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Items tagged with: Science

"How it started/how it's going," space edition:

On March 17, 2013 a flash appeared on the Moon. It was bright enough to see with the naked eye.

Now we can see the result: a new 18-meter-wide crater, blasted out by a watermelon-size meteoroid. #science #space #NASA #astronomy #Moon

Angelman Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects around half a million people worldwide. Here’s a story from @thexylom about the potential for a cure, and the barriers families in Hong Kong must overcome to access it.

#HongKong #Science #Health #GeneticDisease #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

Three astronomy undergraduates at MIT and their professor discovered three of the oldest stars in the universe. @gbhnews interviewed them about the field of stellar archeology and the “cannibalistic process” of galaxy growth.

#Astronomy #Space #Science #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

Japan’s push to make all research open access is taking shape #japan #science #research #OpenAccess #MEXT

Women are 14 times more likely to die in a climate disaster, new study shows.

#climatechange #genderInequality #science

Today, the Greenland ice sheet is melting rapidly, and some scientists worry that the Atlantic current system may be headed for a climate tipping point this century.

New research, published in the journal Science, suggests that the risk is not as imminent as some people fear, because of data gleaned from historic iceberg records.

#environment #science

The "Enlightenment" of Western culture makes for a nice story, but that's really all it is — a story.

#Science #Economics #History #Capitalism

I agree with the (mis)use of statistics, but by “feel the benefits of #Bidenomics “ I was referring to #MAGA cult members feeling excluded from high-paying, high-tech #science and #manufacturing jobs where employers stand to lose BIGLY if they hire an untrustworthy employee, not to mention one who believes in ‘#2ndAmendment solutions’ like #DarkMAGA does.

#OTD in 1919.

Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is tested by Arthur Eddington and Andrew Claude de la Cherois Crommelin.

The Eddington experiment was organised by the astronomers Frank Watson Dyson & Arthur Stanley Eddington in 1919. The observations were of the total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919 and were carried out by two expeditions which aim was to measure the gravitational deflection of starlight passing near the Sun.

#science #relativity #astronomy

"This network stretched two stories underground and housed one billion ants"
They talk about an ancient ants' kingdom, they never said it was abandoned.

As there are no ants visible, I do hope it was abandonded. But after 10 days of relentlessly incoming cement it would have been, for sure.

I wonder why they had to dig it out... it could have meant shelter for a lot of other insects, bugs, small critters...

#ants #science #howfardowego #inthenameofscience

edit typo

The Gadget That Changed How We See The World

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was one of the first microscopists, who made his own lenses and small hand-held microscopes. He used his master skill to create a curved glass magnifying objects up to 500 times.

#Microscope #Science #Discovery

Governments need to build resilience against extreme weather, droughts, and floods.

Intact forest landscapes and other nature areas are our safety net, protecting people against extreme weather and climate crisis impacts.

#ActOnClimate #ClimateChange #geography #deforestation #RenewableEnergy #ActNow #environment #ClimateCrisis #Science #warming #Nature #climate #ClimateEmergency #climatecrisis #biologia #ClimateAction #photo #photography #cartoon #pollution #news #earth #amazon #Politics

Some People Really Are Mosquito Magnets, and They're Stuck That Way

> Certain compounds in our skin determine how much we attract mosquitoes, new research suggests—and those compounds don’t change much over time

#science #hiking #paddling #camping #bugs #nature

"'A great sadness': Venezuela is first Andean country to lose of all its glaciers
Scientists explain the loss of the Humboldt Glacier, the last in the Sierra Nevada, which they believe makes the South American country the first in modern history to lose all its glaciers. "

#Venezuela #SouthAmerica #Andes #Glacier #ClimateChange #Environment #Science #News

Astonishing the level of idiocracy this society is becoming - a podcast with millions of listeners, listening to the most retarded ideas and not even laughing at their stupidity. This is scary. Two rich people talking so much gibberish it is hard to even poke fun at it, since "it" is so outlandish.

#joerogan #rogan #podcast #science #debunking

Exciting space-discovery alert!

Gliese 12 b is an Earth-size planet orbiting in the temperate zone around a nearby, stable red dwarf star. It's a Rosetta Stone world that will tell us a lot about how many superficially earthlike planets actually have the right conditions for life.

Are we rare? Are we common? Let's find out. #space #science #astronomy #astrodon #life #aliens

Gamers Have Become Less Interested in Strategic #Thinking and #Planning


#game #gamer #news #science #brain #strategy #computer

#PPOD: A massive storm, large enough to encompass most of North America, was spotted in Jupiter’s northern latitudes by NASA's Juno spacecraft on May 12. Juno is currently in its first extended mission and recently wrapped up close flybys of the Galilean moons Ganymede, Europa, and Io. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/ @kevinmgill

#jupiter #space #science #scicomm

Ok, Fediverse, now your support is needed:

As part of my psychology degree I'm involved in a small study about the emotional rating of images.

It's an online experiment that can be done from home or elsewhere and takes about 10 minutes. All you need is a device with a halfway modern web browser and a keyboard.

Here's the experiment:

Please also share it widely, boost, tell your friends, coworkers, relatives, etc. We're happy about every participation.

Thanks a lot. 💜

#science #psychology #study :boost_ok:

#PPOD: This stunning photo was taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the ESA's Mars Express spacecraft. Phobos is the larger and closer of Mars's two moons, the other being Deimos. One hypothesis of their origin involves the possible capture of primitive asteroids. Unfortunately, Phobos is being pulled apart and closer by Mars's tidal forces and gravity. Credit: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin/ @andrealuck CC BY (

#mars #phobos #space #science #scicomm

The birth of a new, sunlike star is beautiful and spooky in this new image from Hubble. (34 years old and going strong!)

The ominous "mask" is a cloud of cool dust. The baby star HP Tau, top of the trio, is flickering madly due to inspiraling gas, jets, and huge starspots. #science #space #astronomy #astrodon #nature

SCALE. Is it micro or macro? Recurring patterns at radically different scales, courtesy of NASA.

(It strikes me that a bigger study of multiscale pattern equivalence would turn up some important principles of system interaction dynamics.)

#science #scale #pattern #systems #SystemsDynamics

Crimson-speckled flunkey (Utetheisa pulchella) crimson-speckled footman, or crimson-speckled moth. Birds don’t like them as the caterpillars accumulate a large amount of alkaloids, toxic & unpalatable to birds. Which probably accounts for the colors, a warning sign. #moth #insects #biology #photo #nature #wildlife #science #ecology

We asked 380 top #climate scientists what they felt about the #future...


“I expect a semi-dystopian future with substantial pain and suffering for the people of the global south. (..) The world’s response to date is reprehensible – we live in an age of fools.”

#news #science #earth #emissions

Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe

Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies.

Her bosses halted her work.

As the #EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking #water, she wrestles with the secrets that 3M kept from her and the world.

#News #Science #Chemistry #Safety #Environment #Minnesota #PFAS #ForeverChemicals

Scientists Discover Potential Opioid Replacement for Back Pain #science

New research on black holes suggests these enigmatic objects of the universe could actually be entirely different celestial entities known as gravastars. Live Science has more:
#Science #Space #BlackHoles #SpaceExploration

English self-taught mathematician and physicist Oliver Heaviside was born #OTD in 1850.

He invented a new technique for solving differential equations, independently developed vector calculus, and rewrote Maxwell's equations in the form commonly used today. He significantly shaped the way Maxwell's equations are understood and applied in the decades following Maxwell's death. His practical experience in telegraphy provided a foundation for his later theoretical work.

#books #science #physics

A mind-blower for a Friday evening:

This deceptively simple-looking graph is a spectrum of *gravitational waves* ringing through the Milky Way.

The waves may be caused by a chorus of supermassive black holes colliding all across the universe. Whoa! #science #space #physics #astronomy

#knowledge #wissen #wissenschaft #science
Controlled failure: The building designed to limit catastrophe 🤓

After years of searching, astronomers have finally detected an atmosphere on a rocky planet around another star.

But what a strange planet it is! 55 Cancri e seems to be blanketed in carbon dioxide gas bubbling out of a global ocean of lava. Like an image out of Dante's Inferno. #space #science #nasa #astronomy

How NASA tracked the most intense solar storm in decades #science

The 5 to 10 millimeter long official first ancestor of scorpions, spiders, and horseshoe crabs from hundreds of millions of years ago was just described, named Setapedites abundantis, and is undergoing further study

#science #history #arthropods #paleontology #scorpions #spiders #HorseshoeCrabs #evolution #biology #fossil #fossils

"In 1912, Oskar von Miller, an electrical engineer and founder of the Deutsches Museum, had an idea: Could you project an artificial starry sky onto a dome, as a way of demonstrating astronomical principles to the public?"

#science #space #planetarium #history

Using AI to oversee dynamic fusion machines is a hot area of research. It doesn't mean generative AI like ChatGPT. It's old-school AI, where you train a machine to recognize patterns in complex real-world data then let it make decisions.

#AI #Fusion #Energy #EnergyTransition #Science #Research

#PPOD: As carbon dioxide frost sublimates with the warming Martian spring, a pattern emerges of dark brown sand dunes interspersed with the remaining bright frost. Image taken by the HiRISE camera onboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona

#mars #science #space #scicomm