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Items tagged with: Linux

Vkd3d 1.12 Released

The vkd3d team is proud to announce that release 1.12 of vkd3d, the Direct3D to Vulkan translation library, is now available. This release contains improvements that are listed in the release notes below. The main highlights are: The HLSL compiler can…

#LinuxMusic #LinuxAudio #Linux #MusicProduction #WineHQ

Wine 9.10 Released

The Wine development release 9.10 is now available. What’s new in this release: Bundled vkd3d upgraded to version 1.12. DPI Awareness support improvements. C++ RTTI support on ARM platforms. More obsolete features removed in WineD3D. Various bug fixes.

#WineHQ #LinuxMusic #LinuxAudio #MusicProduction #Linux

I have put together a set of instructions for configuring/tuning Fedora Workstation for low latency audio work. The instructions are not original—everything comes from other sources smarter than me. But to my knowledge, it is the most complete set of instructions for Fedora Workstation users available today. If anyone is interested, the instructions can be found here:

#LinuxAudio #Linux #Fedora #MusicProduction #LowLatency #Audio #DAW

Fedora Linux 40 election results #tech #linux

I deleted windows and installed #linux

I know that's probably controversial but I think that small and open #LLM's could make #Linux a lot more accessible for many and save even more experienced users a lot of time. Just imagine the community of a Distro somehow created a dataset of both up to date documentation and high quality community posts to fine tune a model like Mistral 7B or Llama 3 with and ship that as some sort of helper tool!

Without #Twitter and #X, governments, electeds, and the like have found themselves unable to well, publish critical micro-blog statements to the public.

The tools they used to do that, HootSuite, Metricool, etc, still publish to those platforms, but the platforms themselves aren't designed to prioritize or even care about public safety-related content.

This is, quite frankly, scary. Why should I have to scroll through piles of crap to figure out if I should (or should not) drink the tap water.

What I find brilliant and fascinating about #ActivityPub is its inherent capability to serve as a micro-blogging message protocol that has baked-in redundancy, distributed delivery, and resiliency.

I know that advocating for #ActivityPub to be articulated into a platform for distributing critical safety info is a bit like advocating for the #Linux Desktop 🥹, but seriously, anything can be better than what we have now.

#CentOS 7’s Final Countdown: 30 Days Left Until #Support Ends


Here are the possible CentOS 7 #upgrade paths:

  • CentOS 7 -> #AlmaLinux 8 -> AlmaLinux 9
  • CentOS 7 -> Rocky Linux 8 -> Rocky Linux 9

#centos7 #redhat #security #cybersecurity #linux #foss #floss #RockyLinux #distribution #news #warning #os #software

Hackers Impersonating As Fake Toll Payment Processor Across The U.S.
#metasploit #meterpreter
#linux #ubuntu #ethicalhacking #SnoopGod #SnoopGodLinux #Ubuntu

Softwares that I literally use every day that are free and open source #foss

- #joplin for notes
- #wordpress for websites
- #obs for recording
- #shotcut for videos
- #gimp for images
- #inkscape for vectors
- #thunderbird for emails
- #brave for web browsing
- #linux (pop_os) for operating system


✅ Custom Account Colors
✅ Linux System Tray Support
✅ Rust-Enabled Builds

And that's only half of the good news! This month's Thunderbird Development Digest from @alecaddd has some great updates as we step closer to the next ESR.

#Thunderbird #Development #Rust #Linux

Comparing #Linux #gaming distros performance (with Tuxedo Atlas S) - TILvids

Spoiler alert: gaming distros don't perform better. But we already knew that. The point is that they come preconfigured for your gaming needs, not that they perform better.

*you wake up in a cloud of smoke. once it settles you see me.*

alright alright, tech fedi, i summoned you again

i wanna try linux again
i wanna know if there's a distro that

- supports the ability to work, study, create art, videos and do gaming reliably without issues
- doesn't crash or force me to solve problems every other week
- is easy to understand, get used to & maintain for someone who only knows the basics about computers and comes from a windows user background

#techfedi #linux

Great news from @JanGrulich today. PipeWire camera patches are merged in Chromium and should be part of Chromium 127 (unless testing turns up something). This means both major browsers should have @pipewirep camera support soon. #linux #fedora #chrome

O'Do - Musicproduction | ENGLISH TALK | Bitwig

This stream is in english language !
Every last Thursday of the month, the stream is in english language.

#Bitwig #Musicproduction #Linux

Here is my new GNU/Linux distribution guide about Debian KDE 12, the right GNU/Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024! Also about three major problems with GNU/Linux distros that will drive away all professional artists, IMO, and how I got kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40, which imposed Plasma6 and Wayland. I hope it helps other artists here!

Blog post:

#linux #x11 #wayland #debian #fedora #krita #plasma #kde

Why should it take @sovtechfund to fund accessibility work on the Linux distribution of a multi-billion-dollar corporation like IBM? Why the fuck isn’t IBM paying for it?

#accessibility #linux #foss #corporations #BigTech

I love that a multi-billion-dollar corporation like RedHat/IBM can ship an operating system with a broken screen reader in 2024 (it’s not just them, it’s true for basically every major Linux distribution today) and, when you point it out, the response is “it’s no one’s fault… it’s all free labour… it’s FOSS, man”. And then: oh, and this charity is paying for one person to work on accessibility support to be implemented now… Anyone else see how fucked up that is?

#accessibility #foss #linux

Looking for recommendations on beginner-friendly #Linux distributions.

I don't need any novice help, this is for a friend who wants to move away from Windows.

They need the usual productivity software, web browser, mail, Word, Excel, etc. which will probably be easy to replace. I advised them to start working with #LibreOffice now, to see if they feel comfortable with it. They also need some more exotic software, but I'm confident it will work fine with Wine. We'll test that out soon.
They're also very privacy-sensitive, so I'm currently discounting #Ubuntu.

What would you suggest and why?

Signal does not provide any documentation for command line options.

So I made a brief compilation of known options.

#Desktop #Linux #Signal #SignalApp #SignalDesktop

A good to place install command-line apps on Linux is $HOME/.local/bin

Sadly, Linux distributions don’t consistently have that folder on their system paths.

So I wrote up a quick gist with instructions on how to add it to your path on common Linux shells:

(If yours isn’t listed, merge request are welcome.) ;)

Kitten also now warns you if it detects its not on your path with a link to that gist during installation. (


#linux #Kitten

OK so I *finally* gave NixOS a shot and oh gosh it's a game changer. The thing NixOS solves is *everything I hate about linux* that I apparently mistakenly believed was "just how linux works".

I honestly did not know it was possible for a linux system to not suck as much as NixOS doesn't suck.

#linux #nixos

O'Do - Musicproduction | ENGLISH TALK | Bitwig

This stream is in english language !
Every last Thursday of the month, the stream is in english language.

#Bitwig #Musicproduction #Linux

Damn Small #Linux with a new mission

Meanwhile, in 2024, nearly everyone has abandoned the sub-700MB size limit to run on computers old enough to not have a DVD and cannot boot off of a #USB drive. This is completely understandable because applications, the #kernel, and drivers have all mushroomed in their space requirements. Hats off to Puppy Linux for staying one of the few that still offer a full #desktop environment in a small size.


#dsl #distribution #32bit #opensource #foss #floss #software #news #os #computer

Russian Hackers Charged For Selling Unauthorized Access To Computer Networks
#linux #ubuntu #ethicalhacking #cybersecurity #hacking #Pentesting #snoopgodlinux #Ubuntu

Hi, I am a sound designer and engineer.

I like programming sounds with #pd, #maxmsp and hardware synths, DAW's, etc. But tools don't matter in the end as you probably know, aesthetics do -- and reverb algorithms. Do you know any?

I spent too much time with #linux and #haskell. I reaaaally don't like commercial ads. After all, is the internet post-modern?

My favorite emoticon is the smiling face with tear.

I toyed around with gabber:


#howto #emacs #melpa #slime #commonLisp #McCLIM #video
Every time we set up emacs, it's been long enough since the last time we've forgotten what to do

It takes me 17 embarrassing minutes to figure everything out.

Actually, I still don't know why I can't customize-variable inferior-lisp-program.

(the best #linux for #beginners is #openbsd)

Forgot to set my beautiful art graphics things ;_;

Plz do try'n share these, by the way

BS-LUG / Installations-Party!

* Neuer Rechner fällig wegen Upgrade?
* Ist alles so lahm und wird immer langsamer?
* Kein Bock auf Werbung und 'KI' am Desktop?
* Du fühlst Dich beobachtet und ausspioniert?

Muss doch alles nicht sein...

Komm vorbei und laß' Dir LINUX installieren! :-D

Die BS-LUG läd zur Installation-Party am: Mittwoch, 2024-05-29 ab 18 Uhr im Nachbarschaftszentrum 'Haus der Talente', M3-Haltestrelle Saalestr.

Wir helfen den angemeldeten Besuchern mit der Installation eines LINUX auf die mitgebrachten Rechner und geben Tipps und Tricks. Das Ganze in gemütlicher Atmosphäre mit Speiß' und Trank.

Anmeldung erwünscht, Eintritt Frei:

#Veranstaltung #Linux

Awesome news! Bluefin and Bazzite are now community supported Linux offerings for @frameworkcomputer laptops!

Congrats to @UniversalBlue for the achievement. 👏👏👏 We're glad to see that our work with Framework and in Fedora Atomic Desktops is enabling other communities to thrive!

Framework support list:
More info:

#Framework #Fedora #uBlue #FedoraAtomic #Bluefin #Bazzite #Linux #OpenSource

Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine fheroes2 v1.1.0 released with a new integrated editor

#Retro #OpenSource #Linux

#Unix or #linux desktop from the 90s. Awesome aesthetic 🔥

If you use Linux and feel let down by AI taking over your browser and the lack of easy customization options available, Sean Davis
@bluesabre tells you why our powerful browser is worth your attention.

Read all about it as Sean explains what it means to be a Chromium browser, shares his favorite features, and talks about our Linux Community and all the wonderful people behind making Vivaldi what it is today. 👇🏻

#linux #xfce #browser #vivaldi #tech #Technology #ai