Items tagged with: Alttext
Ja det kan hända att jag precis hade borstat tänderna, klätt av mig och var på väg i säng vid halv ett i natt.
Och ja det var minusgrader och kallt, fuktigt och blåsigt. Kan hända att det var frusen snö och is på vägen och moln med små luckor på natthimlen.
Och som svar på din fråga - nej jag är förmodligen inte riktigt klok.
Läs #AltText för bildbeskrivning.
Any act of repair a gratifying gesture of refusal and subversion these days. A poke in the eye to corporate waste and consumer lassitude.
Feeling like renegade heating engineer Harry Tuttle (Robert De Niro) of ‘Brazil’ right now, having decided: eff no, not into landfill—not yet.
And how fitting: while finishing up, @pluralistic heard on CBC radio discussing DCA & right-to-repair.
details in #alttext
#Stratford #canada #repair #technology #corydoctorow #environment #coffee
Ibland är det svårt att hitta ut ur både sina egna tankar om sig själv och andras bild av vem och hur en är. Att känna sig låst i en enda bild av sig själv och till slut tro att den är sann.
Det så lätt att fastna där och sen inte tro att den kan förändras över tid.
Men vi är ju i ständig rörelse, ständig förändring. Den jag är idag är inte densamma som jag var igår men inte heller densamma som jag kommer bli imorgon!
#AltText för bildbeskrivining
#USpol #Trump #Humor #Immigration #FediLaw
I think this post deserves an #AltText:
"@HistoPol Here is an alt-text description for the image:
A photo of Donald, Ivana, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump is shown. The photo is accompanied by a text overlay that states, "Donald Jr. was born in 1977, Ivanka in 1981, Eric in 1984. Their mother, Ivana, didn't become a U.S. citizen until 1988.
If birthright citizenship is being...
[Continued in altext of picture]
🌞🆙 #Sunrise = *pre-07:00* (UTC) 🥲 Spring unfolding 🌱💐🌸
Love feeling it in alongside birds starting their daily activities 🕊️🪶🦆
Here, last Thursday #morning : sky like swirly sorbet (no filter) 🌄🍧🍭💫
Soft #music : Aoki, Hayato / Grainfield
#Architecture info in #AltText
Have a lovely day! 🙌🏽
#photo #photos #photography #Nature #NaturePhotography #ArchitecturePhotography #GoodMorning #bird #birds #birding #birdwatching #Glasgow #Scotland @photo @photography @scotland
I took a chance and headed out even though the weather forecast said cloudy as hell and am I lucky I did?
I was lucky to finally see some auroras again, even though the moonlight was really bright.
I had (as usual) way to many photos with me home, but better safe than sorry
Here is one of the photos. Not of the aurora though.
I LOVE to be out there in the silence, it was very quiet and it was not until I was ready to go home that I heard a deer screaming.
Read #AltText for description.
Dance with me aurora
Three photos of tonights Aurora Borealis dancing in the sky. A very happy me is standing in the first image when the aurora started to get visible dispite the bright moonlight. In the second one the aurora is peaking in its colours and strenght and in the third one the clouds are taking over the sky.
Read #AltText for descriptions of the three photos.
#Trump is a #RussianAsset
Sigh, you know the drill, Vee, 1st things 1st 4 such an important headline, the #AltText:
"A screenshot of a tweet by #BrianAllen, [@]allenanalysis. The tweet states,
"No way. Trump and Musk tried to fire 300 nuclear officials - then realized they were the ones overseeing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and scrambled to rehire them?"
The tweet then continues, "You can't make this level of incompetence up. These are the...
#Trump is a #RussianAsset
Sigh, you know the drill, Vee, 1st things 1st 4 such an important headline, the #AltText:
"A screenshot of a tweet by #BrianAllen, [@]allenanalysis. The tweet states,
"No way. Trump and Musk tried to fire 300 nuclear officials - then realized they were the ones overseeing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and scrambled to rehire them?"
The tweet then continues, "You can't make this level of incompetence up. These are the...
#Trump is a #RussianAsset
Sigh, you know the drill, Vee, 1st things 1st 4 such an important headline, the #AltText:
"A screenshot of a tweet by #BrianAllen, [@]allenanalysis. The tweet states,
"No way. Trump and Musk tried to fire 300 nuclear officials - then realized they were the ones overseeing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and scrambled to rehire them?"
The tweet then continues, "You can't make this level of incompetence up. These are the...
#Trump is a #RussianAsset
Sigh, you know the drill, Vee, 1st things 1st 4 such an important headline, the #AltText:
"A screenshot of a tweet by #BrianAllen, [@]allenanalysis. The tweet states,
"No way. Trump and Musk tried to fire 300 nuclear officials - then realized they were the ones overseeing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and scrambled to rehire them?"
The tweet then continues, "You can't make this level of incompetence up. These are the...
#photo #photos #PhotoOfTheDay #photography #photographie #coffee #CoffeeBreak #café #espresso #kaffee #morning #GoodMorning #AltText
@photo @photography @art @chronicillness @mecfs @disability @coffee @espresso
Being a potter means drawing from a vocabulary of tried-and-true forms: mugs, teapots, bowls, pitchers, etc. However, these archetypal forms have European & Asian origins.
I thought it would be interesting to everyone & affirming to other Black ceramicists to reference #African forms in contemporary tableware. The combining of European, Asian and African ceramics traditions goes back to mid-20th century, but that history is omitted from US #ceramic education. See #alttext for details. #pottery
Woop woop!
I just manadged to get a shot of polar stratospheric clouds from my balcony right now. They are very rare where I live (a bit to far south).
Lucky me 🧡 💜 💙 💚 💛
Read #AltText for image description.
Seriously, Vee: I really thought you really had better taste regarding outfits! What an utter failure!
Other than that, #AltText:
"A meme image shows a painting of two women and a man at a table with a white tablecloth and an unfinished meal with bread and a bottle of red wine. One woman is wearing a white hat and red necklace, and she is looking at the viewer with a slight smile. The other woman is drinking from a glass and also looking at..."
(Continued in picture)
You know the procedure, as always,...
BTW #AI is prescient now:
"The image displays a digitally created, humorous scene of a "new species of fish discovered in the Gulf of America." The fish is blue-gray with orange fins and has a human-like face with a prominent chin and pursed lips. The most striking feature is its hairstyle, which is a stylized, comb-over similar to that of 👉former👈 President Donald Trump. The fish swims..."
(continued in picture)
Interesting series of blog posts by @dries :
- "Comparing local large language models for alt-text generation"… - both GPT-4o & Claude 3.5 Sonnet = Grade A
- "Automating alt-text generation with AI"… - uses @simon llm tool
- "Trusting AI with my images wasn't easy"…
Trusting AI with my images wasn't easy
Trusting AI to describe my photos wasn't easy. But after 9,000 images, I had to admit: it often did the job better than me, and at a fraction of the cost.Dries Buytaert
I’ve been meaning to post this with #AltText. This is wisdom. It‘s a marathon, not a sprint. Boycotting for a day does nothing. Changing your shopping habits consistently over a year *does*.
Hat tip: @VeroniqueB99
Today I made a little trip to see someting else than the usual places.
I had a really nice day in the forest by the Sea!
Read #AltText for image description,
☕️ #Coffee : Colombian via local #Glasgow roaster Dear Green 🇨🇴💚🏴
🍵 Nettle : #plants are my friend & my kidneys like #wellness
🧃 Immune Support *&* Magnesium by HigherNature : finally! No sugar nor aspartame, so #medicine can do its stuff for my #ChronicIllness body 🥲
Happy #Friday! 🥳
#photography #CoffeeIsMedicine #tea #AltText #Scotland @photography @chronicillness @mecfs @disability @coffee
Aurora Borealis - Pure Joy!!
It was just a coincidence that I looked out the kitchen window as I was about to go to bed, and saw a pale green light.
And no one is happier than me that I choosed to pack the camera stuff, the tripod, and jumped into my clothes at 12 o'clock (UTC+1).
It started a little cautiously but 1 ½ hours later, -7 degrees Celsius and both cold toes and fingers gave it results!
💜 💚 ❤️
Read #AltText for descriptions of the photos.
Ibland är en på rätt plats och tid, kvällens solnedgång som varade i ungefär 5 minuter.
Läs #AltText för bildbeskrivning