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Items tagged with: ai

#ProjectAstra: the future of #AI at #Google is fast, multi-modal assistants like #GoogleGemini Live - The Verge

"This whole AI cycle was fueled by fantasies, and when people stop falling for them the bubble starts to deflate. In The Guardian, John Naughton recently laid out the five stages of financial bubbles, noting AI is between stages three and four: euphoria and profit-taking."

#AI #AIHype #AIBubble #Tech #TechNews

If you use Slack for work, your messages and DMs to friends and colleagues are now being used to train the company’s machine learning features — and everyone is opted in by default.

A quiet update to the company’s policy suggests messages, data and files sent by users are helping Slack to improve its in-app features like channel recommendations, search results and emoji suggestions, reports @PCMag. Individual users can’t opt out either, something critics have called a “privacy mess.”

#Slack #AI #MachineLearning #Tech

I think we lose time blaming the #computer for the greed of the operators.

Sums up everything #Gaza #AI #ChatGPT #Racism

[EDIT: , these are the first paragraphs of replies you get in a normal search; you can find full replies and different answers with different settings in @aishenanigans’s replies below]

#Slack are feeding your chats into #ai behind your back. Opt-out details in the link, but you're better off moving away if you have the option:
#ai #slack

AI search engine @perplexity_ai now has the former head of Bing Search, AI and Ads, @mparakhin as an advisor for the company

#microsoft #perplexity #search #ai

A lot of people are finding LLMs more useful than Google search.

I think a huge part of that is that Google and web in general has massively deteriorated in terms of finding clear, concise answers. Even if you can find it, it's covered in ads, cookie popups and so on.

But LLMs will inevitably follow the same path - investors want their returns. And the complete non transparency of LLMs will make it even worse this time around. Is that really the best answer or is it sponsored?



I don't use genAI/LLMs for all the reasons.

But at last I have found an ML tool which actually enhances my life: whoBIRD

This does realtime identification of bird songs. It is useful, effective and works entirely on the phone (including offline) so no nasty data centres.

#AI #AIEthics

I have just the #searchengine for people to try.

For those who are like me and are tired of #Duckduckgo /their sketchy partnership with #Microsoft, and #Google and #bing s #privacy invasive #tracking oh and,

no #ai features

I urge you to try (based on #Searxng )

- #opensource / #decentralised search engine
- no ads
- no paid walled features

(searxng instances don't federate with each other like #Mastodon , but there's lots of choices of servers with more variety of hosts)

Much as I dislike the theft of human labor that feeds many of the #generativeAI products we see today, I have to agree with @pluralistic that #copyright law is the wrong way to address the problem.

To frame the issue concretely: think of whom copyright law has benefited in the past, and then explain how it would benefit the individual creator when it is applied to #AI. (Hint: it won’t.)

Copyright law is already abused and extended to an absurd degree today. It already overreaches. It impoverishes society by putting up barriers to creation and allowing toll-collectors to exist between citizen artists and their audience.

*Labor* law is likely what we need to lean on. #unions and #guilds protect creators in a way that copyright cannot. Inequality and unequal bargaining power that lead to exploitation of artists and workers is what we need to address head-on.

Copyright will not save us.

“AI "art" and uncanniness”

AI Has Already Become a Master of Lies And Deception, Scientists Warn #AI #chatbot #deception

There are plenty of politicians and CEOs in the world whose pronouncements could be replaced by AI and no one would know the difference. Gibberish sounds the same no matter what the source. #AI #Gibberish

Using AI to oversee dynamic fusion machines is a hot area of research. It doesn't mean generative AI like ChatGPT. It's old-school AI, where you train a machine to recognize patterns in complex real-world data then let it make decisions.

#AI #Fusion #Energy #EnergyTransition #Science #Research

I went crazy with #AI I blame @BeAware for his constant propaganda!! :blobjoy:

New header and avatar in coming!

Search is dead — long live curation

#Search #Google #AI #LLMs

#Computing #AGI #Futurology


...#SecondVariety 1) or #TheMatrix 2) type.

Besides, in contrast to the average #AI specialist that does not believe in an #AI induced extinction-level event for humanity (#ELE,) I believe that the chances are way higher than most researchers think (90% don't 3).)

As I have explained elsewhere 1), once an #AGI becomes self-aware, not being subject to #Asimov's/#Kesarovski's #FiveLawsOfRobotics, it will..


How I'm approaching A.I. is both optimistic and bleak at the same time:

Entire occupations are going to be destroyed. Absolutely trashed. Mine is one of those (creative/communications).

At the same time, there are going to be some absolutely incredible opportunities for people who learn to use A.I., who know how business/content start-ups work, and who have an interesting idea/niche. Smaller operations are the future, and the future is now. #AI #content #marketing #communications

After watching OpenAI's presentation and, even more, an excerpt from Google's presentation yesterday, I asked myself: is this AI, according to the big tech companies (especially Google - for OpenAI it's their core business, so I understand their perspective), truly what users want and need, or is it just another method to lock people into using their technologies, which are not easily self-hostable?

I'm not arguing for or against it, but I noticed that (almost) the entire Google I/O yesterday was focused on this...

#AI #BigTech #GoogleIO #OpenAI #Technology #Innovation #UserNeeds #SelfHosting #TechIndustry #FutureTech

Google use stolen music to create AI-generated music. How are Google *not* being a fence of stolen goods?

From Music Ally:

'That said, in January Billboard claimed that Google DeepMind *had* trained its model on copyrighted music, and was "trying to make deals" after the event. When Music AI Sandbox rolls out properly to more artists (and non-artists?) more clarity on these matters would be welcome.'

In other words, one of the biggest companies in the world 'tried' to get permission to use other peoples' property, perhaps failed, so they stole it.

This behaviour is grand-scale theft, no matter how you try to spin this. Looting by human individuals is *nothing* in comparison.

#google #theft #ArtificialIntelligence #music #AI #MusicAlly

Google I/O wrapped up, and I have a LOT of thoughts. Shot a quick reaction video on the keynote here
Some really interesting AI tools are coming, but will Gemini search continue hurting website traffic?

#tech #technology #business #news #technews #bbtg #geek #google #googleio #search #AI

Just because #copyright won't fix the creative labor market [and save is from AI], it doesn't follow that nothing will. If we're worried about #labor issues, we can look to labor law to improve our conditions.

@pluralistic: #AI "art" and uncanniness (13 May 2024)

And this is why I currently love AI....I took the Oliphant's Unified Tier 0 Blocklist CSV and ChatGPT gave me the list of domains within so I can import it into Misskey/Sharkey.

I'd post it here, but Mastodon doesn't let you upload files that aren't "media".🤷‍♂️

#AI #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #Fedi #Fediverse #FediAdmin #Misskey #Sharkey

Sure #Adobe

I definitely want your #AI software analyzing and reinterpreting the confidential report that my coworker just shared with me.

:blobcatreeeeeee: :meowTableFlip:

#ai #Adobe

Watching #GoogleIO and there are some cool demonstrations of data center cloud computing, but there's also this fog of dystopia surrounding these demos.
The announcements for search are horrifying. Google is full mask off.

Phrases like "search for something, and we'll collect all this data for you" basically equates to:

"We sucked up ALL the data from people who really did the work, and we're going to give you the results of their hard work, but we wont take you to the site that generated the data. You can stay on the search page, and the site's traffic will plummet."

This is shocking.

#tech #technology #ai #google #search #llm #geek #technews #business

Good piece on two controversies roiling #Wikipedians:
* whether to allow the use of #AI tools to generate #Wikipedia content,
* whether to allow AI tools to train on Wikipedia content, esp to create "closed commercial datasets"


Google BAD!!


Making money? BAD!!

Did I just unlock some kinda Fedi super power?

Boosts and likes below! Hit em!

#AI #Google #Shitpost

#AI art is eerie because it sends you and comes from a peculiar kind of nothingness. No intention to be found, but it acts as if has a lot.

Great read shared by @pluralistic

For Fisher, eeriness is "when there is something present where there should be nothing, or is there is nothing present when there should be something." AI art produces the seeming of intention without intending anything. It appears to be an agent, but it has no agency. It's *eerie*.

Fisher talks about *capitalism* as eerie. Capital is "conjured out of nothing" but "exerts more influence than any allegedly substantial entity."


AI bad!

Likes and boosts please! 🤣(Half of Fedi these days)

