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Items tagged with: tRump

To be fair, she is more mature.

"Donald Trump Says He ‘Hates' Taylor Swift. She Hasn't Mentioned His Name."

"The pop star has focused her messaging on encouraging fans to register to vote -- and hasn't attacked him personally."

#GOP #Republicans #Trump #TaylorSwift #Swifties #Harris #Election

John Roberts’ Secret #Trump Memo Revealed in Huge #SCOTUS Leak
Corbin Bolies

..."Roberts took an unusual level of involvement in this and other cases that ultimately benefited Trump, according to the Times—his handling of the cases surprised even some other justices on the high court, across ideological lines. As president, Trump appointed three of the members of its current"...

"#Project2025 the blueprint for a second #Trump term, includes plans to remake America’s agriculture and nutrition policy at every turn.

The plan explicitly calls to ignore climate risks, viewing climate policy as unrelated to agriculture.It would deregulate the USDA,loosening oversight over what goes into what we eat and drink–even baby formula. It would even kick hundreds of thousands off of food benefits."

@politics @DemocracyMattersALot #politics #USpolitics

Well, it is one way to get the headlines away from their political candidate's pronounced hatred for Taylor Swift.

"Trump Campaign Just Tried To Falsely Suggest A New Assassination Attempt"

"Vague statement from the Trump campaign claimed that shots were fired in the vicinity of the ex-president while he was golfing, but the incident had nothing to do with Trump."

UPDATED: Story stilll in progress, see reply. Thanks.

#GOP #Trump #media #golf #shots #politics #ruse

#SCOTUS was hit by a flurry of damaging new leaks Sunday as a series of confidential memos written by the chief justice were revealed by The New York Times.

The court’s Chief Justice John Roberts was clear to his fellow justices in February: He wanted the court to take up a case weighing #Trump’s right to presidential immunity—and he seemed inclined to protect the former president.”

“#Trump’s campaign on Sunday said the GOP presidential candidate is “safe” after “gunshots in his vicinity.”

No further details at this time,” Trump communications director Steven Cheung said in a statement.
The statement did not provide any further information.

Their rapid response team is impeccable.

Via NBC: The #Harris campaign responds to Donald #Trump’s post about Taylor Swift this morning.

Political scientists had long found that candidates who used explicit racial demagoguery paid a price for it at the polls. Hence the need for coded dog-whistles.

But after Obama's election, they found that that penalty had disappeared.

And here we are.

#trump #jdvance #fascism #propaganda
#Election2024 #immigration

Wow. This is a pretty good poll for Harris, even if Iowa is probably a bridge too far.

#Trump leads #Harris by only 4 points in #Iowa, erasing a lead of 18 points over #Biden from earlier in the Spring.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #IA #election #election2024


“#Trump has been found liable to pay damages to London singer and songwriter Eddy Grant for using his song Electric Avenue without permission.

It has taken Mr Grant, 76, more than four years to sue the Republican candidate in this year’s presidential election in the US courts, over his 2020 campaign video that used a 40-second clip of the song.”

"Kamala Harris Gets Good News From Economists: New Survey"

"When asked which nominees' economic policies would be more inflationary—in other words, which would be more likely to cause inflation—70 percent of the economists said Trump's while only 3 percent said Harris'."

#Harris #economy #trump #inflation

#Ohio woman behind pet-eating rumours spread by Donald #Trump and #Vance admits claims are false and it has spiralled out of control.

#USpol #Trump #Loomer affaire

Via #AndrewSimpson,

"...I would estimate that the chances these two aren’t getting horizontal are about as good as RFK Jr. re-announcing his candidacy and winning as he runs on a platform of whale decapitation and bear cub dumping."

Rumors of Affair Between Trump and Loomer Grow Louder, With Loomer Reportedly Telling Friends She Performed Sex Act on Former Prez

#USPol #Satire #HistoMusic

Am 10. September '24 deklassierte die Demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin #KamalaHarris den Republikanischen Ex-Präsidenten #DonaldTrump in ihrer ersten Fernsehdebatte.

Kaum etwas ist so beispielhaft für die wiederholt vorgetragenen Lügen von #Trump wie die, dass (legale) "illegale Flüchtlinge in #Springfield/ #Ohio die Haustiere ihrer Nachbarn essen würden, eine Erfindung rechtsradikaler Gruppen, die an Trump von seinem Vizepräsidentschaftskandidaten...

#Trump has *claimed* he does not know what it is or who is involved, though he does indeed know many of the people involved. Perhaps more importantly, his #policy plans [more] often [than not] align w/what’s in the project.

By seeking to #influence Trump, #Project2025 – which counts >100 *#conservative* groups as supporters & contributors – probably poisoned #Heritage & its allies’ chances of forming part of Trump’s inner circle & potential next admin

#autocracy #democracy #law

by claiming it could #influence a man who hates to see himself as influenced by others [but don’t count on that, it takes a few ass-kisses & flattering statements & #Trump will be totes cool to let you lick his boots]. Other thinktanks that kept their hands clean of the #power struggle could instead become more influential, though it would be difficult, or impossible, to staff thousands of political jobs w/people who have NO ties to #Heritage or #Project2025.

#autocracy #democracy #law

In an ironic turn, given the #toxicity of #Project2025to voters, it could cost #Trump the #election in Nov.[🤞]
Could it actually happen?
Outside grps always hope to #influence presidents. #Heritage has put together & released a version of the Mandate for Leadership every 4 yrs since #Reagan’s 1st term. Why did this one catch fire? For 1, they wrote it all down & released it publicly, w/splashy online presence & #media appearances.…They publicly called it a plan for “institutionalizing #Trumpism

#Democrats seized on it, tying #Trump directly to the plan by plastering #Project2025 on billboards & mentioning it in speeches as much as possible. They have been successful–tho the plan was released in 2023, the public’s knowledge of it has increased dramatically in the last 2 mos bc of this negative attn.

Could the ideas in Project 2025 actually happen? Not all of them, & not overnight. But a movement amasses #power that then can lead to massive social change….

#autocracy #democracy #law

Some of the plans, like dismantling the Dept of #Education, have been on #conservative wishlists since the dept began. That doesn’t mean they couldn’t happen – it just means there is an eventual tipping point where they could. Take the fall of #RoeVWade, for instance.

One way the plan seeks to create more tipping points is by adding in more #PoliticalAppointees, a change #Trump has tried in the past in what’s known as #ScheduleF.

#authoritarianism #autocracy #democracy #law #HarrisWalz2024

§ Dismantling #government & elevating #religion

As I have watched & covered #Project2025 & the backlash to it from #Democrats & #Trump’s circle, it has become clear that few have read the document itself. It is at times less aggressive than its detractors would have you believe & at others far more wide-reaching & consequential than a simplistic infographic [could impart].

#authoritarianism #autocracy #NewApostolicReformation #SevenMountainMandate

#law #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

The irony is that MANY of my family are MAGATs. I have told my little sister to take me out of her phone and never call me again--she beLIEves in Jesus and guns. If you already #BELIEVE in an #Omniscient, #Omnipresent, #Omnipotent #SkyDaddy and #Whisper #SelfishWhispers to #ImaginaryFriends and a #ZombieJew, to bend the laws of #Physics and #Probability to grant your #SelfishDesires it's trivial to believe anything #tRump says is the truth. #JohnBata print.

Despicable doesn’t even begin to describe him. We better win in Nov. folks.

Via Kyle Griffin:

The day after #Trump spread anti-immigrant lies at the debate, the leader of the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe took to his Telegram channel to take credit for 'pushing Springfield into the public consciousness.'

Another member of the hate group agreed: "This is what real power looks like."

Via @emptywheel:
“The prob isn’t Laura #Loomer. She’s little diff than all the other extremists who remain in #Trump’s good graces by performing near-perfect sycophancy

The prob is precisely what Walz warned: Trump’s narcissism & his ego make him weak, vulnerable to any person willing to use flattery to win their objectives

Trump’s aides are making same argument Walz is: that Trump doesn’t have the self-control to protect against extremists making him their ready tool”

I printed out all 900-plus pgs of #Project2025 in Feb on my home printer, stacking the unwieldy chapters on my desk. Bit by bit, each evening, I read my way through the plans that seek to dramatically alter each #FederalAgency.
Most Americans who know about Project 2025 consume it in bite-size pieces, like Instagram infographics, or see the name on billboards. They hear politicians, like MVP #KamalaHarris, mention it on stage – or #Trump *disavow* it in TV interviews.

#autocracy #democracy #law

These attempt to neatly distill all the ways the doc could upend the #USgovernment. For #Democrats, #Project2025 has become a buzzword for #election2024, a shorthand way to warn voters what could be ahead if #Trump wins again in Nov.

My own consumption of the project was not as piecemeal – I read the full *#conservative* manifesto by the #HeritageFoundation & its many #rightwing allies. Here’s what I learned from the document & all the controversy surrounding it.

#autocracy #democracy #law

#Project2025’s #policy guide, Mandate for Leadership, describes an #America poisoned by “#wokeness” & overtaken by lawlessness & #chaos, where *#conservatives* need to SEIZE #power immediately–& FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE–to right a sinking ship.
The guide is just one part of the broader plan Project 2025 & #Heritage had in mind to dismantle the #government, recruit thousands of politically aligned people to staff an incoming #Trump admin, & quickly guide the next pres….

#autocracy #democracy #law

Taking @StitchyMc’s words to heart that #Trump’s sensationalist #racist pet-eating #lies are designed to distract us in our outrage from what matters, so I’m turning back to his (make no mistake — it is his) #authoritarian handbook:

I read the full 900-pg #Project2025 manifesto – here’s why it matters

#HeritageFoundation blueprint describes an #America poisoned by ‘#wokeness’ & overtaken by lawlessness that only *#conservatives* can save

by Rachel Leingang

ICYMI, via Roger Parloff: 1/…

Surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention. During the debate, when #Trump claimed (falsely) that on #Jan6 “nobody on the other side was killed,” the “other side” he was talking about was the police & Congress. He also called the rioters “we” before he caught himself.

…#Trump has also incorrectly said that #Haitians in #Springfield are in the #US illegally, though local officials have rebutted that as well. The migrants were granted temporary protected status #TPS in the #UnitedStates after fleeing #violence at home.

The claims are the latest instances of Trump using #dehumanizing language when talking about people who immigrate to the US. They also mirror stereotypes some Americans have used against foreigners in the US for nearly 1½ centuries.


His remarks were the latest in a swirl of canards that #Trump has spread about #Haitian #immigrants, despite [#law enforcement], #local [+ #state & #federal government] officials debunking the claims [over & over & over]. Leaders in #Springfield have said the claims are harming the #community, which has been forced to #evacuate #schools, #CityHall & other buildings after receiving #threats due to Trump’s remarks.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #dangerous #racist #ConspiracyTheories #WhiteNationalism

For days, #Trump & his allies have zeroed in on #Springfield, #Ohio, [knowingly] amplifying *baseless claims* [LIES] that #Haitian #immigrants there are eating others’ pets. The promotion of such rumors, which thrust the city into the national spotlight [& made it a target for #WhiteNationalist #DomesticViolentExtremists], is rooted in a centuries-old #racist trope of #vilifying newcomers to the #UnitedStates & highlights the country’s present-day divides, historians say.

The Lincoln Project made this, and it's brilliant! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

We all know what she was thinking, because we were all thinking it too. Nailed it!

#Trump #KamalaHarris #Harris #Harris2024 #HarrisForPresident

"And the candidate for 'something else' too often turns out to be race. So time and again, the far right’s attack on democracy comes wrapped in an unvarnished appeal to racial prejudices, stereotypes, fear, and outright racism."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"Fully aware that most of what they stand for is deeply unpopular (think abortion bans, Project 2025, and most everything Trump and Vance talk about), what’s happening around Springfield and Haitian migrants is now their playbook come election time....

To advance an agenda that most of the population disagrees with—to 'shape' the electorate in your favor—you need to divide that otherwise united majority over something else.

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #hate #violence

"I’s important to see that what they are doing follows a strategy.

It’s the exact same pattern we’ve witnessed in recent cycles. And it ties directly into Donald Trump’s killing of the immigration bill in the Senate earlier this year."

~ David Pepper

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

And why are Trump and Vance doing this?

"The widespread ridicule of Trump’s statement has obscured that this attack on Ohio’s immigrants is part of an attempt to regain control of the Senate. Convincing Ohio voters that the immigrants in their midst are subhuman could help Republicans defeat popular Democratic incumbent senator Sherrod Brown, who has held his seat since 2007."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"Springfield police and the city manager told news outlets there was no truth to the rumors.

Nonetheless, on September 10, Vance told his people to 'keep the cat memes flowing,' even though—or perhaps because—the rumors were putting people in his own state in danger."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"In late August, posting in a private Facebook group, a resident said they had heard that Haitian immigrants had butchered a neighbor’s cat for food. Vance reposted that rumor to attack Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, on whom he is trying to hang undocumented immigration although it was Trump who convinced Republicans to kill a strong bipartisan border bill this spring."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"The neo-Nazis stayed and, on August 27, showed up at a meeting of the city council, where their leader threatened council members. On September 1, another white supremacist group, Patriot Front, held its own 'protest to the mass influx of unassimilable Haitian migrants' in the city. Right-wing social media posters pushed the story, usually with 'witnesses' to events in the city coming from elsewhere."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia