Co. zu überlassen, hat uns dorthin geführt, wo wir heute stehen: Ein datengetriebenes Web, das ohne Nutzerdaten nicht überlebt und uns mit Werbung bombardiert.

#bullshit #fail #werbung #tracking #microsoft #google #meta #apple #datenschutz #teamdatenschutz

“shifting focus to its Copilot AI products and reducing the number of employees working on its Teams chat app”



Oh, that? That’s just me writing the Windows section of the Kitten¹ installation instructions for the upcoming web site.


#Microsoft #Windows #Recall #BigTech #Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #privacy #security #tech #web #dev

I've read some conflicting stuff about #linux #gaming rigs and I'm curious what people run.

I have tried Ubuntu, but I don't super vibe how Canonical have been doing things, Debian another attempt.

Pop OS I enjoyed for a time too, but had lots of issues with gaming and that rig ultimately blew up and I struggle to not associate the blow up with the pop.

I've been seeing Nobara pop up? Is anyone running that?

Yes this curiosity is re: #Microsoft #Recall

But #opensource is the big unstable, unsafe, immature and amateurish organized and communicated issue within the IT organization. 👌🤷🏾‍♀️ #whataday!

#webex breach
#microsoft whattt?
#adobe take my liver!

Microsoft Recall is a Bad Idea :windows:

via @endingwithali

#ThreatWire #Ticketmaster #Microsoft #Recall

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Entschuldigung, aber ich kann nicht anders als zu fragen: Liebe @Bundesregierung, wie groß sind die Geschenkkörbe der #Microsoft-Lobby, dass Ihr das durchdrückt? Das ergibt absolut keinen Sinn, weder datenschutzrechtlich noch ITSecurity-technisch noch wirtschaftlich. Und von digitaler Souveränität und Unabhäbgigkeit von US-Playern sind wir Lichtjahre entfernt. Ich würde dasselbe Steuergeld lieber bei der Förderung von #OpenSource-Projekten sehen.

STORY: Microsoft’s Recall AI system takes a screenshot of your laptop every five seconds. Even before it has launched, a security researcher has built a tool that can extract all the unencrypted data from Recall #cybersecurity #infosec #technology #microsoft

Do not think your data is completely safe from Microsoft Recall because you use Linux or macOS.

If you communicate with any person or organization that uses Windows, your data is not safe from this. Recall gathers data both ways.

Demand Recall get recalled.

#Privacy #Microsoft #Windows #Recall

#Windows #Recall demands an extraordinary level of #trust that #Microsoft hasn’t earned


This, as many users in #infosec communities on social media immediately pointed out, sounds like a potential #security #nightmare. That’s doubly true because Microsoft says that by default, Recall’s screenshots take no pains to redact sensitive information, from usernames and passwords to health care information to NSFW site visits. By default, on a #PC with 256GB of storage, Recall can store a couple dozen gigabytes of data across three months of PC usage, a huge amount of personal data.

#bigdata #privacy #bigbrother #cybersecurity #software #os #surveillance #danger #warning #AI #fail #news

🚨 noyb has filed two complaints against #Microsoft (365 Education) for violating children's data protection rights!

👉 The company shifts responsibility for #GDPR compliance to local schools...

👉 ...and places tracking cookies without consent

Read all about it here:

#Microsoft to "invest" $3.2bn in #AI in #Sweden, "drawing on the country's green energy"

When you read that "AI consumes as much energy as a small country", that country is now Sweden.

And this basically means the country's *public* power infrastructure is being sold out to private interests.

Shit like this makes me livid.

#Security nightmare:

#Microsoft’s new #Windows11 feature, #Recall, makes the #SciFi movie #TotalRecall almost look like a fairy tale by comparison.

Everything you ever saw or wrote on your device, even if deleted, will remain in definitely remain available and searchable for users of the device, including #hackers.
Opting out requires work.

Also, in my view, I doubt that it is #GDPDR compliant in its current form.

Excellent analysis:


Microsoft Recall, the perfect panopticon.

Is the New 'Recall' Feature in Windows a Security and Privacy Nightmare? - Slashdot reader storagedude shares a provocative post from the cybersecurity news ... - #microsoft

Microsoft's Recall function is looking like a total security disaster.

#Microsoft #Recall #CyberSecurity

At this point Microsoft isn't even hiding the fact Windows is spyware. It is selling that exact thing. That's what dystopia looks like. yeah.

#tech #dystopia #windows #Microsoft #bigtech #privacy #spyware #malware

#Keylogger in #Microsoft #Exchange Server Steals #Login Credentials From Login Page


#Microsoft #Exchange #security #CyberSecurity #news #password

"Noch schwerer wiegt, dass wir uns schleichend daran gewöhnen, dass der als "persönlicher Computer" gestartete PC nicht mehr uns gehört."
#Microsoft #Recall
#Datenschutz #Menschenrecht

With #Microsoft introducing #Recall which will screenshot your screen to monitor all activities on your device, this begs the question...

What #Linux distro will you be switching to?

With the impending doom of ICQ in June and the new crappy version of Teams coming in July, I would like to post this meme one final time

#ICQ #Teams #Microsoft #MicrosoftTeams

How the new #Microsoft #Recall feature fundamentally undermines #Windows #security


#cybersecurity #news #desktop #software #ai #Technology