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Items tagged with: UsPol

Hey, fellow #HarrisWalz2024 and #WereNotGoingBack people!

Follow the 👉 new 👈 @KamalaHarrisWin account to engage with and see relevant content from other lovers of #democracy #freedom!

If you were previously following @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews, this is the new version with a MUCH higher signal-to-noise ratio. Those pesky boost-loops are eliminated now!




"Biden Appoints Hawkish Official To Lead Israel Policy At State Department"

"Biden's pick reflects a doubling down on the administration’s determination to continue to provide unconditional material support for Israel's genocidal campaign against civilians in Gaza."

The new pick, Mira Resnick, also worked with Netanyahu to allow private American citizens to donate equipment to the Israel military.

#USPol #Israel-US #GazaGenocide #USEnablement ..


"As the political establishment continues to treat Palestine 'business as usual', even imagining Israel's continued presence in "post-war" Gaza (where the scars of its genocide are indelible), be aware that this is absolutely legally wrong."

Francesca Albanese, UN

#USPol #ICJ #UN #GazaGenocide #USEnablement ..

The Daily Show nailed it. #uspol

🇮🇷 A Single Iranian Hacker Group Targeted Both Presidential Campaigns, Google Says

「 APT42, which is believed to work for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, targeted about a dozen people associated with the Trump and Biden campaigns this spring, according to Google’s Threat Analysis Group 」

#hacking #iran #apt42 #uspol #cybersecurity


Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election?

538 uses polling, economic and demographic data to explore likely election outcomes.

Harris wins 58 times out of 100

in our simulations of the 2024 presidential election.

Trump wins 41 times out of 100.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews

"If we extend the point backward a bit further, to the end of #WorldWarII, the difference is still striking. Each party has had seven presidents since that time, with 88 million #jobs added under #Democrats and 32 million under #Republicans."

#Facts #Employment #Politics #USPol #US #USA #USNews #News #Work #Workers

#DNC2024 was absolutely amazing. They've been somewhat entertaining in the past, but this was on another level.

VP Harris's speech was phenomenal. She hit all the right notes with confidence and came across extremely presidential.

I've never been more hyped to vote and participate in our democracy. I've never been more proud to be an American and a Democrat.

#USPol #Politics

"Former president #BillClinton, speaking during the third night of the #Democratic convention on Wednesday, presented a bit of data...

“Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, #America has created about 51 million new #jobs... What’s the score? Democrats 50, Republicans one.”

That is: 50 million jobs added under Democratic presidents and 1 million under #Republicans."

- @pbump

#DNC #DNC2024 #FactCheck #Business #US #USA #USNews #Politics #USPol #News

“There have been six presidents since 1989, three from each party. Under the three #Democrats — #Clinton, Barack #Obama and Joe #Biden — there was a cumulative increase of 50 million more people working between the starts of their terms and the ends. Under the three #Republicans — George H.W. #Bush, George W. Bush and Donald #Trump — the cumulative total was, in fact, only 1 million.”

#DNC #DNC2024 #FactCheck #Jobs #Business #US #USA #USNews #Politics #USPol #News

This right here is the reason why anti-war protesters are not going to pause until after the election. It’s a fight just to get democrats admit that Palestinian live matter, let alone proving it by action.
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #FreePalestine #StopArmingIsrael #StopGazaGenocide #Harris #Harris2024 #2024Election #USPol

Allowing republicans to speak at the DNC but not allowing Palestinians to speak tells you everything you need to know about the democratic party as an institution.
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #FreePalestine #StopArmingIsrael #StopGazaGenocide #Harris #Harris2024 #DNC #DNC2024 #2024Election #USPol

"If you’ve ever heard Bernie on the stump, you yourself could probably sing the notes he hit. Lionizing the working class. Demanding a higher minimum wage and the expansion of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Celebrating organized labor and calling to expand it. Condemning millionaires and billionaires, Republicans, and big money in politics.

That’s not because the party has steadfastly refused Sanders’ influence, forcing him to repeat the same old points to no avail—it’s the opposite. Since Sanders rocketed to national prominence in 2016, the entire Democratic Party has moved toward him."


Content warning: uspol

Good article. More sane Republicans who know that Trump is a disaster should speak out.
Why did this conservative US judge endorse Kamala Harris?
- Margaret Sullivan


Good. Legal challenge denied. Republican voter suppression efforts stopped.

Why do Republicans hate the idea of Americans voting?

#uspol #uspolitics

Public Citizen just released a must-read report on the cryptocurrency industry’s spending this election cycle:

Nearly half of all corporate money contributed this cycle has come from cryptocurrency backers!

#crypto #cryptocurrency #USpol #USpolitics

Weird obsession over crowd sizes.


Some of Trump’s former allies have seen enough!

The cracks in Trump’s political dam widened into a steady leak this week after former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) announced that she would cast her ballot for Harris in November. “After January 6, after Donald Trump has refused for four years to acknowledge that he lost, and his threats against democracy — I think it’s important to turn the page."
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

Kamala Harris Confirmed as Democratic Nominee for US President!

Tuesday evening at the DNC convention in Chicago.

Following a state by state roll-call vote, Vice President Kamala Harris was officially approved as the Democratic candidate for President of the United States!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #HarrisWalz #USA #Politics #uspolitics #uspol


Axios & Reuters alleged that Trump was lobbying Netanyahu & influencing US efforts to broker a ceasefire in Gaza.

American Muckrakers has asked the DoJ to investigate.

Muckrakers alleges a phone call between Trump & Netanyahu occurred on August 14 in which Trump urged Netanyahu not to cut a deal right now, because that would help the Harris campaign.

Trump denied the allegation.

(Note: Woodruff was repeating Axios & Reuters)

#Trump #Netanyahu #USPol .

Donald Trump is losing…he’s losing badly. And he’s spinning out. So all you fucking basement dwellers better liquidate everything and rush the money to the poorest rich man the world has ever known.

#GOPWeirdos #TrumpMustLose2024 #Project2025 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #KevinRoberts #HeritageFoundation #FuckFascists #VoteBlue #USPol

Republicans need to work on their attacks. Sometimes they come across as advertising.

#uspol #uspolitics #dnc #DNC2024 #democrats

Boiling mad.

"Donald Trump has been speaking with the powers that be about Israel’s war on Gaza—but it’s not in an effort to end the genocide.

Instead, Trump has allegedly been talking with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to avert a cease-fire deal, fearing that doing so could help Vice President Kamala Harris win in November, according to PBS."


US Pay Rose With Productivity, And Then It Didn’t

Yes, this trend started in the 1970s, but Ronald Reagan catalyzed a steeper divergence between US worker productivity and wages that lingers today.

#TrickleDownMyAss #USPol #USPolitics #RonaldReagan

“Both the Uncommitted National Movement representing 740,000 uncommitted voters and unions representing nearly half of all #union members in the #US are calling for a stop to arms shipments to #Israel.

Now, thousands of protesters gathered in #Chicago are uniting behind the demand to cut off all aid to Israel and end the #genocide in #Gaza. These demands go beyond the call for an arms embargo, but share the emphasis on stopping material support.”

#DNC #Democrats #uspol

Refreshing blast of sanity on Harris’ proposal for anti-price-gouging action:

The people howling that this is “Communism” or “A policy that has never worked” can be safely ignored.


"What is it like to cross the border in the back of a truck, under a tarp, and then have state police shooting at you from a helicopter? We don’t hear enough of that perspective."

Reporting Fellow Francesca D'Annunzio gets to know border reporter Melissa del Bosque in this interview from our magazine:

#news #border #immigration #politics #USpol #Mexico #journalism #media

It is imperative that we get as many young adults registered and ready to vote this fall.

If you know anyone who will be turning 18 between now and the election (and is a US citizen), please encourage them to register to vote.

FYI - most states allow teens to register early if they will be 18 at the time of the election)

#Voting #Elections #USPol #Youth #USA