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Items tagged with: linux

🦾 AlmaLinux Forms An HPC & AI SIG

「 The AlmaLinux OS Foundation today is announcing they are establishing a special interest group (SIG) to advance interests around high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) for this RHEL-derived operating system 」

#almalinux #hpc #rhel #linux #opensource

Serpent OS Close To Having A System Installer & Being Able To Test On Real Hardware

#serpentos #linux #distro #opensource

SocaLabs goes #linux! 🥳 #linuxaudio
Update: SocaLabs went Linux (long ago) and I wasn't aware that this is actually old news. 🫣😝

Don't mind me, just reading the news while trying to figure out a #Thunderbird issue where it doesn't download all the emails...

#Arch #ArchLinux #Linux

What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like?

“Open Source definiert die Zukunft”

Wir sind bei dem Bavarian IT Solutions Day am 6. Juni dabei!

Gabriel Akar und Georg Gottleuber werden einen Vortrag halten über TUXEDO und was unsere Aufgaben sind. Zusätzlich haben wir vor Ort einen Messestand für Fragen und eine Auswahl an aktuellen Geräten dabei.

Die Teilnahme an dem Bavarian IT Solutions Day ist kostenlos. Anmeldung erforderlich.

#it #linux #opensource #zukunft #solutions #tuxedo

Very frustating for sure.

#KDE #Linux

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) turns 25 this year!

This will be celebrated with various activities and offers. So keep an eye on their social media channels and website: to make sure you don't miss anything.

#anniversary #celebration #linux #OpenSource #freesoftware #IT #LPI

#GNU nano 8.0 Released with New Options and Various Improvements

#OpenSource #Linux #nano

I open sourced a thing !

A super simple web GUI for @mozilla 's #llamafile

Should pass the SO test.

#ai #linux #chatgpt #llamacpp

I'd second that:
Make #Fedora *the* most accessible #Linux-distribution and therefore work together with the blind and otherwise disabled persons (motoric, cognitive, ...).

#accessibility #a11y

Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) is happening on Jun 17-22! This is a time when we recognize the diverse community we have and listen to each other's stories. This year's theme is "Empowering Diversity, Enriching Communities."

For that whole week we will be sharing content, but on Jun 21-22 we will have a two day virtual event.

CfP deadline is May 11. Learn how you can be a part of this!


#FWD #Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

Hey #linux if I want to process a whole file then follow along with incoming data, is there something better than `tail -f -n +1 filename`?

Gave KDE another try, now that Plasma 6 has been out for a while.

Unfortunately, it's still quite buggy, visually speaking. In a way that I truly wonder how anyone can use this.

#KDE #Plasma #Gnome #Linux

My #laptop does this idiotic thing. I turn it off from within the operating system, then flip the screen onto the keyboard -- and the machine decides, "Hey, he's going somewhere, I need to stop whatever I'm doing [turning itself off] and go into sleep mode! Which consumes battery charge!"


I had an unsettling discovery about some family history on Monday that threw me through a loop and prevented me from being in the right mind to start streaming and making content again.

Tonight I am breaking Passover with family, so I am hoping tomorrow I can finally get back on the wagon to make content and get back to streaming my tinkering and Gaming on Linux stuff. But the first stream will be a "what happened in the past two months" hangout

#InfoSec #Cybersecurity #Twitch #Linux

I finally decided to grow up and learn #Ardour and dump #Reaper as my #DAW. No shade on Reaper, it's a fabulous piece of proprietary software that runs well on #Linux. It's reasonably priced and highly functional. All things being equal, I'd rather use and support free software. So, when I got the point where I made my first export in Ardour, it asked me to become a subscriber, which I did, gladly, as the software works very well (for my purposes).

Wie kam ich zu LINUX!

Das letzte Windoof das ich verwenden habe war das 7er.
Eines Tages musste ich einer Firma ein PDF mit Daten senden.
Also sendete ich eine Mail, die ein PDF angehängt hatte.
Ich wartete einen Monat und bekam keine Antwort.
Als ich mich dann telefonisch meldete und nachfragte, ob die Daten passen, die ich versendet haben, war die Antwort der Firma wir Öffnen keine Mails die einen Anhang haben.
Als ich fragte, warum sie das machen, kam die Antwort wir verwenden Windows und es könnte ja sein, dass im PDF Schadsoftware vorhanden ist.

DAS war dann der Punkt wo ich zu mir sagte die verwenden ein Betriebssystem das so
„sicher“ ist das sie sich nicht mal ein PDF öffnen wollen.

DAS KANN NICHT SEIN und so suchte ich dann eine alternative und das war dann LINUX.

Ich fing dann aber mit einem Raspberry Pi 2 an und kam dann so in das Rabbit Hole hinein wo ich bis heute drinnen gemütlich verweile.

Wie seit ihr zu #Linux gekommen?

#OpenSource #Freiheit #Linux


@siductionlinux - a distribution aiming to make Debian Unstable/Sid easily accessible to & usable by desktop users. Learn about its features, its history & upcoming developments!


#video #youtube #linux #interview #tuxedo #siduction

only old linux desktop users will remember this desktop effect. can you name it? #linux

#Shotcut 24.04 Open-Source Video Editor Released with Ambisonic Encoder Filter and Various Improvements

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Linux

Proton 9.0 (Release Candidate 2) is Available: #linux #linuxgaming #update #foss #release #valve #proton #releasecandidate

Have you heard the story of #LXDE, and how it morphed into #LXQt?

You haven't!?

Enjoy it here! 😉

#Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #History

Fun fact: 5.2GB out of 6.7GB of the #Linux kernel's repository is commit history, and only 1.5GB is the kernel itself. #opensource

Hello #Linux #LinuxMobile bubble.
I am searching for a tablet which preferrably runs mainline so #PostmarketOS or #NixOS are supported.
Must have:
- a sort of display via cable (USB-C, DP, HDMI)
- bluetooth for mouse and keyboard
- WiFi

Do any of you know of such a device? I guess #PineTab2 is not it?


Extension Manager is the app GNOME Extensions should be. It not only lets you see already-installed extensions and disable/enable them and access their settings like GNOME Extensions does but, get this… (are you sitting down?) it even lets you browse and install new extensions. I mean, I don’t know why you’d ever want to do that but, hey, I guess this is for all the freaks out there… :)

#GNOME #extensions #ExtensionManager #software #linux

I have been building browsers for 30 years now. First Opera and now Vivaldi. My estimate is that more than 1 billion have used one of my browsers or both. Have you?

Feel free to share your story!

#Vivaldi #Opera #Browser #Android #iOS #Windows #Mac #Linux

  • I have used both (63%, 7 votes)
  • I have used Opera (0%, 0 votes)
  • I have used Vivaldi (27%, 3 votes)
  • I have used neither (9%, 1 vote)
11 voters. Poll end: in 5 hours

xscreensaver dev: xscreensaver is literally the ONLY secure way to lock your desktop!!!

xscreensaver the other night: crashes on its own, goes straight to desktop

#linux #xscreensaver

Warum folgen eigentlich die Leute die in Sachen #Linux #OpenSource #BSD #MacOS #Windows von @linuxopensourcerelay gefunden und geteilt werden dem Bot nicht? Kommt doch viel brauchbares über den Kanal...👌