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Items tagged with: usPol

My answer to that question is always that America's decline into vast inequity began in earnest with the presidency of Ronald Reagan and his free market, pro-deregulation, trickle-down bullshit.

#USPol #USPolitics

“It certainly seems like an issue that could be ripe for litigation because it’s right on its face discriminating against people for sexual orientation or #transgender status.”

Out today, from Kit @oconnell: Emails obtained from the #Texas Department of Agriculture reveal the turmoil caused by Sid Miller's transphobic dress code, which the Observer first revealed last year.

#news #politics #agriculture #transphobia #LGBTQIA+ #USpol #law

Don't waste your vote this fall and you can get used to seeing this headline:

DOJ sues [insert obscenely greedy corp here]

#USpol #Elections

What a novel idea - don't vote for a Convicted Felon to be President of the United States!

The Politico/Ipsos survey found that 21 percent of independents said they are less likely to vote for Trump after the conviction, adding that the guilty verdict in Trump’s hush money case is very important to how they will vote in November
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

"Long live October 7." That's what you're defending.

Here are hundreds of demonstrators in Lower Manhattan, celebrating the massacre of a thousand Jewish civilians. They're waving the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah, terrorist groups that explicitly aim to kill Jews everywhere in the world. Hezbollah once blew up a Jewish community center in Argentina.

How dare you and The New Republic claim this isn't #antisemitism? How dare you attack my president for condemning this hate?


Our top story: As the researchers proceeded to search for textiles, they realized they had stumbled onto a crime scene. A massive theft of pre-Columbian art reveals troubling truths about Texans’ role in the illicit antiquities trade.

#history #culture #HumanRights #Indigenous #Texas #politics #USpol #news


Republican Clown Show!

The U.S. Justice Department on Friday told Republican House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson that it would decline to pursue criminal contempt of Congress charges against Attorney General Merrick Garland, according to a letter seen by Reuters.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews

”Rarely has the agency so aggressively pursued a politician for potential violations. ...”

Chris Paddie is fighting back in court against a state ethics commission probe into his allegedly illegal lobbying.

#politics #USpol #news #Texas #ethics #corruption #TXlege

#USpol #Democracy


...der #NATO unter #Trump weg, würde ähnliches wie in der Ukraine passieren.
Vermutlich auch nicht erst in 2029, wie #Pistorius annimmt.

Die #US-Wahlen 2024 werden aus meiner Sicht deshalb global so schicksalhaft werden wie die zum #Reichstag 1933.

Schöne Neue Welt.


#USpol #Democracy


...wie mir lieb wäre:

Während es #China sicherlich nicht recht wäre, die Kaufkraft eines seiner wichtigsten Handelspartner, der #EU, durch einen Krieg mit #Russland zu reduzieren, ist #Xi sicherlich die Wiedervereinigung mit #Taiwan wichtiger.

Vermutlich würde er #Putler bei einem Einmarsch in europäische NATO-Staaten erneut gewähren lassen, ähnlich wie mit der #Ukraine. Fiele dann auch noch der #AtomareSchutzschirm durch Artikel 5...

@fasnix @iThreepwood
#USpol #Democracy


...werden, dann kann man die Frage sicherlich binnen Jahresfrist aufgrund des #MAGA-Projektes zur Machtergreifung, #Project2025, mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit leider verneinen. 2)

Was das für #Europa bedeuten würde (#NATO-Schutzschirn), lässt sich leider aufgrund der Aussagen zum Bündnis des nun erstmals rechtskräftig verurteilten Kriminellen leider gar nicht so schwer prognostizieren,...


Any #ethics law that affects #SCOTUS has a bootstrapping problem. #Congress could pass any law managing or constraining SCOTUS, however reasonable, then the Federalist Society or whoever would immediately sue. The suit gets to SCOTUS and they strike the law down as unconstitutional, and we are back to an unaccountable SCOTUS. How do you address this problem? #aoc #msnbc #uspol #progressive #politics

#USpol #Democracy


Eine ausgezeichnete Frage, die du aufwirfst:
*Kann man die #USA noch als #Demokratie westlicher Prägung betrachten?*

Ich bin kein Politikwissenschaftler, auch wenn ich mit seit sehr vielen Jahren mit der Thematik beschäftige. Ich denke, die Historikerin #NancyMcLean trifft es bislang mit ihrem Buchtitel, #DemocracyInChains1) ("Demokratie in Ketten") noch.

Sollte #Trump im November 2024 wiedergewählt...


@iThreepwood @anneroth

#Wahlkampfspenden #DEpol #USpol

Haben die #Deutschen mit Abstand nicht.
Die deutschen #Politiker--insbesondere von Schwarz/Gelb haben feuchte Träume davon, was seit 1 1/2 Jahrzehnten seit der Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs, #CitizensUnitedVsFEC*, in den #USA möglich wurde.

#Plutokratie und #Oligarchie fast in Reinkultur



Many #Trump allies had been secretly rooting for an #acquittal. The talking points wrote themselves: It would have been yet more evidence that the #UnitedStates #justice system was rigged in favor of #Bidens & against Trumps. Tues’s #guilty #verdict was inconvenient to that narrative.

Even more valuable would have been the #fundraising potential.

#gaslighting #ConspiracyTheories #USpol #law #HunterBiden

There are fewer than 1,213 daily local newspapers left in the U.S.

The number of partisan-backed outlets designed to look like impartial news outlets has officially surpassed them.

h/t @Prosaic
#USPol #Journalism #news #misinformation

This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
#cartoon #comic #race #immigration #racism #uspol